
Course Syllabus
Art Appreciation
ARTS 1301
Semester with Course Reference
Number (CRN)
Summer 2012, Houston Community College. Arts 1301
Instructor contact information (phone
number and email address)
This course may be team-taught. Meet your professor(s)
in the electronic classroom on the official day class starts.
All communication with your professor during the semester
takes place in the Eagle Online e-classroom. Always
check your professor’s announcements when you first log
in to see if there are any messages. This is where you will
be kept up to date. Students who do well in the course
check the News and Notifications Forum on a regular
If your question is private in nature, contact your professor
in a private email in Eagle Online. Allow 24 to 48 hours
(excluding weekends and holidays) for a direct response
to a private email from your DE professor.
Office Location and Hours
Online communication in Eagle Online
Course Location/Times
Course is fully online in Eagle Online
Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH)
(lecture, lab) If applicable
Credit Hours
Lecture Hours
Laboratory Hours
External Hours
Total Course Contact Hours
Continuing Education Units (CEU): if
Course Length (number of weeks)
8 weeks
Type of Instruction
readings (from textbooks, peer-reviewed articles, books,
and original source seminal texts), online presentations,
video/film, art demonstrations, hands-on studio projects
(but students do not need to have any existing artistic
ability) and in-class critiques and peer reviews.
Course Description:
This introduction to the visual arts is designed for the
general student. The course explores what is art, who
makes it, and why it is made. Core Curriculum course
Course Prerequisite(s)
Must be placed into college-level reading or
be placed into college-level writing or
GUST 0342 and
ENGL 0310 or
ENGL 0349
ENGL 0310 or 0349
GUST 0342 (9th -11th Grade Reading)
SCANS and/or Core Curriculum
Competencies: If applicable
Core Curriculum Competencies:
No Learning Outcomes Selected
Instructional Methods
FULL Distance, No campus components
Instructor's Requirements
Please see the course calendar and content area in Eagle
Online for detailed information regarding topics,
assignments, projects, quizzes, and other requirements for
the semester.
Program/Discipline Requirements: If
This course presents a survey of the visual arts, including
artistic media and techniques, and art history. Students in
Art Appreciation will also explore visual principles and
elements through hands-on activities.
Description of Course Content
This course is intended to be a broadly based introduction
to the visual arts and will deal with issues such as the
nature of art, the content and meaning of art, the artists’
means of production and, finally, the development of art
over time. Students in Art Appreciation will learn to
consider ideas, concepts, social, cultural, economic, and
other factors when analyzing specific art works and will
learn to apply these factors when creating objects.
Objectives and Requirements
By the end of the semester the student who passes with a
final grade of “C” or above will have demonstrated the
ability to:
Complete and comprehend all graded
Attend class regularly, missing no more than
12.5% of instruction (12 hours).
Arrive at class promptly and with the required
materials for that day’s session.
Be prepared for and participate in small group or
class discussions.
Demonstrate the ability to communicate orally in
clear, coherent, and persuasive language.
Demonstrate the ability to use computer-based
technology in communicating, solving problems,
and acquiring information .
Complete a minimum of 2000 words in
combination of writing assignments and/or
projects .
Maintain an overall average of 70 or above on
assignments, projects, and tests and styles
included in the course syllabus.
Compare and contrast works of art from the text
using the terminology and iconography of art.
Explain the function of art in its historical context.
Complete the required studio art assignments which will
constitute approximately 25% of the final grade.
HCC Grading Scale
A = 100- 90
4 points per semester hour
B = 89 - 80:
3 points per semester hour
C = 79 - 70:
2 points per semester hour
D = 69 - 60:
1 point per semester hour
59 and below = F
0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress)
0 points per semester hour
W (Withdrawn)
0 points per semester hour
I (Incomplete)
0 points per semester hour
AUD (Audit)
0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental
courses. The student must re-enroll to receive credit. COM
(Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing
education courses. To compute grade point average
(GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of
semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I"
do not affect GPA.
Instructor Grading Criteria
Grading and Point Distribution:
The total number of points for this summer course is 400.
This number is distributed evenly between the following
Study Questions/Quizzes – 25%
Field Trip Essays – 25%
Hands On Project – 25%
Research Paper – 25%
Instructional Materials
Required: A World of Art, 6th Edition, Henry Sayre.
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