These exercises contain items that are (depending on the version of MS Word you are using) either highlighted in yellow are enclosed in red brackets. When you move your mouse cursor over a yellow area or a red-bracketed area, a 'hidden text message' will appear on the screen. Please, keep your cursor to the far right while you are reading the text material. When you are ready to 'uncover' the hidden text, move your cursor to the yellow or red areas. Let's practice this 'uncovering' procedure: How much is one plus one? a. b. c. d. zero two five none of the above -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word Parts The Prefix 'auto-' A prefix comes at the beginning of a word. When you come across an unfamiliar word, there are two techniques that can help you determine the new word's meaning: - look at the word and see if you can get a basic understanding of its meaning by using your knowledge of word parts - look for context clues by examining the sentence that contains the unfamiliar word, along with the sentence before and the sentence after autoautobiography Quite often a famous person will publish an autobiography. autocephalous Some governmental agencies have been severely criticized in the past for trying to be autocephalous. autocracy After the violent revolution the military leader established an autocracy where he was the dictator of the country. autodidact President Lincoln was an autodidact. autogamy The newly discovered plant reproduced using the process of autogamy. autograph The famous actress was constantly hounded by admirers for her autograph. autohypnosis Some hypnotists claim to be able to teach someone the art of autohypnosis. autoimmune Lupus is a tragic autoimmune disease in which one's own body produces cells that 'attack' the person's own organs. autolysis Stage 3 of the disease usually brings on the condition of autolysis, requiring intensive chemotherapy and bed rest. automat Since we had only 20 minutes for lunch, Maurice suggested we eat at the automat down the hall. automatic An air conditioning thermostat uses an automatic feedback system to adjust its operation. automaton When describing an automaton, frequently one will use a robot as an example. automobile Most of us are captives of the automobile for several hours each week. autonomic Certain activities in our bodies are classified as autonomic; we have no voluntary control over their functioning. autonomous Some first-year college students have trouble adjusting to the autonomous nature of higher education. autopsy The unusual circumstances surrounding the young woman's death caused the prosecutor to order an immediate autopsy. autosuggestion Many audio cassette tapes are on the market that claim to teach the skill of autosuggestion in order to correct certain behavior problems like: over eating, smoking, nail biting, worrying, etc. autotomy If you grab the tail of some lizards; by the process of autotomy, the end that you are holding will automatically disconnect from the rest of the lizard. autotoxin The patient was informed that her medical emergency had been brought on by the autotoxin in her blood supply. autotrophic Most green plants use the autotrophic process called photosynthesis to produce their food substances.