Students will use context clues in multi-paragraph reading selections to... Students will interpret the meanings of similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole... GUST 0342 Developmental Reading II

GUST 0342 Developmental Reading II
Learning Outcomes
Students will use context clues in multi-paragraph reading selections to determine the meaning
of unfamiliar words and phrases and to determine meanings of words with multiple meanings.
Students will interpret the meanings of similes, metaphors, personification, hyperbole and other
figurative expressions in multi-paragraph reading selections.
Students will identify/infer stated and implied main ideas in multi-paragraph narrative and
expository reading selections and can analyze these selections for supporting details that best
support specific elements of the passage.
Students will infer the mood a writer is attempting to evoke, the audience to whom the writer is
directing his/her writing and the tone expressed by the writer in multi-paragraph reading
Students will analyze the relationships of ideas in written material, make inferences and draw
conclusions from multi-paragraph reading selections.
Students will determine the issue, major arguments pro and con and the writer’s position on the
issue in multi-paragraph reading selections which present opposing views on an issue.
Students will be able to identify problems and possible solutions and evaluate the viability of the
possible solutions.
Students will be able to distinguish the assumptions basic to the writer’s argument in multiparagraph reading selections.
Students will evaluate the supporting details of a writer’s argument and determine whether the
details support the writer’s main idea, argument or contention in multi-paragraph reading
Students will be able to assess the overall logic and credibility of a writer’s argument in multiparagraph reading selections.
Students will apply study skills to multi-paragraph reading assignments through outlining the
material, interpreting and preparing notes from the material, summarizing the material,
interpreting information in graphic form and demonstrating an understanding of written