ME221 Statics LECTURE # 11 Sections 3.6 – 3.7 ME221 Lecture 11 1 Homework #4 • Chapter 3 problems: – – – – 1, 4, 8, 11, 17, 25, 26, 28, 35 & 40 To be solved using hand calculations May check work using MathCAD, etc. Due Friday, September 26 Quiz #3 • Today ME221 Lecture 11 2 Moment of a Force about an Axis y ^ n |Mn| =MA·n^ A ^ =n·(rB/A x F ) Same as the projection of MA along n rAB=rB/A F B O x z nx r |Mn|= B/Ax Fx ME221 ny r B/A y Fy nz r B/Az Fz Lecture 11 3 Resolve the vector MA into MA two vectors one parallel and one perpendicular to n. y Mp Mn A Mn=|Mn|n^ n^ F rAB=rB/A B O Mp = MA - Mn x z ^ ^ =n x [(r B/A x F) x n] ME221 Lecture 11 4 Moment of a Couple Let F1 = -F2 B y |C|=|F1| d ME221 d rAB=rB/A F2 Mo=rA x F2+ rB x F1 =(rB - rA ) x F1 =rAB x F1= C F1 A rB rA O x The Moment of two equal and opposite forces is called a Couple z Lecture 11 5 Moment of a Couple (continued) • The two equal and opposite forces form a couple (no net force, pure moment) • The moment depends only on the relative positions of the two forces and not on their position with respect to the origin of coordinates ME221 Lecture 11 6 Moment of a Couple (continued) • Since the moment is independent of the origin, it can be treated as a free vector, meaning that it is the same at any point in space • The two parallel forces define a plane, and the moment of the couple is perpendicular to that plane ME221 Lecture 11 7 Example ME221 Lecture 11 8