ME 221 Statics Lecture #8 Sections 2.9 & 2.10 ME 221 Lecture 8 1 Homework • HW #3 Due Monday, September 15 – Chapter 2 problems: – 61, 64, 70, 71, 72, 82, 86, 94, 105 & 113 • Grades posted in Angel – HW #1 & Quiz #1 (and solutions) – HW #2 & Quiz #2 soon (solutions posted) – HW #3 solutions to be posted late Monday • No late homework will be accepted once posted ME 221 Lecture 8 2 Exam 1 • Wednesday, September 17 • Details on Monday ME 221 Lecture 8 3 Particle Equilibrium • For a particle to be in equilibrium, the resultant of the forces acting on it must sum to zero. • This is essentially Newton’s second law with the acceleration being zero. • In equation form: SF = 0 ME 221 Lecture 8 4 Representing Equilibrium F3 F2 F3 F4 mi F1 F1 F4 R = F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 = 0 ME 221 F2 Vector Diagram Lecture 8 Vector Equation 5 Representing Equilibrium F1x F2 x F3 x F4 x 0 Matrix Form F1 y F2 y F3 y F4 y 0 F F F F 0 1z 2 z 3 z 4 z F1x F2 x F3 x F4 x 0 x-components F1 y F2 y F3 y F4 y 0 y-components F1z F2 z F3 z F4 z 0 z-components ME 221 Lecture 8 Component Form 6 Statically Determinate • For 3-D equilibrium, there are three scalar equations: SFx = 0 , SFy = 0 , SFz = 0 • Problems with more than three unknowns cannot be solved without more information, and such problems are called statically indeterminate. ME 221 Lecture 8 7 Free-body Diagram A free-body diagram is a pictorial representation of the equation SF = 0 and has: – all of the forces represented in their proper sense and location – indication of the coordinate axes used in applying SF = 0 ME 221 Lecture 8 8 ME 221 Lecture 8 9