Script for SGA President

Script for SGA President Video
[Typing heard in the background…]
Oh Hi!, I didn't see you come in.
My name is Madelyn Blair. I'm your 2015-2016 SGA President.
What's SGA you may be asking? Well, I'm here to tell you.
SGA acts as a liaison between the students and the faculty as well as
between the Houston campus and its sister campuses. We are the voice
of the student body. But without your help, we won't be heard. So how
can you help us be as loud as possible? It’s easy. Get involved! SGA
invites the entire student body to its monthly meetings held on the
second Monday of every month. Can't make it to a meeting? Don't
sweat it. Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram and Twitter
to keep up to date with what's going on around campus. And trust me,
there is a lot going on around campus: from student mixers, to
volunteer opportunities, to Wii Wednesday's…SGA is committed to
keeping you connected to campus.
Want to find out more? Come to Student Life. We’re located on the
second floor of the building. We are more than happy to listen to your
thoughts and ideas to make this school year the best one yet.