CONTRACT COURSE FORM Juniors and seniors can fulfill Honors Program requirements through a contracting a non-Honors upper level course in their majors. With the approval of a course’s instructor and the Honors Director, the student agrees to complete additional or alternative study and/or research that complements topics covered in the course sufficient to warrant Honors credit. Content for contract course assignments must be higher-level, innovative augmentations of normal course work in the class. A student may pursue this option no more than twice. The following must be completed after consulting with your advisor, and must be submitted to the Honors Director for approval before the end of the Drop-Add period for the semester in which you intend to take the contract course. Proposals submitted after Add-Drop ends will not be considered. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Year/Semester: NAME: Banner ID#: Graduate Year: College: Course Number and Title: COURSE INSTRUCTOR: DEPT: TOPIC OF ADDITIONAL STUDY AND RESEARCH: Please use additional pages as necessary and attach to this form: 1. A project proposal: Proposals must include a rationale, objectives, and description of the project; requirements to be met by the student; 2. A timetable for the semester, i.e. dates by which you will have completed specific tasks 3. A description of your working arrangements with your advisor, e.g., will you meet on a regular basis, when will tasks be completed, etc.? At the end of the semester: Please place a copy of the completed course work on file (with your professor’s signature) in the Honors office by the last day of Final Exams. Plea Date STUDENT SIGNATURE: ______________________________ ____________ PROFESSOR SIGNATURE: ______________________________ ____________ HONORS DIRECTOR SIGNATURE: ______________________________ ____________