Fifteen Weeks for 28 Sessions
Fall 2010
NOTE: The class agenda items listed under the session number indicate the topics to be covered in class that day. The items in the assignment section constitute the homework to be completed for the next class session. ALL reading is open to potential Quiz. Also, these readings and assignments may be adjusted or changed as needed by our class.
SESSION #1 (Tuesday, August 24)
Brief Introduction to English 1301
Diagnostic essay
Overview of stages in writing process
Giving v. Receiving / Writing v. Reading
Assignment for Session #2:
Read the course Policy Statement handout and sign last page.
Purchase and preview textbooks.
Read Writing Arguments (WA) pages 1-13 and “Salvation” at
Re-read the “Hell Day” handout.
: For “Hell Day” handout give your opinion of the essay (do you like it or not and why?); what it is trying to say? (its purpose); and note what you think the Voice and Point of View, and underline any Verbal Patterns that stand out to you. Is there a thesis? If so, underline it. Is there a clear audience? If so, place a star in the margin where it is mentioned.
Write the same about the “Salvation” essay.
SESSION #2 (Thursday, August 26)
Introduction to English 1301 (continued)
Submit signed Policy Statement & homework
Course description, purpose, objectives, grades, and class policies
Reading and marking your texts
Argumentation/Persuasion: Ethos, Logos, & Pathos
Discuss narrative v. story, and organization styles LBH pp. 33-45 & Thesis statements
Assignment for Session #3:
Read LBH Chapter 1: “Assessing the Writing Situation” pages 2-16; complete ex. 1.2 & 1.9, and
about “Narration” on pages 93-94. And “Writing the first draft” pp. 46-50; complete ex. 3.1. And read thesis statements handout.
SESSION #3 (Tuesday, August 31)
Reading Quiz
Discuss readings, Assessing the writing/rhetorical situation, and Essay #1
Introduction to Essay #1: Personal Experience / Memoir
Writing purpose: Argumentation, through the writing strategy of Narration.
Brainstorm a list of two or three experiences as possible topics for Essay #1
Create thesis statement that clearly addresses purpose, audience, and supporting ideas.
Brief review of phrases and simple sentences (and avoiding fragments)
Avoiding “This, It, Those, that, so …” as antecedents.
Assignment for Session #4:
Read LBH “Thesis” pp. 27-32 & p. 35; complete ex. 2.6; “Organization” pp. 33-39;
“Introductions” pp. 104-107; “Conclusions” pp. 107-109; and “Titles” p. 53.
Write : Create rough draft of Essay #1.
Do: Get your library card.
Do : Send an email to Dr. Breslin containing your thesis statement and audience for essay one:
SESSION #4 (Thursday, September 2) Reading quiz
Discuss readings, paragraphing, transitions & library location.
Work on drafts.
Assignment for Session #5:
Read: LBH about “peer review” pp. 68-72.
Read: LBH “paragraphing” pp. 79-83; “transitions” pp. 86-89; and “checklist” p. 54.
Write : Continue rough draft of Essay #1. Complete typed, double-spaced rough draft of Essay #1 and bring three copies to class for a peer critique session.
Do : Get library card.
DO : Bring three (3) copies of rough draft to next class meeting . That means you print your rough draft three times; you make three copies of the same rough draft. Your rough draft and attendance for peer critique count as a daily quiz grade. If you have a 3 page draft, you get 100. If content of the draft is missing, the daily quiz grade is lowered.
(Tuesday, September 7) No class meeting – HOLIDAY
SESSION #5 (Thursday, September 9)
Discuss and submit homework
Peer review rough drafts.
If desire, sign up for optional conference with Dr. Breslin.
Assignment for Session #6:
Read LBH: about “proofreading” p. 65 & p. 539 #1; “revising” pp. 50-55; & “editing” pp. 59-64.
: LBH “Editing Guide” pp. 86-90; and “agreement” pp. 301-308.
Read : WP Douglass’s “Learning to Read and Write” p. 94.
Write : Complete typed, double-spaced rough draft of Essay #1. Complete Essay #1 and have it ready to submit at the beginning of Session #7. Submit all of your work going into the essay (final draft, brainstormed list of topics, freewriting, planning page, rough draft, & self/peer critique response sheets) with your final draft – noted as Essay
#1 Final Draft.
SESSION #6 (Tuesday, September 14)
Essay #1 is due: submit folder .
Reading quiz.
Introduction to Essay #2: Education
Writing purposes: Persuasion/Argumentation; Writing strategy: Analysis
Discussion on education topics, presenting, critical reading, & sources: credible/incredible.
Meet with partner about presentation, select a reading from “Education” section of WP.
Assignment for Session #7:
Read LBH pp. “responding to texts” pp. 162-165, and about “Speech v. Writing” pp. 502-506.
Read WP Douglass’s “Learning to Read and Write,” Kincaid’s “Girl,” and Daum’s “Toy Children.” Note what strikes you about each essay; what each essay is about; what the essays have in common—perhaps create brief summaries for yourself. Feel free to write in your book or in a notebook.
Write: Make notes about the readings in the WP or in your notebook. You’ll need them for our next essay. Create notes for your presentation. For more information about your presentation, see the Presentation link on my homepage.
After reading, create a list of possible education topics for Essay #2.
Read the Presentation #1 and the Essay #2 Assignment links from our course homepage:
SESSION #7 (Thursday, September 16)
Discuss readings, sources: credible/incredible, and MLA formatting.
Practice works cited page - MLA Works Cited page LBH pp. 653-688.
Meet with partner about presentation. Prepare.
Assignment for Session 8#:
Read LBH responding to texts pp. 166-173.
Read : WP your selected essay the “Education” section of the reader.
Do : Review essay topic ideas. Considering a topic before you hear the presentations will help you decide which other essays can help you will your essay. You can refer to any of the essays from the “Education” section of the
WP, and to any credible outside source you desire.
Write: Options for your second essay:
Select an idea from one of the essays against which you can argue, using other authors to support your point. Or
Select two authors who present the same/similar (or opposing) point(s) and argue which gives the most convincing argument, using textual support – of course! Or
If you have an idea for an argument that allows you to use 1-3 of the authors, please let me know!
Do: Contact your partner; prepare your presentation. Remember to practice!!
WEEK FIVE (Tuesday, September 21)
Librarian demonstrates research methods
Discuss sources: credible/incredible.
Meet with partner about presentation. Prepare.
Reading Quiz
Begin presentations.
Assignment for Session #9:
Read : LBH 305-313 subject-verb agreement, sexist language 515-517, and MLA Works Cited page 653-688.
Write : Begin rough draft of Essay #2, including Works Cited page.
Write : If you have not done so already, please complete the following exercises: 4.1, 4.2, 4.9, & 4.12.
SESSION #9 (Thursday, September 23)
Reading Quiz
Review MLA formatting. LBH p. 716 has an example Works Cited page—pay attn!
Presentations : five - ten minutes about your essay and its author.
Assignment for Session #10:
Read : LBH punctuation and quotation marks pp. 436-438, 443-450, and 459-466; and
parallelism pp. 398-404, 85-86, and 383; and 716 example of a Works Cited page.
Write : Work on Essay #2, including Works Cited page; if you have not done so already, please complete the following exercises: 4.1, 4.2, 4.9, & 4.12.
Do : Send thesis, audience, and authors you will use in your essay to Dr. Breslin:
Write : Create a Works Cited page that contains at least three citations:
1) one of the essays we have read as a class,
2) the essay you selected, and
3) a source that you used when researching your author.
SESSION #10 (Tuesday, September 28)
Submit Works Cited homework and the exercises from chapter 4.
Clarify works cited and internal citations.
Discuss punctuation with quotation marks,
integrating text into your essay, parallelism, commas in a list, subject/verb agreement, and
number accuracy
Sign up for optional conference with Dr. B.
Assignment for Session #11:
Read: LBH pp. 549 about “analysis research papers” and 419-420 “quotation marks.”
Write : Complete draft of Essay #2, including Works Cited page.
Do : Bring two copies to your conference. We only have 10 min’s; I am just checking to see if you are on the right track. For sentence level errors, make an appt with a tutor.
SESSION #11 (Thursday, October 30)
Day off to see a tutor and Dr. B. about writing Essay #2.
Catch up on coursework. Even though w are not meeting as a class; your homework is still your responsibility and is due next Wed or Th.
Assignment for Session #12:
Read : LBH pp. 301, 309-313, and 883 “agreement of pronoun and antecedent.”
Write : Edit final draft of Essay #2, including Works Cited.
SESSION #12 (Tuesday, October 5)
Day off to see a tutor and Dr. B. about writing Essay #2.
Catch up on coursework. Even though w are not meeting as a class; your homework is still your responsibility and is due next Wed or Th.
Assignment for Session #13:
Read : LBH pp. 422-432 “commas,” pp. 177-180.
Write : 1) what is the difference between assumption and claim?
2) what is the difference between opinions and facts?
3) what is the difference between beliefs and prejudices?
4) what are five types of evidence you can use to support your thesis, and four criteria for evaluating that evidence?
5) what do we mean by “tone” in an essay? Why is it important to consider author’s tone?
6) what do we mean by “reasonableness” in an argument?
7) what do we mean by “fallacies” in an argument?
Write : Edit final draft of Essay #2, including Works Cited page and place in folder to submit with all of your work for the essay (final draft, brainstormed list of topics, planning page, rough draft, self/peer critique response sheets).
to a tutor about your evaluated copy of essay one before our next class -- the mid-term, inclass revision. Bring your evaluated copy of essay one to next class session, with revision ideas, and bring an electronic copy.
SESSION #13 (Thursday, October 7)
Essay #2 DUE ; submit in folder with all work.
Discuss & Submit homework questions.
Quiz and Discuss readings: punctuation and agreement
Complete Presentations.
Discuss Proof reading techniques – outlining paragraphs
If time, ask questions about Essay One comments
Assignment for Session #14:
Read : LBH pp. 432-442 “commas” and pp. 196-199 “Writing an Argument”: 10a, b, & c.
Write : Complete exercise 10.1 and 10.2. Then complete exercise 10.3, but use the thesis from your first essay.
Write :
Do : Bring your evaluated copy of essay one to next class session, with revision ideas, and an electronic copy.
SESSION #14 (Tuesday, October 12)
Meet in library computer room
Submit exercises 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3 – make sure you keep copies for yourself on your computer.
Introduction to Essay #3: in-class, essay one revision.
In-class Essay #3 work
Assignment for Session #15:
Read : LBH pp. 196 about “Writing an Argument.”
Do : Bring your evaluated copy of essay one to next class session, with revision ideas, and an electronic copy.
SESSION #15 (Thursday, October 14)
Meet in library computer room
Reading Quiz on punctuation
In-class Essay #3 work
Assignment for Session #16:
Read: LBH pp. 352-357 “shifts.”
Write : Create a list of qualities you think are essential for an effective father to possess.
Read: WP pp. 57-64 Carver’s “My Father’s Life.”
Write: In what way(s) does Carver discuss his father? Does he have an opinion about his father? Do you? Does the description Carver’s father uphold your standards of an effective father? If so, in what ways? If not, why not?
Do : Print Essay #3. Bring evaluated first essay to class.
Do : Bring BOTH of your text books to our next class meeting.
SESSION #16 (Tuesday, October 19)
Reading Quiz on shifts and on Carver.
Submit essay three with evaluated Essay #1 - the one with my comments
Discussion of Carver’s essay; submit homework questions.
Introduction to Essay #4: Description: read, discuss, and begin assignment.
Assignment for Session #17:
Read : on- line evaluation assignments for essay four.
Read : handout - Thurber’s University Days .
Write : What is the tone of this essay?
What is being analyzed by the author?
What writing strategy does Thurber use to make his point?
What is Thurber’s point? How does he feel about a liberal arts education?
How does Thurber use stereotypes in his essay?
What do the incidents Thurber writes about have in common?
, October 21)
Reading Quiz
Discuss Thurber and writing assignment.
Create a list of possible learning experiences that you can describe for Essay #4. Decide what writing strategy you want to use – narration, evaluation, analysis, …
Try writing a thesis. Remember your audience. Begin or outline your essay/descriptive ideas.
Assignment for Session #18:
Read : Handouts (all three) regarding Descriptive Essay Writing and parallelism – Bring them to next class.
Write : Begin Essay Four – we only have 10 days!
October 26)
Discuss description and parallelism handouts.
Work on essay four; ask questions of Dr. B.
Sign up for optional conference.
Assignment for Session #19:
Read : Handouts regarding Descriptive Essay Writing and review parallelism
Read : LBH p. 211 “Revision Checklist” and LBH 398-404 “Parallelism.”
Write : Complete Essay #4.
Write : Create a list of your sentence-level errors to submit next class.
SESSION #19 (Thursday, October 28)
Day off to see Dr. B. or tutor about essay four.
Assignment for Session #20:
Write : Polish Essay #4.
Do : See a tutor with an Essay #4 draft, ask for help with sentence structures. Take your assignment and a list of your sentence-level errors with you.
Do : Bring three copies to next class. The rough draft and attendance for peer critique count as a daily quiz grade.
SESSION #20 (Tuesday, November 2)
Submit a copy of your sentence-level errors list.
Peer review essay four.
Assignment for Session #21:
Write: Edit final draft of Essay #4
Do : See a tutor with an Essay #4 draft; ask for help with sentence-level problems. Take your assignment and a list of your common errors with you.
Do : Email a copy of Essay #4 to yourself or bring it on a jump drive or CD to next class.
Do : Bring your evaluated Essay #2 to next class.
SESSION #21 (Thursday, November 4)
Meet in Library
Essay #4 DUE – hard copy and electronic.
Submit essays to contest.
Introduction to Essay #5: Revision
Peer Review evaluated Essay #2 comments.
Begin Essay Five
Assignment for Session #22:
Read : LBH 636-643 Thesis and Organization of the Research Paper
Read : LBH 27-29 and 179 “argumentative thesis”
Write : Work on essay five. Try using exercises 45.4 and 45.5 on LBH p. 643
SESSION #22 (Tuesday, November 9)
Reading Quiz on LBH and Handouts for this essay
Peer review essay five. Ask Dr. B. any questions about your essay five; she will be available the hour before class,
in or near our classroom. Come early with questions if you can.
Get Swift Handout
Assignment for Session #23:
Read : LBH 86-87 & 35 verb tense shifts
Read : LBH 429 & 879 tha t v. which yes, there will be a quiz!
Read : LBH 467-69 & 444 Colon
Write : Edit essay five. Try using exercises 45.4 and 45.5 on LBH p. 643
Feel free to read ahead in WP! Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” pp. 866-873 and answer question one on 874.
Complete the Swift reading quiz.
SESSION #23 (Thursday, November 11)
Day off to perfect Essay Five – take first essay (#2) and your error list to a tutor. Have errors explained, fix them, polish essay for submission at our next class meeting. Keep up with all of your reading!! Don’t wait until the last minute; there is reading and writing from both text books!
Assignment for Session #24:
Read : WP 866-873 Swift’s “A Modest Proposal”; and the Swift handout and quiz.
Write : Answer question one on WP p. 874. Complete the Swift reading quiz.
Read : LBH under Commas:
439-42 misuse of
438 for clarity
425-426 with introductory elements
255, 394, 429 with appositives
389 & 433-434 with coordinate adjectives
Write : Create a list of problems (2-3 problems) that need solutions; list three solutions for each – or three reasons why one solution -- your solution -- would work. See outlines below . You may work with someone else on this essay if you wish. But you both have to work, and show evidence of your individual work toward the research, presentation, and essay.
SESSION #24 (Tuesday, November 16)
: Reading Quiz on Swift essay, Comma Use and Misuse, Colon, tense, and that v. which .
Discuss LBH and Swift’s proposal
Discuss Essay Six: Proposal
Assignment for Session #25:
Read : LBH 849-52 Proposals
Read : LBH 899, 42, 83-84 Problem-solution organization
Write : Decide on your subject-problem. Describe the problem, addressing your ideas toward an audience who can make the change(s) you suggest. Then explain your solution, listing three reasons why it would work. Conclude.
Problem described
Solution explained and suggested for several reasons . . .
Reason explained
Reason explained
Reason explained
OR explain that there are several solutions; then explain each with the reason each solution would work. Conclude with which idea you think is the best.
Problem described
Solution one explained
Reason it would work
Solution two explained
Reason it would work
Solution three explained
Reason it would work
SESSION #25 (Thursday, November 18)
Reading Quiz on proposals and your ideas for essay six.
Research your problem/issue.
Discuss Presentations – handouts, visuals, dress, clarity, audience. . . .
Assignment for Session #26:
Write : Begin your final essay, Essay Six.
Do : Prepare to present your problem and solution(s).
SESSION #26 (Tuesday, November 23)
Assignment for Session #27:
Write : Complete Essay #6.
Do : See a tutor about sentence-level errors in Essay #6; take your errors list.
HOLIDAY – DAY OFF - YAY! (Thursday, November 25)
SESSION #27 (Tuesday, November 30)
Peer Review Essay #6.
Assignment for Session #28:
Write : Complete Essay #6 and have it ready for submission at the beginning of Session #29 (final draft, brainstormed list of topics, planning page, rough draft, self/peer critique response sheet).
Do : Compile final folder and have it ready for submission at the beginning of Session #29.
SESSION #28 (Thursday, December 2)
Final Essay #6 DUE.
Final Course Folder DUE.
SESSION #29 (Tuesday, December 7)
Assignment for Session #28:
SESSION #30 (Thursday, December 9)
Assignment for Session #28: