
Logistics and Transportation
Sandhurst 2016 Team Marking System
Helmet Marking:
The helmet, with chin strap fastened, will be worn at all times during the
competition, except when a site specifically instructs the removal of it. The helmet will be
marked in the following manner: The helmet will be marked on the front and back with
blocked numerals 1.5 inches high centered on 2 inch masking tape cut 3 inches long,
positioned centrally 1 inch above the helmet band. The exact size will not be judged, but
adherence to the intent of displaying the team identification that can be seen at a distance
Foreign Teams, ROTC, and Service
Academies will use same letter height
to create their helmet marking
Sandhurst 2016 Uniform Standards
Uniform. Uniforms and boots are to be properly fitted, clean, and serviceable.
 ‘Camelbacks’ are authorized however will be in addition to the 2 Canteens in
the inspection list.
 During execution of all tasks and throughout movement, all uniform items, to
include LCE, will be worn as intended unless a site specifically states
otherwise. Jacket and trousers will be as you wear them for the inspections.
If the task calls for a modification of uniform or equipment, the change will
be made at the site.
Sandhurst 2016 Equipment List
 Cadet and midshipmen teams will be provided a supply request form and the
competition packing list. Teams are required to identify and request
deficiencies to be supplied via their BTD LNO. The cadet teams must submit
this form VIA their USMA sponsor
 External cadets and midshipmen will need to write in the quantity of each item
that they will not be able to provide from their academy
 Cadets and midshipmen will be provided a copy of the supply form to take
home with them, if something changes and they want to add or subtract an
item they will notify their LNO immediately with changes
 The LNO sponsor will assume direct responsibility for cadets and midshipmen’s
equipment prior to their arrival. The cadets and midshipmen will be required
to assume responsibility by signing (assuming financial responsibility) a hand
receipt for the equipment
Sandhurst 2016 Equipment
Draw & Turn In
 TAC LNOs will need to sign and submit signature cards to the warehouse with
assumption of command orders. Upon receipt of the external teams supply
requests, they will need to submit them to the DMI S4 who will consolidate and
submit to the LRC warehouse in preparation for draw and turn in
 Once finished with the competition, visiting cadets will be required to turn in ALL
equipment signed for from their USMA Sponsor. The TAC LNO turn-in equipment
IAW the timings requested through the DMI S4
-MILES will be drawn directly from the store by External Teams
-Supplies (consumables) will be drawn by the BTD LNO and signed from them
by each team.
-Failure to clear your hand receipt will result in disqualification.
 Weapons not in use must be properly secured in the cadet area. Weapon training
aides will be available for training from the CDT CSM (these may be required by
teams who wish to avoid using zeroed weapons on physical elements of the
External Training Week)
Sandhurst 2016 Arms Room Draw
 The armory is managed by Department of the Army civilians who have
weekly set hours, therefore the daily weapons draw must be efficient.
The Weapons draw schedule is To Be Determined (TBD) for the external
training week and the competition, once known the cadet CSM will
publish to all teams
 If the country’s weapon surface danger zone capacity is greater than a
standard NATO 5.56 caliber it cannot be included in the competition
 Foreign teams need to contact their consulate IOT determine how
weapons will be shipped, i.e. bonded carrier, e.g. DHL
 If a team needs weapons, TACs must identify the teams, submit a
request to the armory
 BTD LNOs will need to be present for any External Team WPN draw
during both the External Training Week and the competition
 Every external team will provide the Armory with a MAL and return a
signed MEMO NLT 28 MAR with the weapon type and serial number
(this must be provided by the external team in advance of arrival)
 Each team will be required to provide their own transportation for the
week of the competition. Recommend that they rent vans at the
airport that the team arrives at
 If external teams are shipping their AMMO please send it to this
Range 2, Route 293
 If external teams are shipping their weapons please send them to this
- Attention: C/O (insert TAC LNO data)
United States Military Academy
745 Brewerton Road, Washington Hall Basement
West Point, NY 10996
 If weapons are brought with external team members on the flight, the
LNO must be notified immediately so they can coordinate with the MPs
and submit all MEMOs
 LNOs must meet their respective teams prior to entering the security
gate at USMA
AMMO Allocation
Ammunition: If rounds are greater than 5.56 you must notify your LNO
• External Training: 1,320 for 11 competitors 120
rounds ea)
• Competition: 324
TOTAL: 1,644
• Blanks: 180
Meals and
 All cadets will eat at the Cadet Mess unless they are in the field. Cadets
will be provided MREs and supplements while in the field
 All team managers must self source their food
 All visiting CDTs will be accommodated in their hosting BTD LNO’s CO
barracks. Team members will be dispersed through the CO sharing
rooms with USCC CDTs. Any special considerations need to be raised to
the BTD LNO prior to arrival at USMA
 Team Managers – self funded accommodation. DMI will reserve 1 x 2
man room at the Fort Montgomery Holiday Inn per team. Team
Managers will confirm their use of the room at the External Team Recon
Sustainment Team Contact Info
MAJ John Peyerl
Phone Number: 845-938-3593