MINUTES SECOND Meeting of the Villanova University Senate for Academic Year 2012-2013 in Bartley Hall 2010 on Friday, SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 at 3:30 P.M. PRESENT: Dr. Robert Styer, Chairperson; Ms. Elizabeth Heurich, Executive Secretary; Mr. Joseph Dellapenna, Parliamentarian Ms. Christine Alizzi; Dr. Wayne Bremser; Mr. Jay Chamberlin; Mr. Jack Chong; Ms. Ann Diebold; Dr. M. Louise Fitzpatrick; Mr. Steve Fugale; Mr. Ryan Gatti; Mr. Daniel Goldowsky; Dr. Edwin Goff; Ms. Caroline Kemp; Dr. Christopher Kilby; Dr. Sarvesh Kulkarni; Ms. Susan Leighton; Dr. Jean Ann Linney; Dr. Adele Lindenmeyr; Ms. Carmela Migliarino; Mr. Aaron Moore; Mr. John J. Murray; Dr. Victoria McWilliams; Mr. Vince Nicastro; Mr. Kevin Noller; Dr. Donna Shai; Mr. Robert Stover; Mr. Richard Travia ’03; Mr. Daniel Troiano; Dr. Barbara Wall; Dr. Randy Weinstein; Mrs. Selma Koury Wunderlich ’58 (representing the VUAA president) Ms. Helen Heron, Recording Secretary ABSENT Dr. Mary Ann Cantrell (Notified In Advance-Unable to Attend); Rev. Kail Ellis, OSA (NIA); Rev. John Stack, OSA (NIA); Dr. Gary Gabriele (NIA); Ms. Sophie Kagan (NIA); Dr. Julie Klein (NIA); Dr. Patrick Maggitti; Ms. Dorothy Malloy, J.D. (NIA); Mr. Christopher Marroletti (NIA); Ms. Susan Sessa (NIA); Mr. Stephen Sheridan (NIA); Mr. Ken Valosky (NIA); Dr. Thomas Way (NIA); Dr. Kelly Welch (NIA) AGENDA SENATE SOCIAL – 3:00 P.M. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 BARTLEY HALL-ROOM 2010 AT 3:30 PM Please silence all cell phones. Please put your nameplate at your place for attendance purposes. INVOCATION – Senator Barbara Wall I. II. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the April 13, 2012 Meeting POWER OF INTERPELLATION (if any) ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE a. Welcome to all the new Senators b. The Senate requests that each member read Article VII in the Constitution regarding the absences of Senators at Senate Meetings IV. GUEST SPEAKER- Mr. Paul Xhori, UNIT Brief presentation on the new University Senate web site and SharePoint REPORT FROM FACULTY CONGRESS ON 2012-2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES-Dr. Victoria McWilliams, Chair VI. REPORT FROM STUDENT GOVERNMENT 2012-2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES-Mr. Chris Marroletti, Student Government President VII. REPORT FROM UNIVERSITY STAFF COUNCIL ON 2012-2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Mr. Kevin Noller, Chair VIII. REPORT FROM GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT ON 2012-2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES - Ms. Sophie Kagan, President IX. REPORT FROM THE VILLANOVA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ON 2012-2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Mrs. Selma Koury Wunderlich’58 X. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS AND GUEST SPEAKERS XI. NEW BUSINESS XII. ADJOURNMENT V. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ INVOCATION – Senator Barbara Wall Oh God, giver of life, we ask you especially this afternoon to be present to all those gathered here. May we be guided by your wisdom, understanding and ability to listen to one another. We ask you especially today, the end of another month, to give us energy and inspiration to approach the next month with even more vigor. We ask this in the name of the Lord. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the April 13, 2012 meeting. The minutes were unanimously approved with one abstention. II. POWER OF INTERPELLATION (if any) III. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE a) Welcome to all the new Senators b) The Senate requests that each member read Article VII in the Constitution regarding the absences of Senators at Senate Meetings ARTICLE VII After a Senator misses more than two consecutive and/or more than three total meetings during the academic year, the Chairperson of the Senate shall direct a letter of inquiry to the specific Senator involved requesting information about said Senator’s ability to serve and his/her intentions regarding attendance at future meetings. c) Senator Styer stated that all the evaluations can be found on the web site. IV. GUEST SPEAKER Mr. Paul Xhori, UNIT gave a short presentation on the Senate web site and The SharePoint site 2 Senator Styer addressed the current changes in the Senate. He explained that each committee now has a direct line to the administrator who ultimately must implement the Senate committee wishes. Goal: efficient speedy implementation. Example: Some years ago the Senate Mission and Social Justice Committee worked hard to craft a motion to change the investment policies of the Board of Trustees to make social justice issues a key component in our investment portfolio. When the motion came to the Senate, a huge amount of effort was expended on how to word the motion in a way that would achieve the goals without unduly restricting the Board of Trustees. The motion was remanded to the M&SJ committee to rework it. The process would have taken many months longer if Senator and Vice President Ken Valosky had not agreed to work directly with the committee in conjunction with the Board of Trustees to draft a motion acceptable to all parties. This motion was eventually brought to the full Senate and approved, by which time the students who originally started work on this issue were gone. This past year, the Senate Mission and Social Justice Committee considered becoming a Fair Trade University. Attaining this status required consideration of complex issues, and the committee worked hard to look at all relevant aspects. Due to the new committee direct lines, this time the motion went directly to Senator and Vice President Barbara Wall who was able to shepherd it through the administrative channels and get it approved over the summer. The students working on it were able to witness its implementation not terribly long after they graduated. This is an example of the efficiency that the recent changes to the Senate Constitution should encourage. But there is a price for efficiency; we as Senators must be more vigilant to see what the committees are discussing and implementing. Standard parliamentary procedures require committees to prepare minutes which detail the actions and decisions of the committee. These minutes traditionally are approved at the next meeting of the committee, and then are passed onto the main body (the Senate) at their next meeting. So it could take months before a committee action is known by the larger body. Traditional committees cannot take action on their own without the final motion being approved by the larger body, but as we just noted, our Senate has decided to give our committees power to act directly for the sake of efficiency. So we are asking all committees to prepare minutes in a timely fashion, and to approve them electronically as soon as possible, so they can be posted for the full Senate to review as soon as possible (and potentially could lead to objections from the Senate members who can override a committee action in the rare instances where this is justified). Email, the Senate website, and the Senate Sharepoint site are three tools that can help us to create, approve and disseminate committee minutes quickly. 3 As Senators, we have the major responsibility to review committee minutes and to raise questions if important aspects of an issue were overlooked by the committee members. We in turn are responsible to the Villanova community, so the Senate itself will also modify its procedures so we will draft and approve our minutes electronically in a timely fashion. A note on Robert’s Rules of Order: almost all minutes are approved perfunctorily, with at most minor typos and missed names corrected. Once in a while, however, substantive phrasing of the minutes is questioned and the proper wording could potentially lead to significant debate. Whenever members have a significant disagreement with the wording of the minutes, that committee will need to hold off approval of the minutes until the membership can meet in person to debate the precise wording. Our goal in approving minutes electronically is to lead to efficiency, but not at the price of the accuracy of the minutes. He thanked everyone for their willingness to work towards efficiency, transparency, and responsibility in the legislative process. VI. FROM FACULTY CONGRESS ON 2012-2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Dr. Victoria McWilliams, Chair I will begin, today by thanking all of the Faculty Congress members, both past and current, for all that they do to facilitate faculty’s role in governance here at Villanova. I also give a special thank you to Dr. Q Chung who led Faculty Congress for the last two years. He sets the bar very high for me! Two additional events need mentioning. First, thank you to Fr. Ellis and the University for the faculty salary study. And last, but not least, I thank Fr. Peter and the generous gift from Oliver Ludwig (1935 – 2010) for Faculty Fridays. This coming year, Faculty Congress will continue its work on unfinished business from last year. In many cases, the issues that are brought to Faculty Congress seek to improve the lines of communication between faculty and other university constituents. Therefore, one goal that I have is for Faculty Congress to move forward with its agenda in a way that is as transparent as possible to faculty at large and to the university’s administrators. We also must ensure that staff and students understand what we are doing and have the opportunity for input when we deal with issues that affect them, as well. Some of the issues that we face also deal with affecting change. In these cases, it is important that Faculty Congress, the members of which serve as faculty representatives, seeks to gain relevant input and keeps the different constituencies informed. Toward this outcome, we will be examining the manner in which we meet to determine if there is a different model that helps us effectively communicate and achieve the changes that we seek. We, of course, will be getting back to the topic of Continuing Non-tenure Track faculty voting, with a desire to come to acceptable closure. Issues related to communication, faculty retirement, and responsibilities of faculty representatives are examples of our upcoming discussions. APC and COF will 4 make their own reports and, naturally, work closely with Faculty Congress. Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact any member of Faculty Congress, APC, and/or COF as we move forward this academic year. VII. REPORT FROM STUDENT GOVERNMENT ON 2012-2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Mr. Christopher Marroletti, President, SGA As the Vice President, Lael Hoegen, and I are attending a Board of Trustees Student Life Committee meeting, we send our deepest regret for our absence. We appreciate Lizzy Heurich, reading the letter on our behalf. We would also like to thank the Senate for allowing us the time to update you on our goals and ambitions for the 2012- 2013 school year. As some of you may know, two years ago the Student Government Association underwent a structural change. A change that was integral to the improvement of the organization. This change has improved and made an impact across campus and throughout the Villanova community. We are proud to say that SGA has already been successful in completing goals and creating relationships across campus. We, as an organization are learning the important stages of group development, forming, storming, norming and performing as we begin our school year. We are truly looking forward to many exciting events and projects this year and hope that you can join us in this excitement. To being the school year, SGA and the President’s Office hosted their annual Student Leadership dinner on September 19th. The theme this event was Legacy of Leadership, to connect and collaborate. We invited Student and Faculty leaders from all areas of campus to come together to discuss ways, as leaders on campus; they could leave a lasting impact on the University. After reading many applications and a weekend of conducting numerous interviews, the SGA leadership team has filled each of its’ committee’s with a diverse group students who are innovative and determined to take pride in our University and advocate for change for every member of the Villanova Community. Having such an awesome group has allowed for SGA to begin to plan a year to remember, a way to leave a legacy. On September 30th, the Student Government Association will partner with the Garrett Hill Coalition and Bryn Mawr Civic Association to plan the Welcome Students Picnic for students who live off campus. The Community Relations Committee has been working with Radnor Township in order to plan a great event to build a strong community. In an effort to assist with the event SGA handed out flyers to the local community, and has volunteered to assist with the set-up and cleanup of the picnic. Also, it is an exciting year for the country with the presidential election only 39 days away. In July, SGA partnered with the Campus Activities Team and the Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania to sponsor a campus wide voter registration drive. The name of this project has been coined, “Ignite Change. Go Vote!” The goal of this campaign is to collaborate with the College Republicans, College Democrats, and the Villanova Political Action Committee 5 to register as many students as possible. The campaign began in full force on September 18th, when Rock the Vote, whose mission is to build political power in young people, came to campus to register students. Despite some weather challengers, we are proud to report that 295 students registered to vote. Rock the Vote was very content and proud of the student turn out. This week, volunteers from several organizations continued to register students to vote in all three dining halls across campus. In late October, SGA, CAT, and SNAP will also hand out stickers that the President’s office has ordered for those students who live outside the state of Pennsylvania in agreement with the new Pennsylvania State law that requires photo ID. On Election Day, SGA will provide shuttle rides throughout the day to various voting locations where students can vote. Another event we have begun to plan is a Thank you event for Dining Services, Facilities, and Public Safety Staff to commemorate everything these wonderful people do for the student population and Villanova community. Lael and I discussed that it was only appropriate to take care of the people who take care of us everyday. Especially as seniors in the Villanova Community, we feel this is a simple, but heart-felt event that SGA can host for the men and women who make an impact on the lives of students daily. It is important to remember that Rome was not built in a day. Together, with SGA, we hope that by the end of the year we can make this year a legacy. Hopefully, we have given you an insight into some of the projects SGA has begun working on and the energy that SGA has to offer to the University. Our campaign motto was “Our Voice and Your Words.” Lael and I have both found this job to very humbling and cannot wait represent the students in the best way possible. We would like to thank the people in this room. You have the ability to join us in this 2012-2013 school year to make a mark and leave a legacy. We hope to continue to work together and ask for your support as together we can make this a better campus. VIII. REPORT FROM UNIVERISTY STAFF COUNCIL ON 2012-1013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES- Mr. Kevin Noller, Chair The USC will continue in its fourth year to be an open forum where, within a spirit of respect and frankness, staff representatives and other colleagues will discuss and address cross-University topics and concerns with respect to community building, job fulfillment, work process improvement, and other issues with the ultimate goal of contributing to the University’s Mission and values. To accomplish this, staff members will continue their work on the various committees that comprise the USC focusing on staff development and staff recognition. The USC’s recently revamped Workplace Improvement Award will be one area of focus. Finally, the Executive and Election Committees of the USC will manage the election process for a new group of USC members as the 2-year term of its 6 elected membership expires in January 2013. The goal is to create a smooth transition for the USC as both the Chair and Vice Chair will be departing four year members of the Council. IX. REPORT FROM GRADUATE STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT ON 2012- 2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Ms. Sophie Kagan, President IX. Current Officers o President – Sophie Kagan, Human Resource Development o VP Academics – Ali Yousaf, Human Resource Development o VP Social Activities – Molly Wiseman, Educational Leadership o VP Finance – Kim Contegiacomo, Counseling o Secretary – Denise Diadyk-Sweeney, History of Science Overall goals o Get more graduate students engaged by using social media (especially Facebook and email blasts) o Partner with other graduate-student organizations to help promote graduate student life o Make the connection between Villanova brand and graduate students a stronger one o Work closely with Grad Studies Office and our advisor, Paul Steege, to offer more resources for graduate students o Student Ambassadors program overview Recap of Graduate Student Orientation o Attendance close to 150 new students o Tours of campus, speakers from Grad Studies Office, Q&A with GSC officers Budget o $650 received from Villanova student life/activities account o Working with Grad Studies Office to ensure effective spending Planned events o Networking Happy Hour (Sept 28th) o Fall Social (Oct 5th) o Homecoming Tailgate (Oct 27th) o Winter Social (TBD – late Jan, early Feb) o Academic Panel/Event (TBD – late March, early April) REPORT FROM THE VILLANOVA ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ON 2012-2013 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES – Mrs. Selma Koury Wunderlich ’58 1. The Alumni Association will work with the University Advancement Team to increase the alumni donor giving rate to 25%. Five years ago the giving rate was 15%. Two years ago the rate was 21%, and last year it rose to 23%. 2. The Alumni Association will expand its engagement programs particularly aimed at students and recent graduates. Some of the new engagement programs include: --7 Welcome to the city events held in Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago and Washington, D.C. reach out to recent graduates and others to acquaint them with the alumni network in these cities. This program was launched on September 13, 2012. The events attracted more than 500 alumni. NOVA Dinners (Network of Nova Alumni) were launched in January 2012. It is a series of ten small dinners hosted by alumni for about ten students per dinner. Students are matched with alumni who have shared career interests. The program will continue in January 2013 and will be expanded to other cities. Regional Leadership Summits--Building on the success of this popular program, Regional Summits will be sponsored in several cities this year, and it will involve alumni, parents, faculty and administrators in discussions and important topical issues. An Ongoing Program---Alumni Association Scholarship Program sponsored by ten chapters of the Alumni Association. The program has awarded more than $500,000 to students from the chapter regions. 3. The Alumni Association will increase its volunteer team by 300 volunteers (or 20%) to 1,800 volunteers and establish an expanded Volunteer Leaders Conference to orient and recognize these volunteers. The Alumni Association is not anticipating growth in the number of chapters, but strengthening the existing ones. However, following a recent visit to Beirut, Lebanon by Father Peter, the Association is working to establish an Alumni Association Chapter in Beirut. X. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS AND FUTURE GUEST SPEAKERS XI. NEW BUSINESS Senator Jay Chamberlin noted that the Law School was having issues connecting to the Internet. Senator Fugale stated the he would address the matter as soon as possible. Senator Chamberlin made a motion that Senator Fugale address the matter at our next meeting. Senator Goff seconded the motion. XII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Senator Styer asked for a motion to adjourn. Senator Wall motioned for the meeting to be adjourned. Senator Fitzpatrick seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. The scheduled meetings for FIRST SEMESTER Academic Year 2012-2013 are: 8 Friday, October 26, 2012 – Bartley 2010– 3:30 PM Friday, November 30, 2012 – Bartley 2010- 3:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Elizabeth Heurich Executive Secretary VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY SENATE EH/hh 9