1302 Syl TR.doc

At her discretion, the professor may announce necessary changes in this syllabus and assignment calendar at
any time during the term. ALL reading assmts are open to quiz!
(NOTE: The title of the assigned textbook Read, Reason, and Write is abbreviated as RRW.
The McGraw-Hill Handbook is abbreviated as MMH)
T 9/28: In-Class Activities:
Introductions and brief writing sample.
Discuss the writing process and persuasive appeals.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Review RRW 99-111.
Read: RRW 88-89, 142-143, and 199-207 (analysis and evaluation).
Write: “Grade” the Handout. Note where the author uses ethos, logos, or pathos; underline thesis and topic sentences.
Do: Read and print Essay One assignment from Learning Web.
R 9/30: In-Class Activities:
Ethos, Logos, Pathos presentations.
Look at homework & discuss.
Assign essay one: Critical Review, posted on our Learning Web
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Read: MHH 128-134,134-137 Critique/Analysis, & 183-“Reviews”
Read: the Zinsser essay, “College Pressures.”
Write: Summarize the essay (see MHH ex. 7.5). THEN answer the following: Do you like the essay? Why / Why
Cite examples from the essay, showing the reasons you like (or do not like) Zinsser’s style – NOT what he says, but
how he says it.
Complete MHH ex. 7.2 and 7.4 regarding Zinsser’s essay. Note 7.10 for ideas regarding response ideas to Zinsser.
T 10/5: In-Class Activities:
Discuss Zinsser. Work on essay one in class. Ask Dr. B. any questions DURING class.
Create a specific audience, thesis, and have some support. Email these ideas to drbss5p@yahoo.com or
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Read: RRW 72-79 “Argument Basics.” And read: MHH Chapter 2.
R 10/7: In-Class Activities:
Day off for writing and tutorial. Please see a tutor regarding essay one.
Take a copy of your assignment with you to your tutorial.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Read: MHH : Chapter 3.
Write: Edit your essay.
Do: Bring two printed copies of your essay-rough-draft to class and an electronic copy.
T 10/12: In-Class Activities:
Reading Quiz
Peer review essay one. Ask Dr. B. any questions DURING class.
Analysis of arguments. Read RRW 72-91. Also, see MMH Chapter 4 and Chapter 10 183-193.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Write: Revise and edit your essay,
Do: PROOFREAD: read it aloud, have someone else read it, whatever it takes to assure your writing says what you
R 10/14: In-Class Activities:
Essay one due.
Introduce Proposal assmt.
Research Paper: Preliminary Topic choice due at the end of class. Your topic (problem) must, in some way, pertain to
HCCS and/or Houston, TX.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Read: RRW 194-212
Write: Explain your topic: problem, research key-search ideas, and potential solution(s). Print and bring to next class.
10/19: In-Class Activities:
Discuss topics and Oral Presentation Skills
Sign up for presentation date.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Read: MMH 221-226
Write: Create your presentation and Proposal Essay / essay two.
10/21: In-Class Activities:
Work on Presentations
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Edit with care: Proposal Essay / essay two. See a tutor in FAC 321b – see your policy statement for details. Your
essay is due the next class after you present.
For all essays, be certain of the following:
* your thesis contains an opinion AND supporting ideas;
* your sentences are accurately formed;
* your paragraphs make clear ONE idea;
* your ideas have transitions leading from one to the next (within paragraphs as well as between them);
* that all of the ideas in your thesis are discussed in your essay; and
* that your works cited is perfectly formatted – each entry.
If any of the above ideas do not make sense to you, see MHH, a tutor, or your professor.
YOU are responsible for your grades in this course; the professor just tells you what those grades are.
10/26: In-Class Activities:
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Edit with care: Proposal Essay / essay two. See a tutor in FAC 321b – see your policy statement for details.
Be certain that your thesis contains an opinion AND supporting ideas; your sentences are accurately formed; your
paragraphs make clear ONE idea; your ideas have transitions leading from one to the next; that all of the ideas in your
thesis are discussed in your essay; and that your works cited is perfectly formatted – each entry. YOU are responsible.
10/28: In-Class Activities:
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Polish Proposal Essay / essay two. See a tutor in FAC 321b – see your policy statement for details. Be certain that
your thesis contains an opinion AND supporting ideas; your sentences are accurately formed; your paragraphs make
clear ONE idea; your ideas have transitions leading from one to the next; that all of the ideas in your thesis are
discussed in your essay; and that your works cited is perfectly formatted – each entry. YOU are responsible.
Read: MHH 86-87 & 35 verb tense shifts
Read: MHH 429 & 879 that v. which
Read: MHH 467-69 & 444 Colon
yes, there will be a quiz!
11/2: In-Class Activities:
Essay Two DUE.
Review parallelism
Grammar QUIZ
Review essay one comments, begin revision.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Read: MHH 301, 309-313, and 883 “agreement of pronoun and antecedent.”
MHH 432-442 “commas”:
439-42 misuse of
438 for clarity
425-426 with introductory elements
255, 394, 429 with appositives
389 & 433-434 with coordinate adjectives
Write: Revise essay one to create essay three. Bring two copies to class for peer review.
11/ 4: In-Class Activities:
Grammar QUIZ
Peer review.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Write: Polish essay three. Look at RRW 304-306 (ignore the title page requirement).
Read: RRW 2-7 “The Gettysburg Address” and responses, & 258-264 “A Modest Proposal”
11/ 9: In-Class Activities:
Essay three due.
Reading Quiz
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Read and comment on (as in a peer review) of the student essay on RRW 306-312. The peer review
questions are on our learning web – the last link.
11/ 11: In-Class Activities:
Reading Quiz
Submit peer review comments on the rap essay.
Discuss the essay beginning on RRW 339.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Review RRW chapter 3.
Read: RRW Dave Barry 45-47; answer the following questions.
RRW Ellen Goldman 50-52; answer the first four questions following the essay.
RRW Finally, read and peer review James Goode’s response to Goldman’s essay.
11/ 16: In-Class Activities:
Reading Quiz
Submit homework questions and peer review.
Discuss “Writing About Style” RRW 47-50
Decide which sections of the text interest enough to read and research the topic ideas.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Select an essay from a designated section, read it, write an initial response to both the content and the
style. Write a brief summary of the essay.
11/18: In-Class Activities:
Submit your response and your summary.
Discuss the essays and how to proceed.
Begin to research your author and essay. Find information that supports your original opinion, or find
information that contrasts your opinion so you can argue with the opinions.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Draft your ideas into an outline or rough draft – however you are comfortable in creating your ideas.
11/ 25: Day Off! Holiday!
11/30: In-Class Activities:
Peer review final essay.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Polish final essay. You can use the FAC 321b tutors.
Bring your second essay to next class.
12/2: In-Class Activities:
Final essay DUE.
Discuss comments on essay two. Add to list of common errors.
Talk to Dr. Breslin about any comment questions.
Homework, due at the beginning of next class meeting:
Polish essay two revision.
Do: Prepare your final folder with all of your course essays, quizzes, and homework assignments.
12/ 7: In-Class Activities:
Submit final folders.
Grades Available to Students