Texas Woman’s University School of Management Course Syllabus ______________________________________________________________________ BUS 5503.50: Summer (Maymester), 2016 Course Title: International Business & Economics Study Tour: Italy Course Dates: May 6 – June 6, 2016 Italy Tour Dates: May 16-26, 2016 INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Lead Professor: Dr. Michael Raisinghani Email Address: mraisinghani@twu.edu Office Phone: (940) 898-2930 Office Location: CFO 405 Office Hours: Tue/Thu 10 a.m. – 11 a.m., and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.; Virtual hours as needed. Co-Professor: Dr. Jeffrey Radighieri Email Address: jradighieri@twu.edu Office Phone: (940) 898-2245 Office Location: CFO 401 COURSE DESCRIPTION Directed international business and economic study tour; examination of major trends in a selected foreign country’s (i.e., Italy’s) economic, cultural, and business structures. Credit: 3 hours. COURSE OBJECTIVES/STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (SLO’s) As a result of this course students will: A. Develop an understanding of the business and management culture in Italy. B. Examine the current economic issues and trends in Italy. C. Evaluate the impact of regional economic integration (European Union) on the Italian economy. D. Compare and contrast Italian culture with that of the U.S., using Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions. TEXTBOOKS (All 3 texts are Free Online Resources) (1) Doing Business 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency http://www.doingbusiness.org/reports/global-reports/doing-business-2015 (2) Doing Business in Italy: 2014 Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies Online Reports: http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/italy/ (3) Three Case Studies on Italy: http://www.doingbusiness.org/reports/case-studies/economy/italy Doing Business case studies highlight the specific experience of an economy or region in improving important aspects of business regulation. They offer an insight into regulatory issues faced by policy makers, challenges they had to overcome, and the impact of their initiative. Entrepreneurship around the World—Before, During, and After the Crisis Italy: Modernizing Italy’s bankruptcy law Italy: Repaying creditors without imprisoning debtors COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Reading Assignments Read the textbooks/online resources assigned readings in accordance with the class schedule at the end of the syllabus. 2. Research Paper Prepare a research paper, by pairing up with one of your peers, regarding the business environment in Italy (~12 pages without the front (i.e., Abstract & Introduction) and end (i.e., Conclusion & References) sections). The report should include the following topics: A string of scandals in the recent past have rocked Italian politics and Matteo Renzi’s government. The latest involves the allegedly fraudulent bankruptcy of a chain of nursing homes. Legal reforms may help chip away at the mountain of nonperforming loans and Italy’s bad debts. On August 27, 2015, the coastal district of Rome, with a population of around 230,000, became the biggest administrative unit in Italy to be put under direct government control because of mobster subversion. Europe’s migrant crisis and relocation quotas and its impact on Italy. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi visited the United States in April 2015, where he discussed several pressing foreign policy issues with U.S. President Barack Obama. What does Italy hope to gain from its relationship with the Unites States?. What are the business implications of these recent developments in Italy? What impacts do these scandals have on the credibility and reputation of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s reforming government. What are the biggest challenges facing Italy today? How does management and organizational culture differ in Italy compared to the U.S.? What impact does the European Union have on Italy? Does Italy need growth more than balanced budgets? What can Italy do to boost domestic demand? Hint: The U.S. President Obama is convinced that EU countries need not only expansive monetary policy (e.g., the European Central Bank started its own quantitative easing program in 2015), but also more fiscal leeway to boost domestic demands. What are the implications for theory/research and practice/management? May I suggest that you have a good understanding of the following information with respect to Italy when writing your research paper: Major exports, major imports Currency used and value against the dollar Chief trading competitors Top 3 industries The paper should show evidence of research (at least 10 research sources). Be sure to cite sources of information within the text of the paper and include a list of references at the end. The paper should comply with APA format, and should be submitted using the Blackboard assignment tab. 3. Journal Students need to bring a journal book (any kind) on the trip for recording a daily log of activities and thoughts. The journal should include descriptions of activities, impressions of people and places (or other cultural observations), and thoughts about your experiences (especially pertaining to implications for doing business in that country). The journal will be submitted in hand-written form and is due on the last day of the trip, prior to departing Italy. Journal grading is based on making your best effort to record your thoughts and observations of each day. Journals will be kept confidential and will be returned to the students after grading. Grading Rubric for Journal Assignment EXEMPLARY 4 COMPETENT 3 MARGINAL 2 Context/Purpose Considers the audience, purpose, and the circumstances surrounding the writing assignment(s). Shows superior understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is extremely appropriate for the assignment(s). Shows good understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is mostly appropriate for the assignment(s). Shows fair understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is somewhat appropriate for the assignment(s). Shows insufficient or poor understanding of context, audience, or purpose of the assignment(s). Content/Ideas/Support Articulates and supports a main idea(s) that is consistent with context and purpose. Highly original main idea(s) is clearly articulated and strongly supported by predominantly current and relevant evidence that may be researched based. Main idea(s) is exceedingly consistent with context and purpose. Mostly original main idea(s) is generally well articulated and sufficiently supported by mainly current and relevant evidence that may be researched based. Main idea(s) is generally consistent with context and purpose. Main idea(s) is vague, and/or inadequately supported, and/or inconsistent with context and purpose. Main idea(s) is hardly or not evident and/or lacks support and/or scarcely relates to context and purpose. Organization Uses logical sequencing including introduction, transitions between paragraphs, and summary/ conclusion to develop main idea(s) and content. Uses highly logical sequencing including introduction, transitions between paragraphs, and summary/ conclusion to fully develop main idea(s) and content. Uses mostly logical sequencing including introduction, transitions between paragraphs, and summary/ conclusion to generally develop main idea(s) and content. Uses partially logical sequencing. Makes inadequate use of introduction, and/or transitions between paragraphs, and/or summary/ conclusion. Main idea(s) and content are incompletely developed. Uses little or no logical sequencing. Lacks introduction, and/or transitions between paragraphs and/or summary/ conclusion. Main idea(s) and content remain undeveloped. Sources Incorporates use of and identifies sources and/or research, according to APA and/or instructor guidelines. Demonstrates superior judgment in selection, incorporation, and identification of entirely appropriate quality and quantity of sources and/or research that fully meet or exceed established guidelines. Demonstrates good judgment in selection, incorporation, and identification of mainly appropriate quality and quantity of sources and/or research that mostly meet or exceed established guidelines. Demonstrates limited judgment in selection and/or incorporation and/or identification of sources and/or research. Quality and/or quantity and/or appropriateness partially meet established guidelines. Demonstrates little or no judgment in selection and/or incorporation and/or identification of sources and/or research. Quality and/or quantity and/or appropriateness do not meet established guidelines. CRITERIA UNSATISFACTORY 0-1 SCORE Grading Rubric for Journal Assignment EXEMPLARY 4 CRITERIA Word Usage/ Grammar/Spelling/ Punctuation Uses wording, grammar, spelling and punctuation accurately and correctly. COMPETENT 3 Demonstrates virtually errorfree grammar, spelling and punctuation. Demonstrates very few errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. MARGINAL 2 UNSATISFACTORY 0-1 SCORE Demonstrates numerous Demonstrates unacceptable errors in grammar, spelling and amount and/or type of errors punctuation. in grammar, spelling and punctuation. TOTAL SCORE 4. Information Hunt You will participate in an information hunt with your assigned team. The instructions will be given to your team at the departure airport and will constitute a challenging experience involving critical information of importance to this trip concerning Italian business, issues, and culture. Submit your team’s completed information form to the lead professor before departing Italy. Please pay attention to the form, comprehensiveness, and completeness of the information you are required to obtain. 5. Group Project There will be a group project submitted to represent the Italy trip. Houston and D/FW can prepare theirs separately or jointly. The project is to be a group submission and creative. During/following the trip, groups will need to capture the experience in any one of three forms: (1) traditional scrapbook, (2) video “scrapbook” or (3) digital scrapbook (Powerpoint presentation or Webpage). You can use the form that most appeals to your group. It is best to plan with your group during the trip so you can coordinate picture taking and recording of events/names/facts. Course assignments are due per the following schedule: ASSIGNMENT Research Paper Journal Information Hunt DUE DATE May 15 May 26 May 26 Quizzes and Final Exam Group Project May 16-May 26 (dates tbd) June 5 All writing assignments are to follow APA format, including an APA title page, abstract, and List of References. All work must be doublespaced, and in 12 point font. Please allow 7-10 days for all grading of all assignments. GRADING Each student will be evaluated on his/her performance on the assignments/activities listed below. There are additional documents on the course website that clarify the criteria for grading. The grade will be based on a multi-dimensional evaluation of the students’ classification and performance. The areas of evaluation are as follows: Assignment Point Value % of Grade Research Paper Journal Information Hunt Group Project Exams & Quizzes on the Assigned Readings TOTAL 20 20 20 20 20 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 100 100% The following grading scale will be used: POINT VALUE 90-100 points 80-89.99 70-79.99 60-69.99 Below 60 GRADE A B C D F COURSE POLICIES Academic Integrity: Honesty in completing assignments is essential to the mission of the university and to the development of the personal integrity of the student. In submitting graded assignments, students affirm that they have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance, and that they have abided by all other provisions of the Code of Conduct in the TWU Student Handbook. Cheating, plagiarism, or other kinds of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in appropriate sanctions that may include failing an assignment, failing the class, or being suspended or expelled. Suspected cases in this course may be reported to Student Life. The specific disciplinary process for academic dishonesty is found in the TWU Student Handbook. The TWU library link, “Avoiding Plagiarism,” will aid students in completing their assignments with integrity. Students with Disabilities If you anticipate the need for reasonable accommodations to meet the requirements of this course, you must register with the office of Disability Support Services (CFO 106, 940-898-3835, dss@twu.edu ) in order to obtain the required official notification of your accommodation needs. Please plan to meet with me by appointment or during office hours to discuss approved accommodations and how my course requirements and activities may impact your ability to fully participate. APA Format The official form and style format for the School of Management is APA. All written assignments must use appropriate APA format for citations, references, and other aspects of form and style. Syllabus Subject to Change The data provided in this document is for information and planning only. The syllabus and the assignment dates are subject to change based on the material covered and unexpected circumstances that require changing the schedule. Class Attendance Policy Attendance is mandatory at the pre-trip class meeting, and at all tour events. TWU Attendance Policy Consistent and attentive attendance is vital to academic success, and is expected of all students. Grades are determined by academic performance, and instructors may give students written notice that attendance related to specific classroom activities is required and will constitute a specific percentage of students' grades. Instructors are strongly encouraged to keep a record of student attendance. They should note absences due to documented student illness, serious illness or death in the student's immediate family, pregnancy or related conditions, official school activity, staterecognized religious holiday, active military service that is of a reasonable brief duration, or other verified absences deemed appropriate by the instructor. Students must consult with instructors regarding the completion of make-up work. Absences do not exempt students from academic requirements. Excessive absences, even if documented, may result in a student failing the course. An incomplete may be granted if the student has a passing grade, but only if the instructor determines that it is feasible for the student to successfully complete remaining assignments after the semester. Pursuant to university policy, such determinations are within the discretion of the instructor. Internet and Email All students are expected to have access to the Internet and have TWU email addresses. Note that you can contact other students in the class through Blackboard email. BE SURE that you regularly check your TWU email address or have it forwarded to your regular email address. Posting of Final Grades Each faculty member has the right to post or not post final course grades for each class. Final course grades provided to a student by a faculty member may not be relied upon as official. Students may access their official final grades online. According to FERPA, faculty may not provide final grade information to students via telephone, email, posting or any other source which might compromise student confidentiality. Late Assignments Late assignments may be accepted, at the prerogative of the instructor, if there is a valid reason for the late submission. The student will be penalized 5% of the grade per day during the first week after the due date of the assignment. Assignments will not be accepted more than one week late. Student Responsibility You are expected to read and thoughtfully study all assigned materials and complete all assignments. Ask questions to clarify any parts of the material that you do not understand. You are expected to participate in all aspects of the study tour, and to turn in assignments on the dates scheduled. Your business degree program is an opportunity to learn skills in critical thinking, gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing information, and problem solving. You also should be able to communicate effectively in writing and in presentations. This requires work and a great deal of personal effort. I am always willing to help, but I cannot go through the process of struggling to learn for you. If you need assistance, please contact me. You can do well in this course if you will work diligently, apply your mind, keep up with your assignments, and communicate with me if you need assistance. LEARNING FACILITATOR’S BIO Dr. Mahesh S. Raisinghani, is a Professor in the Executive MBA program at the TWU School of Management. Dr. Raisinghani was awarded the 2015 Distinction in Distance Education award, the 2008 Excellence in Research & Scholarship award and the 2007 G. Ann Uhlir Endowed Fellowship in Higher Education Administration. He has edited eight books; published over hundred manuscripts in peer reviewed journals, conferences, and book series; and has consulted for a variety of public and private organizations nationally and internationally. He has taught graduate courses at the European University in Switzerland, Turku School of Economics in Finland and Purdue University's German International School of Management and Administration in Germany. He has served as an External Examiner for theses and dissertations in Australia, South Africa, and USA. He has over 20 years of consulting experience in Fortune 500 Companies in the IT, banking, and service sectors, and provides management and technical consulting and training to all levels of professionals in both established businesses and new business ventures. Dr. Raisinghani serves as the Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies; on the board of Global IT Management Association; and as an advisory board member of the World Affairs Council. He is included in the millennium edition of Who's Who in the World, Who's Who among Professionals, Who's Who among America's Teachers and Who's Who in Information Technology. Class Schedule: BUS 5503: Summer, 2016 Week Topics Assignments Week 1: 5/6-5/13 Introduction to Business Management and Culture in Italy Read text #1. Italy Study Tour Read text # 2. Week 2: 5/165/26 Attend Mandatory Class Meeting and Pre-trip Orientation (TWU, Denton, TX, May 9, 2016). Research Paper due by May 15. Week 3: 5/165/26 Italy Study Tour Read 3 case studies (text #3). Quizzes & Final Exam on Readings will be conducted during the travel dates of 5/16-5/26 Submit Journal and Information Hunt Form before departing Italy. Week 4: 5/30 Week 5: 6/6 Trip Debrief Critical Thinking, Reflection and Synthesis (Pulling it Together). Reflection and Group Project due June 5. Application *The 45 contact hours of instruction excluding travel days that are required will be met as follows: Pre-Trip meeting: 2.5 hours Daily contact hours during the 8 Study Tour Day: 5 hours (this would include the visit and discussion with the top/middle management team representative of the respective business/government/academic/religious organization, our face-to-face meetings/briefings after breakfast/ lunch, during/after our meeting with the respective organization; and group meeting in the evening for reflection and synthesis. Post-Trip meeting: 2.5 hours