Virginia Tech Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement Policy Application to the Professional MBA

Virginia Tech Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement Policy
Application to the Professional MBA
Virginia Tech Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement Program for Salaried Employees Policy 4800 allows for assistance
and reimbursement of tuition for full-time and part-time salaried employees of Virginia Tech. This policy was revised Fall
2015 to enhance coverage for accelerated programs such as the Professional MBA program.
Policy Parameters
Review the full policy, which supersedes any information contained within this
document. Some of the parameters within the policy are listed here:
Employee must meet all program admission requirements, registration, and payment deadlines
Employee must be a salaried employee for at least 90 days
Employee's supervisor must approve courses and degree programs
Full-time employees may request assistance and/or reimbursement for up to 24 credits per year for the
Professional MBA program
Hours used in excess of the standard 12 per year are levied against future benefits, with a requirement to
reimburse the university if the employee leaves before earning all credits used
Tuition benefits (standard tuition and fees) for Virginia Tech offered courses are funded centrally
What is Covered
The total cost of the Professional MBA consists of tuition at the graduate rate for extended campus students, library fee,
technology fee, and the PMBA program fee. If an employee requests the accelerated benefit and is approved for the 24
credits/year, the revised policy covers full-time extended campus graduate tuition, library fee, and technology fee only.
Tuition and fees are determined each Spring by the Board of Visitors; therefore the figures below are actual for Fall 2015
and Spring 2016, but estimated for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017. The Professional MBA Fall 2015 total program tuition is
$40,500 for in-state residents. Tuition for the program is paid in four installments.
An employee that is approved for the Traditional Benefit Coverage can expect the following:
Program Cost
Standard Policy Covers
Employee Pays*
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
$5,814.00 (estimated)
Spring 2017
$5,814.00 (estimated)
Fall 2016
An employee that is approved for the New Accelerated Educational Benefit Coverage can expect the following:
Program Cost
Accelerated Benefit Covers
Employee Pays*
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
$6,778.50 (estimated)
$3,543.00 (estimated)
Spring 2017
$6,778.50 (estimated)
$3,543.00 (estimated)
January 6, 2016
Using the Virginia Tech Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement Policy for the Professional MBA
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* The employee is responsible for the remaining Program Fee, which can be reimbursed by the employee’s department if approved.
Program Fee Reimbursement
Professional and executive education program fees (fees above the standard tuition waiver amount) may be reimbursed
in part or whole at the discretion of the employing department. Departments electing to utilize this expanded benefit will
fund the cost from departmental resources. As a departmental option, additional central funding was not planned for this
expense. If a department needs funding assistance, departments should work through the standard budget processes.
The Professional MBA program fee is $3,150 for each the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 semester.
If the participation in the educational program is optional, the department can reimburse all or a portion of the fee, as
negotiated with the employee. Departments should consider equity in that decision-making process. If the participation is
required, policy 4800 requires the costs be covered by the department.
Promissory Note
Hours used in excess of the standard 12 per year are levied against future benefits with a requirement to reimburse the
university if the employee leaves before earning all credits used. Form P-188 Memorandum of Agreement and Promissory
Note for Tuition Credits in Accordance with Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement for Salaried Employees - Policy 4800
(available at must be completed
and routed for approval of senior management in order to access this benefit.
Tax Implications
The value of educational assistance in excess of $5,250 will be reported and taxed in accordance with Internal Revenue
Service guidelines. The applicable taxes will be withheld from employee paychecks. If you have questions related to the
process, please send an email to Please consult your tax advisor if claiming educational expenses as
there may be timing difference between incurring tuition costs and receiving employer provided educational benefits.
The online application for the Virginia Tech Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement Program for Salaried Employees can
be found here: You need your PID and password to access this page. If you need a paper
form, please contact the HR Service Center at (540)231-9331 or
Please review Policy 4800 ( as well as the promissory note terms and conditions
regarding continued employee during the period from which future hours are borrowed.
It is necessary to complete the paperwork for each semester separately and submit to HR who will then advise the bursar
office of any change in the employee benefit.
For assistance or for questions related to educational benefits, please contact HR Service Center.
January 6, 2016
Using the Virginia Tech Tuition Assistance and Reimbursement Policy for the Professional MBA
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