LISTENING EVALUATION FORM FOR PRE-ASSIGNMENT 757 – REHEARSAL TECHNIQUES FOR CONTEMPORARY CHORAL ENSEMBLES INSTRUCTOR: JUSTIN BINEK OBJECTIVE INFORMATION Song Title: Composer: Arranger: Lyricist: SUBJECTIVE INFORMATION Form: What is the form of this song and/or arrangement? For instance: Blues, 32bar song form (AABA, ABAC, ABAB, ABCA, AABC), verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus, etc.: Style: What is the style of this song and/or arrangement? For instance: Swing, Latin (Bossa Nova, Samba, Salsa), Ballad, Bebop, Cool, Fusion, Rock, Funk, etc.: The Arrangement: 1) Are there unique introductions, transitions, or endings? If so, what are they? 2) How is different orchestration used? 3) Are there modulations, tempo or groove changes, rubato, wide dynamic contrasts,or other distinguishing characteristics? The Rhythm Section: Listen to the recording multiple times, focusing on each individual rhythm section instrument (or vocal percussionist/vocal bassist). Accompaniment devices that are common include all players working simultaneously, one or two instruments playing while others drop out, double time feel, half time feel, and stop time. Also, listen for how the solo singer or group interacts with the rhythm section. Provide your comments below: Improvisation: 1) Is there improvisation? 2) Is it harmonically and melodically sophisticated? 3) Does the singer use scat syllables or words from the song or a combination of both? 4) Do they cover a wide vocal range? 5) How do they use breath and space? 6) How is their pitch accuracy? 7) How is the sense of time? Subjective Analyisis: Did you like the selection? How did it make you feel? Has this listening experience made you curious about another recording, style, artist, or group? What aspects made this special or unique? Most important: what have you learned from this that you can use to improve your own group?