APPLICATION FOR THESIS OPTION Student Name: Date Submitted: Student Signature: Graduate credits completed to date: Student ID: Graduate GPA to date*: My Advisory Committee will consist of**: , Thesis Mentor Provide a short statement indicating your reasons for wishing to pursue the thesis option: * A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for approval. ** Students are expected to have obtained explicit agreement to participate on the Advisory Committee from all individuals listed above. If an Advisory Committee member is not a full-time Villanova Biology faculty member, a Curriculum Vitae and a letter from that individual stating that he/she has been made aware of and agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of our M.S. program must accompany this form. Of particular relevance, the Thesis Mentor and all Advisory Committee members are required to attend the student's thesis research proposal presentation and final thesis oral presentation. Form last revised: 13 July 2006 The student should submit the completed form to the Chair of Biology Graduate Committee. Subsequent to Biology Graduate Committee approval, the Chair of the Biology Graduate Committee will place the form in the student's permanent file. 3/2002