PHYSICS 1102-SSII, 2011 DR. J. STRIEB SYLLABUS TEXTBOOK: Principles of Physics, 4th Edition, Vol.1&2 by Serway and Jewett Lecture Recitation Chapter Problems Tues, July 5 19(1-8) ---------- Wed., July 6 19(9-11) 19: 4,5,11,13,14,15 Thurs., July 7 20(1-6) 19: 27,29,34,35,38 Fri., July 8 20(7-9) 19: 39,45,54; 20: 1,5,8 Mon., July 11 21(1-7) 20: 11,12,20,31,41,43,62 Tues., July 12 21(8,9);22(1-5) 21: 1,7,25,27,29,30,31 Wed, July 13 22(6-10) 21: 34,35,37,39,41 Thurs., July 14 TEST, CH. 19, 20, 21 Fri., July 15 22 22: 1,3,6,15,18 Mon., July 18 23 22: 26,30,31,32,34,35,37 Tues., July 19 25, 26(1) 23: 1,2,3,12,14,20 Wed., July 201 26(2-5) 25: 4,10,14,19,24,34,41 Thurs., July 21 27(1-3) 26: 9,11,14,21,32,48 Fri., July 22 27(4-6), 9(1-3) ______________ Mon., July 25 9(4-5) 27:1,5,14,15,17,32,57 Tues., July 26 TEST, CH.22, 23, 25, 26, 27 Wed., July 27 9(6-9) 9: 4,11,13 Thurs., July 28 30(1-3) 9: 21,23,29,33,41,48 Fri., July 29 30(4-6) ----------------------- Mon., Aug. 1 Review 30: 6,8,13,14,20 Tues., Aug. 2 FINAL EXAM Omit: 19:12; 20:10,11; 21:4,10; 22:6,11,12; 23:4-8; 25: 8; 27:7,9,10 PHYSICS 1102-20 DR. J. STRIEB SUMMER SESSION II, 2011 TEXT: PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS 4th edition by Serway & Jewett GENERAL POLICIES 1. COURSE OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES – The basics objective of the course is to develop an understanding of the fundamental aspects of electricity, magnetism, optics and modern physics. One of the primary ways to achieve this is by the process of problem solving. The emphasis then will be the application of the basic concepts through the solution of problems of practical interest. Students will be required to exhibit their grasp of the material by solving problems on tests and by solving homework problems. 2. ATTENDANCE – Strongly suggested. Things move fast during the summer. A student who has to miss a test or a quiz must notify the instructor beforehand if at all possible; in addition, a legitimate excuse must be presented to the professor in writing within five days thereafter. 3. ACADEMIC HONESTY – Failure to maintain the code of ethics will be grounds for immediate failure of the entire course without any other additional warning. 4. HOMEWORK – Problem assignments are due virtually every day, and may be collected and graded at the discretion of the instructor. 5. QUIZZES, TESTS AND FINAL EXAM – Pocket calculators are permitted. Single-concept spot quizzes (no formula sheet) may be given after lecture and recitation for a chapter are completed. A formula sheet will be available for each major test. Two tests and a final exam will be given during the course of the semester. Grades will be determined from a total of 400 points. The final exam, which is cumulative, will count 200 points; individual tests will count 100 points each. Borderline grades may be decided by the results of spot quizzes and homework. 6. OFFICE HOURS – Immediately after class every day. Other times by appointment. E-mail: Office: 263C Mendel Phone: (610) 519-4893