PART II: ENGLISH 1301 STUDENT CALENDAR Five Weeks for 20 Sessions, M-R, 8-10:15p.m. Summer Session One (SSI) 2011 ENGL 1301-0018 (77190) NOTE: The class agenda items listed under the session number indicate the topics to be covered in class that day. The items listed under the assignment section constitute the homework to be completed for the next class session. ALL reading is open to potential Quiz. Also, these readings and assignments may be adjusted or changed as needed by our class. LBH = The Little, Brown Handbook Week 1 SESSION #1 (Monday, June 6) Brief Introduction to English 1301- Course description, purpose, objectives, grades, and class policies Proof of registration Diagnostic essay Overview of stages in writing process Giving v. Receiving / Writing v. Reading Reading and marking your texts Argumentation/Persuasion: Ethos, Logos, & Pathos Discuss narrative v. story, and organization styles LBH pp. 33-45 & thesis statements Assignment for Session #2: Purchase text books, folders, and other course materials. Preview text books. Read the course Policy Statement handout and sign last page. Read Little, Brown Handbook (LBH) pages 1-6, 10-15, and 130-136/sections 6b-6d. Read Langston Hughes’ “Salvation.” and handout of “My Personal Hell Day.” Write: For “My Personal Hell Day” handout, give your opinion of the essay (do you like it or not and why?); what it is trying to say? (its purpose); and note what you think the Voice and Point of View, and underline any Verbal Patterns that stand out to you. Write: the same (as above) about the “Salvation” essay. Read LBH Chapter 1: “Assessing the Writing Situation” on pages 2-16; “Narration” on pages 93-94; and “Writing the first draft” pp. 46-50. Write: complete exercises (ex.) 1.2 & 1.9; complete ex. 3.1; and thesis statements handout. SESSION #2 (Tuesday, June 7) Submit signed Policy Statement & homework Discuss readings, Assessing the writing/rhetorical situation, Thesis and paragraph structures. Introduction to Essay #1: Personal Experience / Memoir Writing purpose: Argumentation, through the writing strategy of Narration. Brainstorm a list of two or three experiences as possible topics for Essay #1 Create thesis statement that clearly addresses purpose, audience, and supporting ideas. Assignment for Session #3: Read: LBH “Thesis” pp. 27-32 & p. 35 “Organization” pp. 33-39; “Introductions” pp. 104-107; “Conclusions” pp. 107-109; “Titles” p. 53; “paragraphing” pp. 79-83; “transitions” pp. 86-89; “checklist” p. 54; and “peer review” pp. 68-72. 1 Write: Begin rough draft of Essay #1. SESSION #3 (Wednesday, June 8) Discuss readings. Brief review of phrases and simple sentences (and avoiding fragments) Avoid “This, It, Those, that, so …” as antecedents. Work on Essay #1. Assignment for Session #4: Read LBH about “proofreading” p. 65 & p. 539 #1; “revising” pp. 50-55; & “editing” pp. 59-64. Read: LBH “Editing Guide” pp. 86-90; and “agreement” pp. 301-308. Write: Complete rough draft of Essay #1. Complete typed, double-spaced rough draft of Essay #1 and bring THREE (3) copies to class for a peer critique session. Do: Bring THREE (3) copies of rough draft to next class meeting. That means you print your rough draft three times; you make three copies of the same rough draft. Print these copies BEFORE class meets. SESSION #4 (Thursday, June 9): Peer review rough drafts. Work on Essay #1. Conference with Dr. B. Assignment for Session #5: Write: Revise and edit Essay #1: Narrative Persuasion. Read: LBH “paragraphing” pp. 92-94, 103; review “transitions” pp. 86-89. Week 2 SESSION #5 (Monday, June 13) No official class meeting, but the lab will be open for you to come work on your essay. Assignment for Session #6: Read: LBH 305-313 subject-verb agreement, sexist language 515-517. Read: LBH 398-404, 85-86, and 383 parallelism. Read: handout – William Zinsser’s “College Pressures.” Write: mark where Zinsser uses ethos, logos, and pathos. Note wherever he uses a particular rhetorical technique that strikes you. What is the point that Zinsser is trying to make? Does he make it? Write: Complete typed, double-spaced rough draft of Essay #1. Complete Essay #1 and have it ready to submit at the beginning of Session #6. Submit all of your work going into the essay (final draft, brainstormed list of topics, free-writing, planning page, rough draft, & self/peer critique response sheets) with your final draft. Be certain that your final draft is noted as: Essay #1 Final Draft. SESSION #6 (Tuesday, June 14) No official class meeting, but the lab will be open for you to come work on your essay. Optional conferences with Dr. B. Come to conference at assigned time. Assignment for Session #7: Read: LBH 305-313 subject-verb agreement, sexist language 515-517. Read: LBH 398-404, 85-86, and 383 parallelism. Read: handout – William Zinsser’s “College Pressures” Write: Note wherever Zinsser uses a particular rhetorical technique or any statements or points that that strike you. What is the point that Zinsser is trying to make? Does he make it? Write: Complete typed, double-spaced rough draft of Essay #1. Complete Essay #1 and have it ready to submit at the beginning of Session #6. Submit all of your work going into the essay (final draft, brainstormed list of topics, 2 free-writing, planning page, rough draft, & self/peer critique response sheets) with your final draft. Be certain that your final draft is noted as: Essay #1 Final Draft. SESSION #7 (Wednesday, June 15) Discuss: Ethos Logos Pathos Review and Discuss common editing errors. Edit another’s essay. Edit essays, work on handouts, re-read/read Zinsser’s essay. Assignment for Session #8: Read: Complete editing handouts. Write: Edit essay #1 with great care. Reread: Get online - William Zinsser’s “College Pressures”: Write: mark where Zinsser uses ethos, logos, and pathos. If not done earlier, note wherever he uses a particular rhetorical technique or any statements or points that strike you. What is the point that Zinsser is trying to make? Does he make it? SESSION #8 (Thursday, June 16) Essay #1 is due: submit folder. Reading quiz. Discuss handouts. Discuss Zinsser’s essay. Discuss the rhetorical strategies used by Zinsser in his essay. Introduce essay #2: Select a technique or two (or three) that Zinsser uses in his essay. Or select a point or three Zinsser makes that stand out for you. Discuss them according to the assmt for Essay Two: Zinsser Analysis that is on our Learning Web. Assignment for Session #9: Write: Begin rough draft of Essay #2. Read: LBH punctuation and quotation marks pp. 436-438, 443-450. Read: LBH pp. 422-442 “commas.” Week 3 SESSION #9 (Monday, June 20) Discuss Zinsser. Work on Essay #2. Assignment for Session # 10: Read: LBH pp. 419-420 “quotation marks,” 301, 309-313, and 883 “agreement of pronoun and antecedent.” Write: Continue working on Essay #2. SESSION #10 (Tuesday, June 21) Discuss punctuation, subject/verb agreement, and more. Work on Essay #2. DURING CLASS: Ask Dr. B. any questions. Assignment for Session 11: Write: Complete and edit Essay #2. Do: Bring THREE (3) copies of your essay #2 draft. If you have to print, come to class EARLY to do so. 3 SESSION #11 (Wednesday, June 22) Peer review essay #2 in groups of three, reading aloud and correcting on papers. Make revisions. Edit. Assignment for Session #12: Write: Polish essay #2. Revise and edit. Place in folder to submit with all of your work for the essay (final draft, brainstormed list of topics, planning page, rough draft, self/peer critique response sheets). Do: Bring your evaluated copy of Essay #1 to next class session, with revision ideas, and bring an electronic copy. SESSION #12 (Thursday, June 23) ) [Prepare. There is much reading this weekend. Don’t wait until Sun.] Essay #2: Final Draft DUE: submit essay in folder with all work. IN CLASS ESSAY: Essay #3 – Narrative Revision. (Essay 3 is a revision of essay one.) When completed, submit essay three and your evaluated Essay #1 - the one with my comments. Ask Dr. B. any questions about unclear comments on your graded essay. Your homework does not have much writing, but a lot of reading. Do not wait until Sunday to complete it. Assignment for Session #13: (Not much writing, but a lot of reading.) Read: LBH pp. 131-134 and 141-144 about Critical Reading, and pp.146-150 top and 171-173 about Analysis. Read: “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King, Jr. Write: On your printed version of King’s essay, mark where King uses ethos, logos, and pathos. Note wherever King ‘s words strike you with particular meaning or effect. What is he arguing? To whom? Why? Note areas with which you firmly agree or disagree with what King is saying. Week 4 SESSION #13 (Monday, June 27) Reading quiz. Discuss Critical Reading. Discuss King’s letter. Begin Essay #4. Assignment for Session #14: Write: Begin draft Essay #4: Critical Analysis of King’s letter. Remember that there is a tutor in 160 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. SESSION #14 (Tuesday, June 28) Catch up day!! NO CLASS MEETING – Read and Write!! Prepare for quiz. Remember that there is a tutor in 160 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Assignment for Session #15: Read: LBH pp. 352-357 “shifts”; pp. 470-471 “dashes”; and pp. 451-458 “apostrophes. Write: Complete Essay #4: Critical Analysis of King’s letter. 4 SESSION #15 (Wednesday, June 29) Reading QUIZ Discuss readings Work on essay #4: Critical Analysis. DURING CLASS: Ask Dr. B. any questions. Assignment for Session #16: Write: Edit Essay #4: Critical Analysis. Do: Bring three copies of essay #4 for others to read and comment. Bring graded essay 2 to class to work on revisions and ask Dr. B. questions about unclear comments. SESSION #16 (Thursday, June 30) Peer Review and work on essay 4. If essay 4 is completed, work on essay 5. DURING CLASS: Ask Dr. B. any questions. Assignment for Final Exam Session: Write: Polish Essay #4 and have it ready for submission (final draft, brainstormed list of topics, planning page, rough draft, self/peer critique response sheet). Write: Optional Essay #5: Essay 2 Revision. Do: Compile final folder and have it ready for submission at Final Exam. Week 5 Final Exam: Wednesday, July 6 in our classroom, 8:30 – 9 p.m. Submit Final Course Folder, including essay #4 (and essay #5 if you choose). 5