Villanova University Minutes of the Rules and Review Committee October 31, 2013 Present: Jay Strieb, Robert Styer, Selma Koury Wunderlich, Chair, Tom DeMarco, Allison Venella, David Fiorenza, Aaron Moore, Helen Heron, Secretary Absent: Steve Fugale (NIA), Rev. Kail Ellis (NIA), Ryan Gatti (NIA), Yannis Koukounas (NIA),- Ward T. Williams (NIA) The meeting convened at 12:00 PM Mrs. Koury Wunderlich opened with a short prayer. She also stated that there will be at least two meetings each semester lasting one hour. I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of 2-22-13 were electronically approved II. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS III. UPDATE ON EVALUATION OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE o A decision was made to send out the survey in late November due to the fact that many of the same members will be receiving the Task Force survey in early November. o The sub-committee will consist of Ward T. Williams, Chair, Dr. David Fiorenza, Mr. Aaron Moore and Mr. Yannis Koukounas. o The Student Life Committee survey will be conducted in the Spring. IV. REVIEW OF PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR EVALUATIONS FOR STANDING COMMITTEES Cycle: At Least Once Every Six Years Prepared by the 2013-2014 Rules and Review Committee COMMITTEE EVALUATION LAST EVALUATION NEXT Rules & Review 2010-2011 2016-2017 Academic Policy 2009-2010 2015-2016 1 Mission & Social Justice 2010-2011 2016-2017 Budget 2009-2010 2015-2016 Committee on Faculty 2011-2012 2017-2018 Executive 2013-2014 2019-2020 University Senate 2012-2013 2018-2019 Student Life/Student Government 2013-2014 2019-2020 Athletic Advisory 2011-2012 2013-2014 Note ---The evaluation of the Athletic Advisory Committee dated October 28, 2009 recommended another evaluation by Rules and Review in two years. V. REPORT TO THE UNIVERSITY SENATE REGARDING MOTIONS FOR SUSPENSION OF SENATE Some of the following historical background is from Dr. Robert Styer's notes which you received at this Senate session. The Villanova University Senate with its initial Constitution and unique tripartite representation was established in 1970 by the Board of Trustees. It had a very active agenda with enthusiastic debate on motions sent up from its committees. By the 1990s, it was determined that the Constitution needed revision to meet the growing needs of the faculty and the student body. A committee was formed to revise the Constitution, and in 2000 the Board of Trustees approved the new Constitution. The present Senate is governed by this revised Constitution of 2000, and any ensuing amendments. The revised Constitution provided some of the Senate committees with a direct line to their administrators. This procedure worked so efficiently, that eventually every committee was given a direct line of communication to the respective administrators to handle committee concerns, thus eliminating long debates before the Senate. This has produced a very positive response from the Senate committees as indicated in their evaluations. As a result of the success of the direct line option, fewer motions were sent to the Senate. As a result, the full Senate meetings have become merely information sessions. In addition, in order to increase communication within the University, Father Peter Donohue, University President, wisely introduced the community forum. However, this further weakened the perceived value of the Senate presentations. Beginning in the Fall of 2009 and continuing to the present, the Rules and Review committee has discussed possible restructuring of the Senate. Various ideas were presented, including abolishing the Senate. However, a consensus could not be reached. Restructuring the Senate continued to be considered especially in light of the Middle States Self-Study recommendations presented at the October 10, 2010 Senate meeting. It stated that "The University should conduct a formal evaluation of the University Senate with special attention to structural changes that might improve its functioning". 2 On February 14, 2013, the Rules and Review Committee met in a joint session with the Senate Executive Committee at the request of the R&R Committee. At this meeting, a two year suspension of the Senate was suggested. The meeting resulted in the two motions before us, namely:-- Motion #1---The Senate Executive Committee shall appoint a Senate Reconstitution Task Force to consider various alternatives to the present Senate and to recommend a revision or replacement for the current University Senate structure. Motion #2---The University Senate shall suspend its regular full Senate meeting commencing September 2013 until such time as the Senate Reconstitution Task Force issues a report for its consideration. (The Senate committees will continue as usual.) Following are some additional thoughts regarding the Motions if the Senate is suspended:- Suspension for the suggested two years is a relatively short time. The Reconstitution Task Force would be in place to do their study as described in Motion #1. During the suspension, the committees would still function, including the Executive Committee. The committees would still have their direct line option to their administrator. The committee minutes would be posted online for all to read. The Executive Committee will still include the Chairperson of each standing committee. If the Standing committees wish further discussion, in addition to their direct line option, the Chair of the committee can bring the matter to the Executive Committee at any time for possible resolution. Currently, at the Executive Committee meetings, the committee chairs report on the activities of their committees as part of the Executive Committee agenda. If further communication or debate is required, the matter could be discussed at a Community Forum. The Community Forum venue is already in place at Villanova. During the suspension, the Executive Committee could be considered the "organized gathering" of committee work. Article VIII, Section 1 of the Senate Constitution provides for “The Executive Committee to act for the University Senate between meetings of the Senate...and it shall have such powers, functions and duties during periods when the Senate is not in session..." Since the Senate Constitution already provides the Executive Committee with the power to act for the Senate when it is not in session, then probably a governing document would be not be required. The Executive Committee will continue overseeing the committee appointments and assignment of issues to the appropriate committee. The Senate administrative secretary will continue all coordination between committees and the posting of their minutes online. 3 This report is the result of the combined efforts, over the years, of many individuals who have participated in the numerous phases of the Villanova University Senate. Thank you. Selma Koury Wunderlich Chair-Rules and Review Committee March 15, 2013 Mrs. Wunderlich pointed out that Bob Styer felt that the longer we keep the Senate in limbo the weaker it will become and it will lose its power. He suggested that the Task Force deadline, with a recommendation, should be April, 2014. VI. REPORT ON SENATE CONSTITUTION TASK FORCE o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Consists of ten people Two from each constituency List of twenty-six interviewees The list has been divided into two parts, consisting of List A and B Those on List A are being interviewed personally Those on List B will be sent a written interview conducted by OPIR using Qualtrics to send out the questions Reverend Donohue, OSA and Bob Styer have already been interviewed in person All information regarding the Task Force interviews can be found on SharePoint The Committee has been paired into two people from the Task Force interviewing two interviewees If there is anyone on the committee who would like to join in on the interviews they may do so The interviewers will take notes and share them with the members of the committee The interviews will be completed by December During the second semester the results will be discussed and analyzed by the Task Force The recommendations will be formulated and then presented to the Executive Committee Mrs. Wunderlich explained that Bob Styer attended one of the meetings and gave a brief overview of his suggestions. Bob’s evolution of the Senate can be found on SharePoint. The Task Force then met with Father Peter. Father very graciously gave the committee forty-five minutes in which to discuss their issues. Father remained, in a sense, non-committal. He stated that he is impressed with the “uniqueness” of the Senate in that we are a multi-partite body. He would like to see that retained. However if we can find a something better, he would be open to that as well. Father was very open to all of the ideas that the committee presented to him. It was also 4 suggested to Father about replacing the Senate with his Community Forums. This interview can also be found on the SharePoint web site. The following are members of the Senate Reconstitution Task Force: Mrs. Selma Koury Wunderlich, Chair Dr. Adele Lindenmeyr Dr. Craig Wheeland Dr. Matthew Kerbel Dr. Lauren Shohet Mr. Richard Travia Ms. Cathleen Kolongowski Ms. Bridget Boston Mr. Sean Dolan Mr. Thomas Soussou VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. APPROVAL OF DATE FOR FUTURE MEETING DATES The next scheduled meeting will be held tentatively on January 27th. IX. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM Respectfully submitted, Helen Heron Secretary 5