These exercises contain items that are (depending on the version of MS Word you are using) either highlighted in yellow are enclosed in red brackets. When you move your mouse cursor over a yellow area or a red-bracketed area, a 'hidden text message' will appear on the screen. Please, keep your cursor to the far right while you are reading the text material. When you are ready to 'uncover' the hidden text, move your cursor to the yellow or red areas. Let's practice this 'uncovering' procedure: How much is one plus one? a. b. c. d. zero two five none of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word Parts The Prefix 'mono-' A prefix comes at the beginning of a word. When you come across an unfamiliar word, there are two techniques that can help you determine the new word's meaning: - look at the word and see if you can get a basic understanding of its meaning by using your knowledge of word parts - look for context clues by examining the sentence that contains the unfamiliar word, along with the sentence before and the sentence after monomonarchy Several nations have a monarchy as a form of government. monastery Some people commit themselves to life in a monastery. monk A deeply religious man might decide to become a monk in a specific religious order. mono The high school student missed two months of instruction because he contracted mono. monochromatism The eye doctor informed the patient that she had monochromatism. monochrome The art gallery's most visited painting was created in blue monochrome. monocle Some people think using a monocle makes one look more distinguished. monocracy The military overthrow of a nation's government frequently results in the establishment of a monocracy. monocular Most telescopes use a monocular design. monoculture A nation's poor economy may be the result of monoculture. monocycle If you are proficient on a bicycle, you might want to test your skills on a monocycle. monocyte One of the types of blood cells in the human body is the monocyte. monodrama The favorite type of performance for many actors and actresses is the monodrama. monody The singer presented a monody that was so moving that she received a standing ovation. monofilament Your synthetic shirt or dress probably uses the monofilament as it's basic design pattern. monogamy Monogamy is the most common form of marriage arrangement today. monogenism Religious believers frequently view population growth as a factor of monogenism. monoglot Being a monoglot, the investment banker had difficulty when traveling to foreign countries on business. monolingual She decided to enroll in English classes so that she would no longer be monolingual. monolith The most dramatic part of the science fiction movie was the scene where they discovered the monolith. monologue Some late-night talk shows on TV start with the performer doing a monologue. monomania Some teenagers have monomania when it comes to a particular singing 'idol'. monomial She was able to understand the monomial concept in her algebra course, but the binomial concept was another story. monomolecular The research scientist realized the illness was caused by a monomolecular virus. monomorphic The geological find was of a monomorphic sediment deposited millions of years ago. mononuclear Most cells in biology are mononuclear. mononucleosis At times, there have been dangerous outbreaks of mononucleosis in this country. monophagous The Australian koala bear is an example of a monophagous animal since it eats only eucalyptus leaves and buds. monophobia Psychologists can bring relief to those suffering from monophobia. monophonic A monophonic sound system would be difficult to sell in today's technological market. monoplane Before the biplane and triplane designs, there was the monoplane. monoplegia Because of the terrible genetic malady, she was forced to suffer from monoplegia. monopode One fable describes an ancient monopode race that one lived on Earth. monopoly There are US laws that make it a crime for a company to have a monopoly in a particular area of commerce. monopsony A company will have difficulty raising its product prices if its economic situation is a monopsony. monorail Some hi-tech trains run operate on a monorail design. monosome The 'X' chromosome in human genetics can be described as a monosome. monostome Many types of flatworms take in food materials through a monostome. monosyllabic Beginning readers usually start with monosyllabic text before progressing to more difficult material. monotheism Christianity is an example of a major religion that believes in monotheism. monotone If you want your audience to go to sleep during your presentation, try speaking in a monotone. monotonous Political candidates who give monotonous addresses are usually defeated at the polls. monotrichous Some bacteria use a monotrichous propulsion system for mobility. monoxide Carbon monoxide (CO) is a dangerous byproduct of any petroleum-burning internal combustion engine.