syllabus fall 2010 apII CRN 52582.doc

Houston Community College (Southwest) Missouri City
Dr. Jasleen Mishra’s AP II class Fall 2010
Course Title: Anatomy and Physiology II
CRN: 52582
Credit Hours: 4
Class Time: Mon-Wed 8-11am; Mon. Room 213; Wed. Room 217 (Lab)
Text Book: Anatomy &Physiology; The Unity of Form and Function; 5th Edition ; McGraw Hill;
K. S. Saladin
Lab Manual: Anatomy and Physiology II, 3rd Edition, Laboratory Manual
Dr, Robert J. Keating & Mr. Vernon Wiersema (ask instructor before buying)
Week #
Activities and Assignment
Week of
Lecture Topic
(1) 8/30
Introduction /Endocrine
regulations/Ex. 9
(2) 9/6
(3) 9/13
Cardiovascular Sys (Blood)
Ex. 9, 1, 2
Cardiovascular Sys (Blood)
Cardiovascular Sys (Heart)
(4) 9/20
Ex. 3
Lecture Exam 1, (17-18)
Cardiovascular Sys-Heart
(5) 9/27
Cardiovascular System
Ex. 4
(Blood Vessels)
(6) 10/4
Cardio/Respiratory System
Ex. 6
(7) 10/11
Ex. 6
Lecture Exam 2, (19-20)
Respiratory system cont
(8) 10/18
Digestive System
Lab Exam I
(9) 10/25
Digestive System
Ex. 7
Metabolism/Urinary System
Ex. 8
(11) 11/8
Ex. 8
Lecture exam 3 (22, 25, 26)
Urinary System cont/Acid
Reproductive System
Ex. 10
28, 21
Ex 10, 11
Lecture Exam 4 (23-24)
Ex. 5
Thanksgiving holidays
Lymphatic System
Ex. 5
(15) 12/6
Instruction ends/Revision
Lab Exam II 12/8
Final Lecture Exam
Instructor reserves the right to make changes in the syllabus to accommodate
unforeseen circumstances.
Houston Community College (Southwest -Stafford)
Fall 2010
Anatomy and Physiology (2402)
Instructor: Dr. Jasleen A. Mishra
I. Course Description and Objectives:
This course is intended to provide students with a strong foundation in Anatomy
and Physiology and is the continuation of Anatomy and Physiology I. In this
course, we will study the endocrine system, cardiovascular system, including
heart, blood vessels, respiratory system, and the digestive system, urinary system
including electrolyte and fluid balance, reproductive system and finally the
immune system. The course is vigorous and many will find it very challenging.
II. Course Prerequisite: This course has a prerequisite of BIOL 2401.
III. Materials:
Required Text Book: Anatomy &Physiology; The Unity of Form and Function; 5th Edition ;
McGraw Hill; K. S. Saladin
Required Lab Manual: Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory Manual, 3rd Edition
Robert J. Keating & Mr. Vernon Wiersema (ask instructor)
IV. Attendance:
A. Regular attendance is required.
B. More than 4 unexcused (approximately 12.5% hours) absences, the professor
recommends the student drop the class. In order for an absence to be
considered “excused” the student must bring some form of documentation as
to the reason for the absence (e.g. doctor’s note, court record. Etc). Partial
unexcused absences from class will also be considered to be “absences”
Habitual tardiness will not be tolerated. Students are expected to be in
attendance for the entirety of the scheduled class. The instructor reserves the
right to take attendances at any time, even several times, during class. It is the
student’s responsibility to drop the class officially if that is their intention.
C. Students are responsible for completing assignments scheduled during their
D. It is the responsibility of each student to amend his/her professional/personal
schedule to meet the class schedule. No children are allowed in the class.
E. If you are not attending class, please inform me by e-mail.
V. Withdraws:
A. Students are responsible for dropping class. No automatic drop after
B. Drop date is four weeks before the long fall semester (November 18th 2010).
Students will be required to formally request a drop from their instructors
prior to the administrative drop date. Abandoning the course or failing to
formally drop, will result in a grade being given bases on the work completed
for the entire course (including missed exams).
C. The State of Texas has begun to impose penalties on students who drop
courses excessively. Beginning in fall 2007, the Texas Legislature passed a
law limiting first time entering freshmen to no more than SIX total course
withdrawals throughout their educational career in obtaining a certificate
and/or degree.
D. Two ways to drop are (i) fill out official drop slip at campus (ii) contact office
of student records at HCCS. I urge you to see me before withdrawing. You
may be doing better than you think. Either way, I want to be accessible and
E. Receiving a “W” in a course may affect the status of your student Visa. Once
a W is given for the course, it will not be changed to an F because of the visa
consideration. Please contact the International Student Office at 713-718-8520
if you have any questions about your visa status and other transfer issues.
F. It is the responsibility of each student to amend his/her professional/personal
schedule to meet the class schedule.
G. Repeaters who repeat a course for a third or more times may soon face
significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and
universities. Please ask your instructor/counselor about opportunities for
tutoring/other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are
not receiving passing grades.
VI. Learning Activities:
Take notes, respond verbally to interrogatives, ask relevant questions, answer
review questions at the end of the lecture, read assigned chapters and complete
homework in a timely manner.
VII. Examination:
Lecture exams will consist of multiple choice, true and false, matching, case
history, critical thinking and short essay questions. You will get a maximum of
one and half-hour to complete your exam. The final exam will be comprehensive.
Be sure to arrive early for your examinations. There are time limits for exams.
You will not be given extended time for testing if you arrive late. Entering and
exiting the lecture room or lab room is not permitted once exams have begun.
Please be sure to use restroom before or after.
No cell phones are allowed in use at any time in the class or exams. Audible cell
phone ringing may result in your removal from the class that day. Cell phone use
during examination is cheating and will result in course failure. Possession of Cell
Phone or any other personal electronic devices during tests will lead to removal
from the class.
VIII. Make-up exams:
There will be no makeup exams. Final exams are mandatory. Except for the final
examination, the students will have option to drop one lecture exam, usually the test
where they got the lowest score. If you miss a lecture exam, it will be counted as
drop (for one missed exam only) and the final grade will be counted accordingly.
Missed lab exam will be counted as a zero score. Please note: (i) all students are
required to take the final, and (ii) a student who completes the course by taking
the final exam cannot receive a “W” in the course. If you take the final, then you
must receive a regular grade (A-F) in the course.
IX. Laboratory policy:
Lab safety will be reviewed on the first day of lab. Experiments will be performed
in groups. Each student should arrive at the laboratory on time, with his or her
laboratory Manual. Each student is responsible for completing the laboratory
reports at the end of each lab. Incomplete lab reports will not be graded. No eating
or drinking in the class allowed.
X. Grading System:
There will be five lecture examinations including final examination, 100 points
each. In addition, there will be class assignment. The final score will be based
upon the average of the four lecture examinations, two Laboratory exams,
Laboratory exercises, project, seminar and assignments. Class attendance, conduct
and classroom participation will serve as additional criteria that may influence
assessment of the final learning outcomes.
Grading System:
All the exams will be considered towards final grade.
Three lecture exams = (55%)
2 Lab. Exams = 20%
Final Exam = 20%
Lab exercises and Assignments = 2%
Project and Seminar = 3%
A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = Below 60
XI. Academic honesty:
Students are expected to comply with stated policies in HCCS student handbook
concerning academic honesty. Cheating will not be tolerated. There will be no talking,
looking on other people’s papers or in any way try to cheat on any examination. This can
lead to expulsion from Houston Community College. You will be given warning in
writing and next time it will mean and automatic failure in the course.
XII. Use of Cameras/or recording devices:
Use of recording devices, including camera, phones and tape recorders, is prohibited in
classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices and other locations where instruction, tutoring, or
testing occurs. Absolutely no phone or other personal electronic devices are to be used
during class (lecture and lab). This includes making or taking a call, reviewing messages,
texting , playing games, checking email, surfing the web, anything that involves a phone
or other personal electronic device. If your work or family situation requires that you be
available via phone, your phone can be on vibrate mode and you can take the call during
our regular scheduled breaks or you can exit the class to review the call. Notify your
friends, family, employers, and anyone else who regularly contacts you that you will be
in class and that you should be contacted only when necessary. The taking of calls during
class in not only disruptive but it is also discourteous to classmates and the instructor.
Students with disabilities who need to use a recording device as a reasonable
accommodation should contact the office for students with disabilities for information
regarding reasonable accommodation
XIII. Deportment: Students are expected to conduct themselves as adults. This includes
courteous and respectful behavior towards instructor and classmates. Disruptive behavior
or any behavior that interferes with any educational activity being performed by the
instructor will not be allowed. Additionally, no student may interfere with his/her fellow
student’s right to pursue their academic goals to the fullest in an atmosphere appropriate
to a community of scholars. Disruptive behavior may result in removal from the class
XIV. Instructors Contact:
E. mail:
Contact number: 713-718-7771 (Biology Department)
Office Hours: M-W 2:00-2:30 pm Missouri City.
You can access the syllabus & assignments at
You can also go the learning web page from the HCCS home page: under southwest college.
XV. Important Dates:
Final Examination
Last day to withdraw from weekend classes
Thanksgiving Holidays
Dec 15
November 18
November 25-28
XVI. Tutoring:
The college will provide tutoring for the students. More information will be available
later. You can check the tutoring and open lab. Schedule at
XVII. Disability Support Services (DSS):
Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision,
hearing, etc) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations should inform the
instructor within one week of the first class session and must contact the Counselor at
713-718-7889, or contact the DSS office for assistance. At Southwest College, contact
Dr. Becky Hauri. 713-718-7909.