minutes 10-17-12


MINUTES OF THE GRADUATE COUNCIL ______________________________


The October 17, 2012 meeting of the Graduate Council was called to order at 1:18 p.m. in SH 308 by Dr. Katie Rose, Chair of the Graduate Council.


Members: Mary Anderson, Vicki Baker, Valentine Belfiglio, Sneha Bharadwaj,

Connie Briggs, Josephine Chan, Mary Sue Green, Holly Hansen-Thomas, Mark

Kessler, Young-Hoo Kwon, Larry LeFlore (ex-officio), Denise Maricle (substitute for

Linda Rubin), Marilyn Massey-Stokes, Elizabeth McCarroll (substitute for Brigitte

Vittrup), Jyutika Mehta, Katy Mitchell, John Radcliffe, Katie Rose, Alex Schmidt,

Ann Staton, Mary Thompson, Laura Trujillo-Jenks (substitute for Karen Dunlap),

Lynda Uphouse, Genevieve West, Mary Williford-Shade (substitute for Jordan

Fuchs) Jacquelyn Wilson, Anne Young, Vicki Zeigler, Lisa Zottarelli

Guests: Chandan Prasad


The minutes of the September 19, 2012 meeting were approved as disseminated.


Dr. LeFlore reported the following: o The Graduate and Professional School Fair was a success with more than 80 recruiters participating from institutions across the country and TWU departments. o Dr. LeFlore is having meetings to better understand the Graduate School at

TWU—its interactions with individuals, collaborative relationships with offices across campus, and how to promote graduate programs more effectively. o The policy on Graduate Faculty Status, specifically with regard to Adjuncts, will be discussed in a meeting next week. Dr. Rose will attend as Chair of the

Graduate Council. Any proposal will be brought to the Graduate Council. o Dr. LeFlore will champion the following initiatives:

Re-establishing a Graduate Student Senate or Council

Electronic filing of theses/dissertations

Electronic filing of degree plans and promotion of a paperless process and environment in the Graduate School

Improving graduate scholarship o He also hopes to produce a document, possibly titled The State of the Graduate

School , to better understand the needs of the Graduate School, to use for benchmarking and planning, and to enhance communication about the Graduate



MINUTES OF THE GRADUATE COUNCIL ______________________________

DATE OF MEETING: OCTOBER 17, 2012 o Dr. LeFlore invited members to make donations to the Friends of the Graduate

School account to support the Graduate Council Award for Exceptional, Original



Membership Committee – Dr. Marilyn Massey-Stokes, Chair

Dr. Massey-Stokes said the Committee recommended approval of the following individuals for graduate faculty membership: o Dr. Agatha Beins, Women’s Studies, Full o Dr. Marie-Anne Demuynck, Mathematics and Computer Science, Associate o Dr. Kathy DeOrnellas, Psychology and Philosophy, Full o Dr. Sara Fanning, History and Government, Full o Dr. Jessica Gullion, Sociology, Full o Dr. Heather Haynes, Teacher Education, Associate o Dr. Gretchen Hoffman, Library and Information Studies, Full o Dr. Joni Jensen, Music and Drama, Full o Dr. Dorothy Kite-Powell, Nursing, Associate o Dr. Eve Layman, Nursing, Associate o Dr. Suh-Jen Lin, Physical Therapy, Full o Dr. Debra Mollen, Psychology and Philosophy, Full o Dr. Rachelle Nurse, Nursing, Associate o Dr. Danielle Phillips, Women’s Studies, Full o Dr. Lisa Rosen, Psychology and Philosophy, Associate o Dr. Shannon Scott, Psychology and Philosophy, Full

Dr. Rose moved that the Council approve the recommendations, and the motion was approved unanimously.


Dr. Prasad made the following announcement: o The application deadline for the New Investigator Research Enhancement

Program (NI REP) is Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 5 p.m. Please remind and encourage faculty to apply. ORSP can provide assistance if needed.


The meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m.

