ME 221 Statics Sections 2.2 – 2.5 ME 221 Lecture 2 1 Announcements • ME221 TA’s and Help Sessions • Chad Stimson – • Homework grading & help room • Tuesdays & Thursdays – 8am to 1pm – 1522EB • Jimmy Issa – • Quiz & exam grading & help room • Tuesdays & Thursdays – 1pm to 5pm – 2415EB ME 221 Lecture 2 2 Announcements • HW#1 Due on Friday, May 21 Chapter 1 - 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 Chapter 2 – 2.1, 2.2, 2.11, 2.15, 2.21 • Quiz #1 on Friday, May 21 ME 221 Lecture 2 3 Last Lecture • Chapter 1: Basics • Vectors, vectors, vectors • Law of Cosines • Law of Sines • Drawing vector diagrams • Example 1: Addition of Vectors ME 221 Lecture 2 4 Law of Cosines This will be used often in balancing forces g b a b a c ME 221 Lecture 2 5 Law of Sines Again, start with the same triangle g b a b a c ME 221 Lecture 2 6 Example 25o 200 lb ME 221 45o 300 lb Lecture 2 Note: resultant of two forces is the vectorial sum of the two vectors 7 155o 200 lb 110o 25o 45o 300 lb ME 221 200 lb R 25o a = 90o+25o-a R 300 lb Lecture 2 8 Scalar Multiplication of Vectors Multiplication of a vector by a scalar simply scales the magnitude with the direction unchanged Line of action stays the same Line of action 0.5 x A A ME 221 Lecture 2 9 Forces • Review definition • Shear and normal forces • Resultant of coplanar forces ME 221 Lecture 2 10 Characteristics of a Force • Its magnitude – denoted by |F| • Its direction • Its point of application – important when we discuss moments later ME 221 Lecture 2 11 Further Categorizing Forces • Internal or external – external forces applied outside body P P Cut plane through body • A section of the body exposes internal body P Internal tension ME 221 Lecture 2 12 Shear and Oblique • Shear internal force has line of action contained in cutting plane P Intenal shear forces P ME 221 Lecture 2 13 Oblique Internal Forces • Oblique cutting planes have both normal and shear components N P S Where N + S = P ME 221 Lecture 2 14 Transmissibility • A force can be replaced by a force of equal magnitude provided it has the same line of action and does not disturb equilibrium B A ME 221 Lecture 2 15 Weight is a Force • Weight is the force due to gravity – W = mg • where m is mass and g is gravity constant • g = 32.2 ft/s2 = 9.81 m/s2 • English and metric – Weight lb or N – Mass slugs or kg ME 221 Lecture 2 16 Resultant of Coplanar Forces A body’s motion depends on the resultant of all the forces acting on it In 2-D, we can use the Laws of Sines and Cosines to determine the resultant force vector In 3-D, this is not practical and vector components must be utilized • more on this later ME 221 Lecture 2 17 Perpendicular Vectors y y A Ax A Ay y Ay y Ay x x Ax Ax x x Ax is the component of vector A in the x-direction Ay is the component of vector A in the y-direction ME 221 Lecture 2 18 Vector Components Vector components are a powerful way to represent vectors in terms of coordinates. y y y A where Ax = |A| cos x Ay Ay = |A| cos y = |A| sin x x Ax A= x ME 221 x Lecture 2 Ax Ay 19 Vector Components (continued) Ax = |A| cos x Ay = |A| cos y = |A| sin x cos x = Ax / |A| = x cos y = Ay / |A| = y x and y are called direction cosines x2 + y2 = 1 Note: To apply this rule the two axes must be orthogonal ME 221 Lecture 2 20 Summary • External forces give rise to – tension and compression internal forces – normal and shear internal forces • Forces can translate along their line of action without disturbing equilibrium • The resultant force on a particle is the vector sum of the individual applied forces ME 221 Lecture 2 21 3-D Vectors; Base Vectors • Rectangular Cartesian coordinates (3-D) • Unit base vectors (2-D and 3-D) • Arbitrary unit vectors • Vector component manipulation ME 221 Lecture 2 22 3-D Rectangular Coordinates • Coordinate axes are defined by Oxyz y Coordinates can be rotated any way we like, but ... O z x • Coordinate axes must be a right-handed coordinate system. ME 221 Lecture 2 23 Writing 3-D Components • Component vectors add to give the vector: y y A Az = O O x z A= Ay z Ax x Ax + Ay + Az Also, ME 221 Lecture 2 24 3-D Direction Cosines The angle between the vector and coordinate axis measured in the plane of the two y y A x O z z x Where: x2+y2+z2=1 ME 221 Lecture 2 25 Unit Base Vectors Associate with each coordinate, x, y, and z, a unit vector (“hat”). All component calculations use the unit base vectors as grouping vectors. y Now write vector as follows: where Ax = |Ax| O z ME 221 Ay = |Ay| x Az = |Az| Lecture 2 26 Vector Equality in Components • Two vectors are equal if they have equal components when referred to the same reference frame. That is: if Ax = Bx , Ay = By , Az = Bz ME 221 Lecture 2 27 Additional Vector Operations • To add vectors, simply group base vectors • A scalar times vector A simply scales all the components ME 221 Lecture 2 28 General Unit Vectors • Any vector divided by its magnitude forms a unit vector in the direction of the vector. – Again we use “hats” to designate unit vector y b O z ME 221 Lecture 2 x 29 Position Vectors in Space • Points A and B in space are referred to in terms of their position vectors. y rA A O • Relative position defined by the difference ME 221 Lecture 2 x z rB B rB/A 30 Vectors in Matrix Form • When using MatLab or setting up a system of equations, we will write vectors in a matrix form: ME 221 Lecture 2 31 Summary • Write vector components in terms of base vectors • Know how to generate a 3-D unit vector from any given vector ME 221 Lecture 2 32 Example Problem ME 221 Lecture 2 33