February 1, 2013.doc

Student Life Committee of the University Senate
MINUTES, February 1, 2013 meeting
3:00pm, Rosemont Room, Connelly Center.
Fr. John P. Stack, VP, Student Life
Christopher Marroletti, SGA President
Lael Hoegan, SGA Vice President
Kevin O'Leary, President, Campus Activities Team (CAT)
Chelsea Firth, President, Panhel
Kathy Byrnes, Assoc VP for Student Life
Adriano Duque, faculty rep
Tom Mogan, Director, Student Development
Paul Pugh, Dean of Students
1. Discussion regarding how students are treated by the police when they encounter them
in the community (raised by Fr. Stack). Students present had not heard of complaints
or concerns from fellow students. Students did observe more presence this year, in
vicinity of the bars in Bryn Mawr, around closing time.
Students also shared that Lower Merion has been doing "community checks" where the
police come to your home to check in on you. They are not very friendly when they
make these visits. Visits have been recent (as well as at beginning of the school year).
Students also offered that police have been very active at “The Courts” and thus the
social activity there has lessened recently.
Students also shared that, the prior evening (Thursday January 31), police were
“raiding the bars.” Police were at both Kelly’s and Maloney's.
Fr. Stack shared that Villanova had had a meeting with the local commissioner, who is
advocating for (and getting) more enforcement, more presence by police. Villanova is
trying to help make students aware and to be responsible in the community. SGA /
Chris Marroletti had sent letter to all student residents of Home Properties at
beginning of the school year; consensus is that it is a good idea to send another similar
letter to make students cognizant of need for good behavior, especially late night when
coming home. We want to be good neighbors.
2. Spring Event. Kevin reported that CAT and other students had met with Tom Mogan.
Current plan for a spring event does NOT include alcohol (as earlier discussion had
mentioned event similar to Homecoming). Ideas that are emerging for Spring Event –
a. Color Run and BBQ.
b. Event would include free food, games, inflatibles, some smaller-scale bands.
c. Location: Oreo plaza.
d. Color Run: possible location Austin Field, with laps around campus and on Austin
field, where color stuff would be. Colors are made of corn starch. We would
have to make sure Facilities is on-board. We would have a clean up plan, there is
a company/vendor that “supplies” Color Run needs. Run would be fundraiser to
support Villanovan-created non-profits ... when you register you designate your
chosen charity from the list.
i. Color is chalking powder ... washes away.
ii. Jen from CAT is checking out some other schools who have hosted for
more information. Still in early stage of planning/investigation.
iii. Tom M will also reach out to Bob Morro
e. Proposed date for Spring Event: Saturday, April 27
3. Off-campus shuttle? Discussion re: disadvantages of shuttle being discontinued.
Narrow sidewalk between campus and CVS --- see so many people walking. Cars go by
fast, feels so unsafe, dangerous for people. SGA is going to make another effort. SGA
is planning to write with concerns to PSO, pertinent VPs (Fr. Stack and Ken Valosky)
and Fr. Peter.
Committee also inquired whether we can request Radnor Township to post Light Posts
along Lancaster Avenue. Roadway is very dark and sidewalk narrow, feels unsafe given
pedestrians on sidewalk.
4. Question re: culture of drinking at Villanova from faculty representative. Fr. Stack
and Chris Marroletti talked about current work of State of Alcohol committee this
year, with sub-committee working on this question, exploring culture of drinking and
how to address, etc. Faculty member shared that he sees very good students who
leave Villanova because of the culture of too much drinking.
State of Alcohol report will be drafted by May, then will go to Vice President of
Student Life and then to President.
kjb 2/12/2013