These exercises contain items that are (depending on the version of MS Word you are using) either highlighted in yellow are enclosed in red brackets. When you move your mouse cursor over a yellow area or a red-bracketed area, a 'hidden text message' will appear on the screen. Please, keep your cursor to the far right while you are answering the questions. When you are ready to check your response, move your cursor to the yellow or red areas. Even if your first response is correct, move your cursor to the other responses to read/understand why those responses were incorrect. Let's practice this 'uncovering' procedure: How much is one plus one? a. b. c. d. zero two five none of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select the one item that is a 'broad' topic or subject into which the other items would be placed: a. b. c. d. automobile jet aircraft transportation train ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Juan had been hiking next to the small stream for about an hour when he heard a very strange sound coming from the tall grass to his left. He stopped walking in order to find out exactly what was happening. Then, three very large dogs became visible. Each of the dogs was growling and had its sharp teeth showing. This pack of wild animals moved slowly in his direction. He had never been in such a perilous situation in his entire life! As used in the previous paragraph, which of the following is the best definition of the underlined term? a. b. c. d. dangerous enjoyable sad curious As a review of the previous question, place your cursor over each highlighted area to see some of the context 'helpers' that can assist you in determining the meaning of the underlined word. Juan had been hiking next to the small stream for about an hour when he heard a very strange sound coming from the tall grass to his left. He stopped walking in order to find out exactly what was happening. Then, three very large dogs became visible. Each of the dogs was growling and had its sharp teeth showing. This pack of wild animals moved slowly in his direction. He had never been in such a perilous situation in his entire life! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Several different ingredients are required in order to make a successful birthday cake for your birthday party. You must have three eggs. The size of each egg should be medium. It is important that the flour you use is whole grain. The taste of your birthday cake will not be right unless your flour is whole grain. Another important item is milk. The milk you use should have at least 1% butter fat in order to provide the proper texture for the cake. In addition, the baking pan needs to be coated with a non-stick vegetable oil. You may use any of the commercially available pan sprays, such as: 'PAM'. Which of the following patterns of organization was used in the preceding paragraph? a. b. c. d. cause and effect sequential compare and contrast simple listing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order for this machine to function properly, it must be assembled in the correct order. First, place all four pieces (Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D) on the floor. Next, attack Part A (the compressor) to Part B (the shaft assembly). Those two parts now make up the 'base assembly'. Now, connect Part C (the connector flange) to the base assembly using your screwdriver. Finally, attach Part D (the pressure valve) to Part C (the connector flange) with your adjustable wrench. a. b. c. d. cause and effect sequential compare and contrast simple listing As a review of the previous passage, place your cursor over the highlighted areas in order to understand how an author uses a sequential pattern of organization within a written paragraph. In order for this machine to function properly, it must be assembled in the correct order. First, place all four pieces (Part A, Part B, Part C, Part D) on the floor. Next, attack Part A (the compressor) to Part B (the shaft assembly). Those two parts now make up the 'base assembly'. Now, connect Part C (the connector flange) to the base assembly using your screwdriver. Finally, attach Part D (the pressure valve) to Part C (the connector flange) with your adjustable wrench.