Part-time employee definition 1. Part-time employment is limited to no more than 25 hours per week. 2. Adjuncts (part-time instructors) with course assignments equal to a maximum of 108 task points per academic year which may be a combination of credit, non-credit and/or vocational points. 3. Temporary part-time employment * a position designated as temporary * no benefits are accumulated * appointments on a semester-by semester basis established by departmental needs Part-Time Employee Rights Work in an environment free of harassment and discrimination Correct pay for the hours worked Receive professional treatment by their managers Managers who adhere to College work rules and the law Clear description of their job responsibilities Work Week Part-time employment is limited to no more than 25 hours per week. College guidelines preclude part-time employees from working in excess of 25 hours per week college-wide in combined part-time assignments. May be hired on part-time basis in addition to a full-time assignment. Work Week Breaks For each four (4) hours of work, entitled to one-half (½) hour break. Overtime Exceptional circumstances Hours worked over 40 hours per week paid at 1.5 times the regular hourly rate (or time and a half) Leaves Part-time employees are not eligible for: Paid Vacation leave Paid Sick leave Paid Sick leave pool Extended personal leave without pay beyond ninety (90) calendar days Policy II-30 Personal Leaves of Absence Part-time employees may be granted unpaid leave through the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for up to 12 weeks in any 12 month period providing they meet the following: Eligibility Completion of 1,250 hours of work in the 12 months preceding the date on which the leave commences. Employed for at least 12 months (not necessarily consecutive) Criteria Illness, or illness of a family member. Pregnancy, adoption, childbirth or related medical reasons. Limitations One in a 12-month period. Procedure 2650 Unemployment Compensation Claims The College will contest claims of former employees who: resign voluntarily are terminated for misconduct (e.g. intentional violation of College policies and procedures) are terminated for cause (e.g. poor job performance) The College will not contest claims of former employees who are affected by College-initiated staff reductions Policy II-83 All personnel: worker‘s compensation law Florida Statutes, Chapter 440 All employees are entitled to certain compensation and medical benefits when injured in the course and scope of their duties. Part-time employees shall be entitled to only those compensation and medical benefits for injury or death arising out of and during the course of employment as authorized in Chapter 440 and the Worker’s Compensation Act. Injuries should be reported to the employee’s supervisor and Campus Public Safety immediately. Injuries are reported by Campus Public Safety to the College Risk Management office within 24 hours. PROCEDURE 2508 ADMINISTRATIVE/TEMPORARY DUTY LEAVE FOR COURT APPEARANCES Authorized by the President and initiated by the administration (court appearances, depositions, etc.) For the benefit of the College At regular pay With travel expenses Employee turns over to College fees received from the court . . . IT’S WRONG AND IT’S AGAINST THE LAW 1. Discrimination based on protected class status will not be tolerated. 2. Such discrimination on the basis of sex is a violation of: a. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended in 1972 b. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 c. College Policy I-21: Equal Access/Equal Opportunity d. College Procedure 1665: Discrimination and Harassment Grievance Process e. Civil Rights Act of 1991 f. Other State and Federal laws . . . IT’S WRONG AND IT’S AGAINST THE LAW 1. Such conduct constitutes cause for disciplinary action up to and including termination. 2. The College prohibits retaliation against individuals who report incidents of discrimination. Examples of sexual harassment Stalking Assault Sexually suggestive gestures/comments Examples of sexual harassment Kidding, teasing and joking of a sexual nature Unsolicited, unwelcome flirtation, touching, compliments Displaying of objects or pictures of a sexual nature Examples of sexual harassment Sexually suggestive profanity Sexual advances Requests for sexual favors, implied or explicit, verbal or physical Disciplinary And Corrective Action Part-Time Employee Work Rules 1. Document (behavior, lateness, absentees, and incompetence, insubordination) 2. Possible progressive disciplinary actions • verbal counseling • written counseling • written reprimand • suspension • termination 3. Assists College’s response to litigation, discrimination complaints and Unemployment Compensation Claims Grounds for Immediate Termination Insubordination Falsification of time cards or time sheets Committing acts of violence – fighting, immoral conduct on College premises Grounds for Immediate Termination Sleeping during assigned work hours Gambling or other games of chance Loaning/duplication of College keys Grounds for Immediate Termination Possession of firearms, weapons on College premises Criminal, dishonest, or immoral conduct outside the College Falsification of personnel, medical or other records; omission of pertinent facts or giving false testimony Grounds for Immediate Termination Theft and pilferage: Unauthorized removal or possession of property belonging to or in the care of the College. Conflict of interest: Use of official position for personal gain or personal advantage. Manipulation of computer data EMPLOYEE RELATIONS SERVICE TEAM Ms. Bettie H. Thompson Associate Vice Provost Human Resources Email: Fax: 305-237-0946 Mr. Clive R. Bridges Employee Relations Officer Email: Fax: 305-237-2513 Ms. Sylvia Willin Employee Relations Officer Email: Fax: 305-237-2068 Ms. Susan Diaz Employee Relations Officer Email: Fax: 305-237-2928 Ext. 70291 Ext. 70290 Ext. 70266 Ext. 70217 Equal Employment Opportunity service team Ms. Joy Ruff Director Email: Fax: 305-237-0943 Ms. Cindy Lau Evans Manager Email: Fax: 305-237-2831 Ext. 70269 Ext. 70288