TO ALL GRADUATE STUDENTS: IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO APPLY FOR GRADUATION BY THE DEADLINE LISTED FOR EACH SEMESTER IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL ACADEMIC CALENDAR WHICH CAN BE FOUND IN THE GRADUATE CATALOG OUR ON THE WEB AT IF ELIGIBLE, YOU CAN APPLY FOR EITHER A DECEMBER OR MAY GRADUATION. THE “APPLICATION FOR GRANTING OF MASTER’S DEGREE” IS AVAILABLE FROM ANY SECRETARY IN THE COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT OR ON-LINE AT: WWW.COMMUNICATION.VILLANOVA.EDU/GRAD THE COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT THIS FORM IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT AND RETURNED TO THE GRADUATE DIRECTOR IN COMMUNICATION AT LEAST ONE MONTH PRIOR TO THE EXAMINATION. SEE THE GRADUATE SCHOOL ACADEMIC CALENDAR FOR THE DATE BY WHICH STUDENTS MUST APPLY FOR THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION WITH THE GRADUATE SCHOOL (be sure to fill out the form required by the graduate school). ALSO CONSULT THE CALENDAR FOR THE EXAMINATION DATE AT: I wish to be registered for the Comprehensive Examination in Communication which is scheduled for ____________________________. NAME_______________________________________________________ First Middle Last ADDRESS ____________________________________________________ Street ___________________________________________________ City State Zip Code TELEPHONE NUMBER ________________________________________ ___________Quality Point Average _____________Semester hours completed (including present registration) ___________Please check if this is re-examination GRADUATE DIRECTOR’S APPROVAL __________________________ DATE __________________________ Please list three courses for which you request an examination question: Strategic Comm. Theory __________________ __________________ Course 8/05 _____________ _____________ _____________ Semester taken ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Professor MASTER OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATION NATURE OF THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION Students may choose to take a comprehensive examination after having completed 21 credits of graduate work with a 3.00 quality-point average and having completed the 2 required courses. Students attending part time should consider taking the exam during their final semester of coursework. Students should apply to take the examination by completing an application form available on-line at. The application form should be completed and submitted to the Graduate Director at least one month prior to the date of the examination (as announced in the Villanova University Graduate School Bulletin). The department will compute the student’s quality-point average, and, if it is satisfactory and the student has completed 21 credits of graduate work and the 2 required courses, the Graduate Director will recommend to the Dean of the Graduate School and will inform students by mail that they have been approved for the examination. In the event of failure to pass the examination, one re-examination is permitted, but not within the same semester. The Graduate Director may also require the student to complete an oral examination. The comprehensive examination is offered in the Fall Semester, in the Spring Semester, and during the Summer Session. Students who do not elect to write a thesis in lieu of six credit hours of coursework are required to take the comprehensive examination. The comprehensive examination is a three-hour written examination that includes one question from each of the following areas: 1. Qualitative or Quantitative Research in Communication (depending on which course the student took) 2. Strategic Communication Theory 3. Course(s) from the student’s area of concentration The questions from each of the above-mentioned areas may include more than one part. Students should consult with their Academic Advisor regarding the course or courses from their specialization upon which the material for their third question will be based. The student is given a total of three hours to divide among the three examination questions. The student is advised to give adequate time to each examination question. All three examination questions must be answered satisfactorily for a student to pass the examination. Guidelines for Comprehensive Exam Preparation After submitting the form for comprehensive examination, you should contact the professors for each of the three courses in which you will be examined. Let them know the course and semester in which you took their course and request a meeting. At this first meeting it is important that you discuss with the professor the material that s/he expects that you to be familiar with for the exam. Although the professor will not give you the exact exam question they will provide good guidance on how and what to study for the exam. The professor may decide to set a common review session meeting for all students taking the exam from the same class in any given semester. If the professor does this you are certainly welcome to request a follow up session with the professor to answer any questions that may come up in your individual preparation for the exam. It is important to realize that your professor’s time is valuable and although it is expected that you will most likely meet once or twice with your professor in order to prepare for the exam (i.e. possibly once as a group session and once individually), it is neither expected nor desirable that you have regular meetings with him or her to prepare for the exam. Preparation is your job, not the professor’s. You will not be allowed to take notes with you into the exam unless your professor explicitly requests this of the graduate director. You will be taking your exam at a computer terminal where you can print out the exam for submission to the proctor at the end of the three hour period. You will be notified by the graduate secretary regarding the location of the exam. STUDENTS SHOULD CONSULT WITH THEIR ADVISORS AND/OR THE GRADUATE PROGRAM DIRECTOR IF THEY HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION.