VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY PHYSICS 2416 SPRING 2014 DR. J.D. STRIEB COURSE SYLLABUS TEXT: Modern Physics by Thornton & Rex, 4th Ed. GENERAL POLICIES 1.COURSE OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES This course is the fourth semester of a calculus- based physics course intended primarily for science majors. The basic objective of the course is to develop an understanding of the revolutionary discoveries in twentieth and twenty-first century physics. One of the primary ways to achieve this is by the process of problem solving. The emphasis then will be the application of the basic concepts through the solution of numerical problems of practical interest. Students will be required to exhibit their grasp of the material by solving problems on tests and doing problems for recitation. 2.ATTENDANCE POLICY - Optional, but strongly advised. A student may not miss a test or a quiz without a legitimate excuse, which must be presented to the instructor within five days thereafter. Makeup tests, if required, will be comprehensive in nature and will be scheduled during the reading period. 3.ACADEMIC HONESTY - Failure to maintain the code of ethics will be grounds for immediate failure of the entire course without any other additional warning. 4.HOMEWORK - Problem assignments are to be kept in a separate problem notebook, and will be collected and graded at the discretion of the instructor. 5.TESTS AND FINAL EXAM - Students are allowed to have a pocket calculator and one 3x5 (inch, not meter) formula card for the first test, plus an additional 3x5 card for each additional test. (For the final exam, up to five 3x5 cards or, alternatively, one 1 8 x 11 sheet of paper will be permitted.) Two or three tests, worth 100 points apiece, 2 will be given during the course of the semester. An additional 100 points will be determined from homework, spot quizzes, or a combination, at the discretion of the instructor. The final exam, which is cumulative, will count for 200 points. Extra credit problems will be suggested throughout the semester. 6.OFFICE HOURS – Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 10:30 to 11:30 AM. Friday 12:30-1:30 PM. Other hours are available by appointment. 7.TO CONTACT ME: e-mail: campus phone extension: 94893 office: 263C Mendel Chapter Exercises 1 This chapter will be covered in lecture. No assigned problems. 2 4,12,13,14, 16, 17,19,21,26,31,32,33,46,48,60,64,67,68,69,76 3 3,9,15,33,34,39,41,53,63 4 2,22,23,25,29,30,31,45,50 5 1,6,9,11,13,15,24,37,40,42,47 6 5,10,11,14,17,21,26,33, 36,38 7 9,10,19,23 8 thru 11 Parts of these chapters will be covered in lecture. No assigned problems. 12 3,11,19,27,28,31,33,39,53 13 1,2,7,22,25,26,28,31,34,40,44,50,58,60 14 1,8,12,13,14,17,26,27,39, 47,48,51,53,54 15&16 Parts of these chapters will be covered in lecture. No assigned problems.