Villanova University Minutes of the Rules and Review Committee October 9, 2012 Present: Jay Strieb, Robert Styer, Selma Koury Wunderlich, Chair, Tom DeMarco, Allison Venella, Dan Goldowsky, Ryan Gatti, Helen Heron, Secretary Absent: Steve Fugale, Rev. Kail Ellis, OSA (NIA), David Fiorenza, Christine Alizzi (NIA) The meeting convened at 11:30 a.m. Mrs. Koury Wunderlich opened with a short prayer. She also stated that there will be two meetings each semester lasting one hour. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of 3-13-12 meeting were approved II. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS III. ELECTIONS FOR CHAIRPERSON AND SECRETARY Nominations for Chairperson Bob Styer nominated Selma Koury Wunderlich, seconded by Jay Strieb Nominations for Secretary Selma Koury Wunderlich nominated Helen Heron, seconded by Bob Styer Both nominations were approved unanimously. IV. OVERVIEW OF DUTIES OF RULES AND REVIEW The Chair gave an overview of the responsibilities and processes of the Rules and Review Committee as stated in the Senate Constitution, Article VIII, Section 6. V. REVIEW OF PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR EVALUATIONS FOR STANDING COMMITTEES Cycle: At Least Once Every Six Years Prepared by the 2012-2013 Rules and Review Committee COMMITTEE LAST EVALUATION NEXT Rules & Review 2010-2011 2016-2017 Academic Policy 2009-2010 2015-2016 Mission & Social Justice 2010-2011 2016-2017 Budget 2009-2010 2015-2016 Committee on Faculty 2011-2012 2017-2018 Executive 2006-2007 2012-2013 University Senate 2006-2007 2012-2013 Student Life/Student Government 2007-2008 2013-2014 Athletic Advisory 2009-2010 (Two-year evaluation recommended) 2013-2015 Jay Strieb volunteered to chair the evaluation for the University Senate with David Fiorenza and Ward T. Williams as the Sub-Committee for 2012-2013. Allison Venella volunteered to chair the evaluation for the Executive Committee with Tom DeMarco and Dan Goldowsky as the Sub-Committee for 2012-2013. Helen Heron will send out the questionnaires via Qualtrics by the end of October. The Chair explained that our evaluations are now done through a web-based system. The committee analysis the results and then presents a report. She also noted that Tom DeMarco drew up excellent guidelines for the evaluating committees. The completed evaluations will be posted on the University Senate web site. VI. ANNUAL REPORT FROM THE CHAIR OF THE RULES AND REVIEW COMMITTEE-APRIL, 2012 During this academic year of 2011-2012, the Rules and Review committee completed the evaluation of the Athletic Advisory Committee and the Committee on Faculty as scheduled. The web-based system for the evaluation surveys, first used last year, again proved to be more efficient than paper questionnaires. In addition, the evaluators had the use of a new set of evaluation guidelines written by Rules and Review member Tom DeMarco. The evaluators found the guidelines very helpful. The completed evaluation reports are posted on the University Senate website. Last year when the Rules and Review committee was evaluated, the independent evaluators recommended that a speaker be invited to a Rules committee meeting. In keeping with the recommendation, Dr. Robert Langran, political science professor, was invited and he spoke at the February meeting on the evolution of the Senate to the present structure. Committee work continued on the "Proposed Revision of the Senate Constitution" and several amendments were formulated and introduced to the Senate Executive Committee and then to the Senate for their approval and vote. Some additional work on the revision will continue next year. In my opinion, this committee works efficiently because of the dedication and active participation of its members, namely, Mr. Tom DeMarco, Rev. Kail Ellis, O.S.A., Dr. Robert Styer, Dr. Jay Strieb, Ms. Helen Heron, Ms. Kristin Seeger, Ms. Gabrielle Bruno, Mr. Stephen Fugale, Dr. Maggie Wang, Ms. Allison Venella, Ms. Minjeung Kim and Mr. Jack Chong. My heartfelt thanks to all the committee members and to the Senate. Selma Koury Wunderlich Chair-Rules and Review Committee VII. CONSIDER AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH A SEAT FOR A UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN ON THE ACADEMIC POLICY COMMITTEE Article VIII, Section 2: first sentence: add a “librarian” in the list: “…two graduate students (one of whom shall be the Graduate Student Council President ex officio), one librarian, and six members ex officio…” Add a new sentence just before the final sentence of this section: “The library representative will serve a two year term and will be appointed by the University Librarian” The motion was unanimously approved. VIII. FUTURE GUEST SPEAKERS Helen Lafferty Dottie Malloy Phil Maurone IX. APPROVAL OF DATES FOR FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. in the Bryn Mawr Room of the Connelly Center X. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Helen Heron Secretary