These exercises contain items that are (depending on the version of MS Word you are using) either highlighted in yellow are enclosed in red brackets. When you move your mouse cursor over a yellow area or a red-bracketed area, a 'hidden text message' will appear on the screen. Please, keep your cursor to the far right while you are reading the text material. When you are ready to 'uncover' the hidden text, move your cursor to the yellow or red areas. Let's practice this 'uncovering' procedure: How much is one plus one? a. b. c. d. zero two five none of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word Parts The Prefix 'un-' A prefix comes at the beginning of a word. When you come across an unfamiliar word, there are two techniques that can help you determine the new word's meaning: - look at the word and see if you can get a basic understanding of its meaning by using your knowledge of word parts - look for context clues by examining the sentence that contains the unfamiliar word, along with the sentence before and the sentence after ununabridged The college student was not able to locate the term in an abridged dictionary, so he consulted the unabridged dictionary in the college's library. unaccompanied The unaccompanied college student enjoyed the football game on Saturday night. unaccountable The auditor listed the unaccountable funds in her report to the manager. unaccustomed The prisoner was surprised by the unaccustomed behavior of her guards. unadvised Henry's unadvised action brought him to be charged with a criminal act. unaffected The driver's health condition was unaffected by the car crash. unapproachable The major was considered unapproachable by many voters; thus losing her reelection bid. unappropriated The US Congress is famous for passing unappropriated legislation. unapt Some college students are unapt in art classes. unarmed The police officer considered the burglar to be unarmed. unasked The instructor responded to an unasked question. unassailable The small island with it fortifications was considered by many to be unassailable. unassuming Her unassuming personality was one of her most attractive qualities. unattached Some students in college find it's a good place to find a mate since many classmates are unattached. unattended The ranch house had lost much of its value during the period it was unattended. unavailable When I called, her secretary informed me that she was unavailable at this time. unavoidable Following the loss of his job, bankruptcy seemed almost unavoidable. unaware Being unaware of the mugger hiding to his left, Juan continued walking across the parking lot. unawares Shara was caught unawares by the surprise office party. unbalanced After diagnosing her unbalanced mental condition, the psychiatrist wrote a prescription. unbar The military officer ordered the soldier to unbar the prisoner. unbearable Childbirth can sometimes be an almost unbearable situation because of intense pain and discomfort. unbeatable Their team was playing with such precision that some sports writers described them as unbeatable. unbecoming Her remarks were unbecoming of someone in such a high-level executive position. unbelievable Sue showed unbelievable progress with her English grammar skills. unbend The pre-schooler attempted to unbend the spring she was handed. unbiased The college instructor taught the topic of discussion in an unbiased manner. unbind The enemy soldier asked the guard to unbind him because of lack of circulation to the hands. unbitted The unbitted horse was allowed to roam the pasture. unbolt The sheriff instructed the jailor to unbolt the jail cell so that the prisoner could enter the interrogation room. unborn A very controversial issue in this country is how should our legal system define the unborn fetus. unbridled The youngster's unbridled behavior in the supermarket was noticed by many customers. unbroken The teams unbroken string of losses started some of the players to wonder when this horror would ever end. unbuckle The airline passenger was not able to unbuckle the safety restraint. uncanny The lawyer had the uncanny ability to know when a client was not being honest with her. unceremonious With unceremonious comments, the award was given to the top performer. uncertainty The uncertainty of the financial market has caused many investors to place their funds into cash-equivalent vehicles. uncharitable Several of the guests considered the host's remarks as uncharitable. uncharted Early sailors were quite brave to venture into uncharted waters. uncivil Harriet's uncivil comments to the judge won her no points with the jury. uncomfortable Due to the air conditioning system malfunction, the partygoers quickly became uncomfortable. uncommon Many professional sports figures possess quite uncommon athletic talents. uncompromising Her uncompromising stance caused some problems in the office. unconcerned The salesman made the mistake of being unconcerned with his client's affairs. unconditional The unconditional guarantee on the product was a big plus. unconscionable Jeanette's unconscionable behavior precipitated her dismissal from the corporation. unconscious The car-accident patient was found to be unconscious when he arrived at the emergency room. unconstitutional The court ruled that the law was unconstitutional because it violated a citizen's right to privacy. unconventional Jack took an unconventional approach when it came to managing his business. uncouple The train engineer proceeded to uncouple the last boxcar from the locomotive. uncouth John was reprimanded by his boss for the uncouth action at the Christmas party. uncover The newspaper reporter was pursuing a story that would uncover a political scandal in the governor's office. uncut The thief made off with 14 uncut diamonds valued in excess of $60,000. undaunted Following the unsuccessful contract negotiation, the undaunted saleslady prepared for her next presentation. undecided Warren was still undecided as to which university he would attend. undeniable The court prosecutor presented such a strong case against the defendant, the local newspaper described the charges as undeniable. undesirable The undesirable appearance of the home's backyard caused the potential buyer to turn down the seller's offer. undirected The new employee told a friend that his undirected condition at the job site was making him consider looking for work elsewhere. undoing The financial corruption of her company was the CEO's undoing. undress The examination nurse asked the patient to undress in preparation for the physical. undue The appellate court ruled that the trial court had imposed undue punishment in the case. unearned Several members of the staff were upset when they learned of the manager's unearned promotion. unearthly The movie viewers all screamed at the appearance of an unearthly monster on the screen. uneasy The supervisor was a bit uneasy with her most recent assignment. unedited The student offered the tutor the unedited transcript in hopes of some corrective suggestions. unemployed Recently unemployed, Canisha set about making several interview appointments and updating her resume. unequal The referee was criticized for giving unequal treatment during the sporting contest. unerring Betty proceeded to give an unerring speech on the topic of global overpopulation. unessential The aircraft crew dumped all unessential gear in order to keep the struggling plane from descending into the mountain. uneven The uneven texture of the painting gave it appearances of reality and depth. uneventful Thankfully the night was uneventful all along the perimeter since our ammunition supply was critically low. unexpected We wondered if our unexpected visit would cause problems with our relatives. unfailing A mother's unfailing love for her children is a God-given treasure. unfair The store's owner apologized for the manager's unfair treatment of the customer during the Christmas rush. unfaithful The divorce was precipitated by one spouse's unfaithful behavior. unfamiliar Many of the terms in college coursework will be unfamiliar to most students. unfasten The military guard was ordered to unfasten the restraints on the war criminal. unfavorable The unfavorable weather condition prevented the scheduled launch of the space shuttle. unfeeling Although an inaccurate perception, he sometimes came across as unfeeling during board meetings. unfeigned Her unfeigned appreciation for the birthday gift was noticed by all. unfinished The building crew headed home for some rest, but they promised to return the next morning to complete the unfinished work. unfit Warren's blood disorder made him unfit for military service. unflappable Her unflappable attitude was very appreciated during the heated argument between the others present. unfledged The architect's unfledged drawings brought some anxiety to the client since the construction deadline was quickly approaching. unflinching Even during heavy motor attacks, the command sergeant's demeanor remained unflinching. unfold The tension in the room became very intense as the master of ceremonies began to unfold the winning lottery number. unforgettable The wedding ceremony was described by all as unforgettable. unformed The astrophysicist named the unformed galaxy after her great aunt. unfortunate The suffering that the Enron employees have had to endure is quite unfortunate. unfounded The unfounded charges of bribery were quickly dropped by the district attorney. unfrozen When the power went out, we were thinking of how to prevent the food in the freezer from becoming unfrozen. unfriendly The unfriendly atmosphere of the grand opening was discussed openly. unfruitful Although the married couple desperately desired to start a family, their attempts had thus far proven unfruitful. ungainly Following the hip surgery, his walking was understandably a bit ungainly. ungenerous The child's mother reminded her that ungenerous children have trouble making friends. unglued It was impressive how the professional ball player did not become unglued after being hit in the leg with a soda bottle. ungodly The newscaster had trouble reading the report about the ungodly act a criminal had performed on a small child. ungovernable The police chief judged the situation ungovernable and ordered his officers to pull back two blocks. ungracious His ungracious behavior spoiled the entire evening. unguarded The bank's lobby was left unguarded just before the robber entered with the shotgun. unhappy We all go through times when we are unhappy. unhealthy The dietician helped the patient correct his unhealthy diet. unheard-of The newly-discovered automobile engine was designed using an unheard-of energy system. unhinge The carpenter said that she must unhinge the door in order to have room for the large sofa. unhitch The cowboy proceeded to unhitch the mules from the two wagons. unholy The evil practitioners practiced their unholy ceremony for the upcoming meeting. unhook The fisherman showed the young lad how to unhook the fish that the boy had just caught. unhurried His unhurried demeanor tended to calm those who were very anxious about the emergency. unimpeachable Juanitta's expert testimony was so precise, so enlightening, the jury members considered her unimpeachable. unimproved The house's unimproved condition brought the selling price down noticeably. uninhibited At the party, Jose's uninhibited behavior upset a few of the guests. unintelligible Because she had consumed too much alcohol at the seminar, a couple of parts of Sharon's speech came across as unintelligible. unintentional The unintentional bump brought an immediate apology. uninterested Although the college student was uninterested in physics, she new it was important to earn at least a 'B' in the course in order to keep a high overall GPA. unjust The defendant's lawyer asked the judge to end the unjust incarceration of her client. unkempt Her unkempt appearance made the manager immediately concerned for Dolli's welfare. unkind The unkind remarks were not appropriate, especially at a formal event. unknown The cause of the airline crash is unknown at this time. unlawful The crook's unlawful escape from the county jail was quickly broadcast over all media outlets in the immediate vicinity. unleaded A majority of automobile gasoline sold today is of the unleaded variety. unlettered Many unlettered employment applicants find it difficult to find work in a tight economy. unlike Unlike her older brother, Shelly preferred to play baseball. unlimited The computer company advertised its unlimited service. unlisted For safety, many phone customers have unlisted numbers. unload The tractor-trailer pulled up to the terminal in order to unload the merchandise. unlock The apartment renter removed his key in order to unlock the front door. unlucky Molly told her best friend that she was not going to play the lottery any longer because she was unlucky. unmanned The unmanned spacecraft left Earth on its journey to Mars. unmannerly Her unmannerly behavior caused much distress during the committee session. unmask During the movie scene, the heroine attempted to unmask the villainous desperado. unmerciful The trial judge was unmerciful when she pronounced punishment for the criminal defendant. unmuzzle After the dog settled down in the veterinarian's office, the assistant was able to unmuzzle the canine. unnatural The unnatural character of the object made the researcher quite curious. unnecessary The retail customer believed the shipping charges on his bill were totally unnecessary. unoccupied Fortunately for the travelers, the motel clerk was able to locate an unoccupied room for rent. unorganized The store manager worked with the clerk so that the unorganized condition of their inventory could be corrected. unpack We decided to unpack the suitcases before going to lunch. unparalleled Joan's unparalleled performance with the corporation caused the CEO to promote her to Vice-President. unpleasant The unpleasant experience convinced the shopper to never return to that store. unpopular The mayoral candidate was so unpopular that a successful election was out of the question. unprecedented The quick drop in the nation's economy was characterized as unprecedented. unprincipled Harriet's unprincipled action precipitated the Board of Reagents to dismiss her from the contractual agreement. unprofessional The lawyer was disbarred for his unprofessional behavior. unpublished Although her movie script was unpublished, Mary felt confident that her work would soon be on the big screen. unqualified The job applicant was told that she was currently unqualified for the position. unquestionable Juan's character was described as unquestionable during the entire incident. unravel The young girl proceeded to unravel the large ball of string. unrealistic The unrealistic economic projection by the company was soon shown to be false. unreasonable The unreasonable response made us think that he had lost touch with reality. unrelenting Her unrelenting pursuit of the college degree was very impressive to watch. unreserved His unreserved behavior often brought disappointment. unrighteous The unrighteous legislation caused riots in the city. unrivaled Pearl's unrivaled stage performance brought the city a huge amount of positive publicity. unruffled The really great politicians are truly unruffled when the criticisms are coming from all directions. unruly The unruly actions of the crowd of people cause some alarm amongst the law enforcement officers on duty that night. unsavory The unsavory comment made at the ceremonial setting left some of the spectators quite disappointed. unschooled There is a great concerned in this country that we have too many citizens who are unschooled. unscramble The young child tried her best to unscramble the dozens of pieces of paper on the floor. unscrupulous The city counsel was harshly criticized by the community groups for the unscrupulous curfew ordinance. unseasonable The unseasonable December weather allowed the children to shed their heavy coats for light sweaters while playing outside. unsecured The unsecured front door was how the bandit entered the residence. unseemly An unseemly remark at a party can bring the entire evening to a quick halt. unseen The criminal, having spotted the police officer at the end of the block, tried her best to remain unseen. unselfish June's unselfish personality was the first thing her friends thought of when asked to describe her. unsettled At the sporting event, the security force was alerted immediately when the crowd of spectators became unsettled. unshackle The prison guard was ordered to unshackle the inmate so that he could be given medical treatment. unskilled The unskilled laborer received a very low hourly pay for her work. unsocial Her unsocial personality prevented her from being promoted in the company. unsophisticated Those who are unsophisticated are often shunned by the aristocracy. unsound His suggestion as to how to prevent a second burglary from occurring was unsound. unspeakable The unspeakable behavior of the criminal was examined by the jury during the courtroom testimony. unstable The unstable condition of the space probe caused NASA managers to delay the programmed launch. unsteady After being hit during the enemy assault, the soldier was unsteady on her feet. unsuitable The company board decided that the accountant's proposal was unsuitable. unsuspected The unsuspected neighbor later turned out to be the perpetrator of the crime. untangle The children attempted to untangle the ball of string so that they could fly their kite. untenable The employee's untenable situation caused her to resign. unthankful His unthankful attitude was not well received by the party guests. unthinkable During the heat of the battle, the brave soldiers viewed retreat as unthinkable. untidy The dad informed his wife of the untidy nature of their son's bedroom. untie The boat's captain proceeded to untie the boat so that she could go sailing for the afternoon. untimely The untimely appearance of the enemy troops caused chaos in the region. untold The cave's mysterious information remained untold for centuries. untoward Her untoward remark was the centerpiece of conversation at work the following day. untried The physicist proposed an untried theory in hopes of solving the technical problem. untrue The statement was quickly judged by the supervisor as untrue. unused At the discount store the customer purchased an unused item at a very low price! unusual The lady's suggestion was so unusual that the manager had to stop for a moment and give it strong consideration before responding. unveiling The audience was so excited to be present at the unveiling. unwholesome His unwholesome lifestyle caused problems later in life. unwieldy The huge cabinet was so unwieldy that the movers had to dismantle it in order to place it in the living room. unwilling The child was unwilling to listen to his mother. unwise The unwise decision would bring misery to her for several years to come. unworthy The award winner told the admiring audience that she was unworthy of such an honor. unwritten There was the unwritten rule in the region that only one leader could be the ruler of the land.