HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Program Committee Meeting Minutes PROGRAM: ART (Academic) CIP CODE: PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Jason Kishell, HCC-Southwest MEETING DATE: January 10, 2014 MEETING TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. RECORDER: Michael Gonzales, NW MEMBERS PRESENT: Only ART program members present Name and Title Name and Title MEETING PLACE: HCC Central Fine Arts Building PREVIOUS MEETING: August 2013, on HCC Instructional Conference Day OTHERS PRESENT: None Name and Title Justin Varner, SE June Woest, SE Lisa Wildermuth, SE Maryellen Hill, SW David Swaim, NW Corey Ackelmire, CEN Scott Carothers, CEN Serge Kovalchuk, CEN Gladys Bel, CEN Steven Potter, SW Bryan Bauhs, NE Stanley Kaminski, NW Pat Porcynaluk, SW Michael Golden, CEN Tina Kotrla, NE Bennie Ansell, CEN Cynthia Millis, SW Katherine Fields, CEN Jason Kishell, Program Leader, SW Michael Gonzales, NW HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Program Committee Meeting Minutes Agenda Item Action/Discussion/Information Old Business: Continuing Business: Annual Learning Assessment Report comments from previous year: -- Two assessments must be performed every year. -- Level II Gallery Assessment needs to be done again. -- Need volunteers to create a new assessment and rubric. Core Curriculum Update: -- All Level I studio course accepted into the new Core by HCC. New Business: Summer 2014 Textbook Adoption form: -- Summer 2014 adoption form due Jan 15th . Fall 2014 adoption form due March 23rd. -- Do we need to continue using all 6 textbook options for ‘A World of Art, 7th ed.’, by Sayre, that we have been using for Textbook Adoption form? -- What textbook options to use for Distance Education and Hybrid offerings of ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation? Annual Planning Report due in Feb. 15 Responsibility HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Program Committee Meeting Minutes HCC Course Descriptions: -- Corrections for ARTS 1303 and ARTS 1304 regarding time periods of art covered & prerequisite for ARTS 1304. Associates Degree in ARTS presented Articulation Agreements with 4-year colleges Curriculum Decisions: Gallery Assessment: -- Motions proposed, and seconded, to change criteria that evaluates the “exhibition quality” of student artworks in gallery assessment to evaluating the “exhibition readiness” of artworks. Summer 2014 Textbook Adoption form: -- Option (4), CourseSmart eText only offering, will be not be included in Summer 2014 ordering for ‘A World of Art, 7th ed.’, by Sayre. -- Motion proposed, and seconded, to make ARTS 1301 textbook ‘optional’ for D.E., Hybrid, Web-Enhanced and Face-to-Face sections: 18 members ‘for’ and 2 members ‘against’ motion. Motion passes. HCC Course Descriptions: -- Motion made, and seconded, to change wording for course description of ARTS HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Program Committee Meeting Minutes 1303 Art History I to “…related arts covering the Prehistoric through Gothic periods” and to change wording for course description of ARTS 1304 Art History II to “…related arts covering the Renaissance period to Present.” Motion unanimously passed. -- Motion made, and seconded, to change course description of ARTS 1304 Art History II to clarify that ARTS 1303 does not have to taken before ARTS 1304; to change wording of ARTS 1304 descriptions to say “…there is no prerequisite for Art History II.” Motion passed unanimously. ARTS Associates Degree: -- Motion proposed, and seconded, to approve the presented Associates Degree in studio ART (with corrected course title for ARTS 2341) for the HCC Core Curriculum. Motion passes unanimously. Other: HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Program Committee Meeting Minutes MINUTES Key Discussion Points Discussion Old Business: Continuing Business: Annual Learning Assessment Report: New Business: -- Mixed bag of comments from HCC Administration regarding last two previous assessments -- Administration concerned that last Level II Gallery Assessment Rubric does not measure identifiable criteria -- Assessments need to include what changes ARTS program is going to make as result of assessments. The last two assessments reports were not clear on this; and ARTS needs to be specific on what were results of changes made based upon previous assessment results. Colleges must follow up on comments and results of tested PSLOs, and yet, the system does not provide examples of this for us to follow. -- Two assessments must be performed every year, but compile them in one submitted report. -- Program members feel Gallery Assessment Rubric criteria that evaluates the “exhibition quality” of student artworks in gallery assessment should be changed to evaluating the “exhibition readiness” of artworks instead. -- Level II Gallery assessment must be redone. -- Need volunteers for a new Assessment committee to create next assessment and rubric: Steven Potter (SW), Brian Bauhs (NE), Lisa Wildermuth (SE), Bennie Ansell (CEN) volunteer Textbook Adoption: (Regarding ‘A World of Art, 7th ed.’ by Sayre) -- There are several versions by which ARTS 1301 textbook is furnished. -- Do our students use all these versions? Do we need them all? -- Most popular formats are (1) Bound textbook w/MyArtsLab and (2) Loose Leaf w/MyArts Lab -- Program decides Option (4), CourseSmart eText only offering, will be not be included in Summer 2014 ordering -- Question of how to designate ARTS 1301 textbook for Distance Education (D.E.) and Hybrid sections of ARTS 1301. Shall it be designated as ‘Required’, ‘Optional’ or ‘Recommended?’ -- All instructors of D.E. and Hybrid courses must offer same book options to students. HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Program Committee Meeting Minutes -- ARTS1301 model D.E. courses were created because it was felt that HCC was going bookless. -- If a program adopts an open source course, then it must change the information every semester because you cannot follow the same lines of discussion as the publisher; you cannot be too similar to publisher content. -- The system does not want testing in D.E. courses. ARTS1301 D.E. course largely involves exercises given to students. The final exam for ARTS1301 D.E. is essentially a paper. -- Is there really enough content in ARTS1301 D.E. course to sustain a ‘face-to-face’ lecture course offering? -- Should there be more activities in a ‘face-to-face’ lecture course of ARTS 1301 rather than all lecture? -- Motion proposed, and seconded, to make ARTS 1301 textbook ‘optional’ for D.E., Hybrid, WebEnhanced and Face-to-Face sections: 18 members ‘for’ and 2 members ‘against’ motion. Motion passes. Annual Planning Report: -- Needs to be worked on and submitted this semester. Chair has a representative from each college that can help with report. ART Associate Degree Plan: -- Goal is for all HCC programs to have an Associate’s degree specific to their area. -- ARTS Associates Degree Plan presented to ARTS members. -- Proposed plan will transfer completely for ARTS major at most/all Texas public university ARTS programs. -- Mark Tengler feels that ARTS Associates Degree could begin in fall 2014 -- Need to correctly list ARTS 2341 as Metalsmithing/Jewelry I and Metalsmithing/Jewelry II in student and faculty PeopleSoft listings. -- Need to change course description for ARTS 1303 Art History I to include art from “prehistoric through Gothic periods.” -- Need to change course description for ARTS 1304 Art History II to include art from “Renaissance period to present.” -- Need to to change wording of ARTS 1304 descriptions to say “…there is no prerequisite for Art History II.” -- ARTS may want a 2-D and 3-D track and an Art Education track. HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Program Committee Meeting Minutes -- HCC ARTS does not have enough Art History classes for an Art History track. -- For an Art Education degree plan, the ARTS Program needs to create a Design III course and possibly a color class for junior standing transfer. -- Motion proposed, and seconded, to approve the presented Associates Degree in studio ART (with corrected course title for ARTS 2341) for the HCC Core Curriculum. Motion passes unanimously. Articulation Agreement with 4-year colleges HCC system is encouraging articulation agreements between itself and 4-year colleges in Texas. Volunteers requested among our program members to contact 4-year institutions to set up articulation agreements. Such agreements establish what and how HCC courses are accepted as credit at 4-year institutions; articulation agreements would mean that students who earn HCC ARTS Associate Degree Plan would automatically be juniors at a 4-year institution. -- Both community colleges and four-year institutions are being encouraged by their administrations to establish articulation agreements. -- We do NOT need the ARTS Associates Degree in place to begin seeking articulation agreements. -- UT Austin and Lamar have already approached us. -- We are encouraged to do one or two a year, or all at once. -- Let’s start with a couple and see how it goes; focus on most common transfer schools for ARTS. -- Focus on ARTS wish for the whole degree plan to transfer and count toward the BFA (or other) pathway Just In Time Orientation (JITO) -- For all new adjuncts. -- It is an online professional development resource to help part-time faculty become quickly acclimated to HCC. -- This is a resource site, not a training site. -- Visit http://ctle.hccs.edu/jito/ Core Curriculum Update: -- All Level I studio course accepted into the new Core by HCC. -- You can get a sample syllabus and assessment plan for every core course at HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM Program Committee Meeting Minutes http://ctle.hccs.edu/corecurriculum/index.html -- HCC is adding the new core objectives to every core course by August 2014 -- We will need to create an assessment plan and how to implement it in every core course by August 2014. -- Make sure that our part-time faculty, dual credit faculty and distance education faculty know that if they are teaching a core course, their course must change too and the assessment plan must be implemented. Faculty Workload Changes effective spring 2014: -- Lecture, lab, and prep time will all be recognized on a 1 = 1 basis for workload. -- Part-time faculty limit = 9.75 contact hours (inclusive of lecture and lab hours) -- When multiplied by two to allow for equal prep hours, 9.75 x 2 = 19.5 hours per week -- Departments may still request “exceptions” via vc.workload@hccs.edu -- Full time faculty teaching overload, and all adjunct faculty, will continue to have their lab contact hours paid at 75% of lecture contact hour pay. --While adjunct load and FT overload is limited to 9.75 contact hours per semester, that number can be exceeded once in an academic year. Curriculum Decisions: Other: PROGRAM COORDINATOR SIGNATURE: DATE: NEXT MEETING: Fall 2014 HCC Instructional Conference Day