Repeat First-Year Request VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY College of Engineering

College of Engineering
Repeat First-Year Request
Repeat First Year Policy
The Academic Standing Committee may allow a first year student to declare academic bankruptcy by
repeating the fall or spring semester, or the entire first year. The grades from the bankrupted semester or
year will not be included in the cumulative average (though a record of the semester's or year's work will
remain on the transcript.) Application must be made within ten days of the end of the semester or year for
which bankruptcy is sought. All repeated courses must be taken at Villanova.
Name (Print) _________________________________
Student ID _______________
Phone # _______________ Semester/Year for which policy is requested _________________
I request that the following semester/year from my first year of engineering studies be considered under the
repeat first year policy: __________________ (semester/year).
I understand that the grades earned will remain on my permanent transcript but will be excluded from any
future calculation of my overall and technical grade point averages.
I understand that once I exercise this option, my decision may not be revoked, and that the original grades
may not be reinstated.
I hereby declare that I have read and understood the Repeat First Year Policy described above and agree to
the terms.
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________________
Courses taken:
Semester Taken
Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Course #
Grade Earned
Semester Retaken
New Grade
_____ Recommend Approval
_____ Recommend Disapproval
Associate Dean’s Signature ________________________________ Date __________________
Original to Registrar
Copy to Student’s Folder