MODULE One.doc

EDUC 1300: Summer 2015
MODULE 1 6/8-6/13/2015
Reading Assignment: Sherfield and Moody, Introduction, and Chapters 1-3
Monday, June 8th: Review Syllabus, Diagnostic Writing. Students will answer the following
1. What are you doing here?
2. What to you hope to gain?
3. How do you think you’re going to do that?
Tuesday June 9th: Lecture: What to Expect, What to Look For, How to Prepare
Note Taking
Reading Journals
Study Groups
Self-evaluation, editing, improving.
Making a Syllabus Map
College Culture
What do we expect from you?
What can you expect from us?
What should you expect from yourself?
Wednesday, June 10th: Lecture: Goal Identification:
What’s the differences between a goal and a wish?
Where do I come in?
How do I get from here to there?
Thursday, June 11th: Lecture: Goal Mapping, Planning for Change:
What do I do if I change my mind?
What if the world changes around me?
Making a Goal Map.
To-Do List: Complete LASSI and TYPE FOCUS Surveys:
Be sure that the entire process is complete. Copy, save, and send results as email
attachments from your student email account to Due
6/9, 6:00PM
Submit posted To-Do List and schedule for completion. Submit by 6/12/2015,
6:00PM as email attachments from your student email account to
Syllabus Map due 6/10, 6:00PM from your student email account to as an attachment to the email.
Students will create a map of the syllabus for EDUC1300, Include each of the
headers in the syllabus and YOUR INTERPRETATION of the content that
follows each header.
Goal Setting Map: Due 6/11, 6:00PM. Submit as an email attachment from
your student email account to
Students will prepare an annotated Goal Setting Map that reflects their individual
goals, perceived obstacles, and strategies for overcoming them.
Motivational Map: Due 6/12, 6:00PM. Submit as an email attachment from
your student email account to
Students will prepare an annotated Motivational Map that reflects motivational
challenges and strategies for overcoming them.
The Module 1 Quiz, covering class lectures as well as material
from Chapters 1-3 of class text will be available on the Learning Web from Thursday, 6/11 at
10:00AM to Saturday, 6/13 at 10:00PM. Must be submitted prior to 11:00PM Saturday 6/13 as
an email attachment from your student email account to
Syllabus Map
Goal Setting Map
Motivational Map
Module Quiz
To-Do List Requirements
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