MINUTES OF THE GRADUATE COUNCIL______________________________ DATE OF MEETING: OCTOBER 19, 2011 The October 19, 2011 meeting of the Graduate Council was called to order at 1:18 p.m. in SH 308 by Dr. Lou Thompson, Chair of the Graduate Council. ATTENDANCE: Lettie Albright (substitute for Connie Briggs), Mary Anderson, Vicki Baker, Jordan Fuchs, Holly Hansen-Thomas, Ruth Johnson (ex-officio), Mark Kessler, Young-Hoo Kwon, Tracy Lindsay, Jennifer Martin (ex-officio), Marilyn Massey-Stokes, Jyutika Mehta, Katy Mitchell, Debra Mollen (substitute for Linda Rubin), Nan Restine, Katherine Rose, Lou Thompson, Mary Thompson, Lynda Uphouse, Sharon Van Sell (substitute for Peggy Mancuso), Parakat Vijayagopal, Brigitte Vittrup, Jerry Whitworth (substitute for Karen Dunlap), Anne Young MINUTES APPROVED: The minutes of the September 21, 2011 meeting were approved as disseminated. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dr. Martin reported the following: o Certificates offered by TWU need to be evaluated. Dr. Terry Senne will work with Dr. Rose, who will bring this need to the Academic Standards Committee. o Gainful Employment Rules require universities to locate certificate students after graduation. TWU will need to locate students by November so we can report where they are employed to the Department of Education. o Distance Education is required to get authorization from states where we offer distance education courses. Some states are charging large fees for authorization, and TWU may have to make difficult decisions about offering distance education in some states. o TWU is required to post textbooks for every course, so faculty on all campuses should send their orders to Peg Lewis in the Denton bookstore as soon as possible. o Publishers are required to provide TWU professors with information on any new editions of textbooks. o Custom textbooks are sometimes cheaper, but publishers will not buy them back. o The Denton bookstore increased in sales due to students renting books as opposed to buying last year. o The Executive Committee will review fall semester graduate credit hour production of each college to determine if the Graduate Council needs to be reapportioned and report back to the Council in November. 1 MINUTES OF THE GRADUATE COUNCIL______________________________ DATE OF MEETING: OCTOBER 19, 2011 STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS AND OLD BUSINESS: Academic Standards Committee – Dr. Katie Rose, Chair Dr. Rose said the committee has been assigned the following 5 tasks: o Review the Graduate Admissions Requirements for graduate students by November. o Prepare schedule for program reviews required by the THECB every 7 years. o Review a waiver from the School of Physical Therapy on C’s a student may receive in the DPT program. o Review the current policy on Criteria for Graduate Faculty Status. o Dr. Neely would like the committee to review the section on graduate courses taught in the Criteria for Graduate Faculty Status. He believes some majors are qualified to mentor research sooner than others. Research Committee – Dr. Lynda Uphouse, Chair Dr. Uphouse presented the revisions made to the instructions and flyer for the Graduate Council Award for Exceptional, Original Scholarship. Membership Committee – Dr. Lynda Uphouse, Co-chair Dr. Uphouse said the Committee recommended approval of the following individuals for graduate faculty membership. o Susan Adams, Family Sciences, Associate o Sara Baldwin, Nursing, Full o Agatha Bains, Women’s Studies, Associate o Pedro Blanco, Family Sciences, Associate o Nicki Cohen, Music, Full o Laura Hanson, Biology, Full o Mary Hayne, Dance, Associate o Johnanna Hernandez, Nursing, Full o Victorine Imrhan, Nutrition and Food Sciences, Full o Rae Langford, Nursing, Full o Peggy Mancuso, Nursing, Full o Linda Marshall, Sociology and Social Work, Associate o Sandra McClintic, Family Sciences, Associate o Charli Lois Oquin, Nursing, Associate o Danielle Phillips, Women’s Studies, Associate o Linda Rubin, Psychology and Philosophy, Full o Donna Sauls, Nursing, Full o Anne Selcer, Health Care Administration, Full o Sharla Snider, Family Sciences, Full 2 MINUTES OF THE GRADUATE COUNCIL______________________________ DATE OF MEETING: OCTOBER 19, 2011 o Robin Toms, Nursing, Full o Kai-Li Tsai, Health Care Administration, Full o Lisa Zottarelli, Sociology and Social Work, Full Dr. Uphouse moved that the Council approve the recommendations, and the motion was approved unanimously. REPORTS: Tracy Lindsay made the following announcements: o Fiscal year 2011 research report will be available this week. o Travel Assistance Fund for Spring and Summer funding is still available. o New Faculty Research Enhancement Program proposals are due Wednesday, October 26, 2011. o ORSP workshops: IRB workshop Friday, November 18, 2011, Denton campus SPIN workshop Tuesday, November 15, 2011, Denton campus o The Student Creative Arts and Research Symposium will be held April 17-18, 2012. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 1:54 p.m. 3