Lessons Six and Seven: Rock Shore Drama Scenes

Partnerships for Reform through Investigative Science and Mathem atics
Rocky Shore Food Chain
Scene descriptions
Before you start….
• Remind students to respect each other during
the drama and to act like their animal/plant.
• No hitting or pushing is allowed during the
• Go over how each animal moves
• Remind them of the 4 groups: the producers,
the grazers, the scavengers, and the
Scene 1
The tide is low
Algae is on stage
The grazers enter and hunker down
Opihi and pipipi should be on the rocks
The sun starts to rise………
Scene 2
• As the sun is rising, the algae begin
moving back in forth because they are
getting energy from the sun to make
their own food.
• The tide begins to rise too
• The plankton begin to drift around in the
Scene 3
• The rock-boring urchins (‘ina) grab
plankton drifting by using their tube feet
• Helmet urchins move around on rocks
and scrape algae off the rocks.
• The sea cucumber (loli) slowly moves
and grazes on the algae using its
Scene 4
• Then, a brittle star grabs some plankton
and scavenges the floor of the tidepool
• A sea star moves on the floor and eats
• The a’ama and hermit crab scavenge
and eat pipipi if they can
Scene 5
• The tide goes down again (low tide)
• The sun goes down, and the moon rises.
• All animals left hunker down to protect
themselves and keep their moisture in.
• The algae stop moving because the sunlight
is gone.
The end.