SSES Sensor Suite Evaluation System Preliminary Solution Space Development Helen Anderson, Steven Beres, Joseph Shaw, Timothy Valadez Thursday, 5 March 2009 5 March 09 Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 1 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES General Comments • Potential solutions fall into three general threads – Strictly manual processes – Model based processes including manual actions that are enabled / facilitated by a software development environment / tools / decision aids – Database / rule based / expert system processes • Significant overlap exists between threads – E.g. model based software application will likely include database / archiving functionality, all approaches will include involve a high degree of manual action • Functional decomposition may appear redundant in some areas due to separate consideration of modeling, analysis, and display functions – Done deliberately since implementation of these functions may be quite different 5 March 09 Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 2 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Functional Decomposition Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez Design & Assess ESS 1 Assess and represent site characteristics 1.1 Get and use site attribute data 1.1.1 Get/display/ use terrain and feature data 1.1.1 Terrain types Topographic data Feature data Elevation data Imagery 1.1.2 Get/display/use environment data Weather 2 Assess and represent threat characteristics 1.2 Construct site model 1.2.1 Construct terrain type map Partition by terrain type 1.2.2 Construct elevation model 1.2.3 Construct mobility model Move rates and dwell times ID Ingress/egress routes 1.2.4 Manage site models & data Manage environ. data Level 0 1 2 3 4 5 March 09 2.2 Manage signature data 5 3.1 Represent single sensor performance 3.1.1 Maintain sensor database 3.2 Model emplaced single sensors 3.2.1 Select sensors 4 Assess ESS operational performance 3.3 Model multisensor networks 3.3.1 Construct sensor networks 4.1 Analyze operational performance 4.1.1 Route specific MOE 2.2.1 Threat type & number 3.1.2 Represent sensor Pd Manual selection Manual selection Min ingress / egress time 2.2.2 EO/IR signature 3.1.3 Represent sensor range Semiauto selection Heuristic selection Minimum Pd 2.2.3 Radar signature 3.1.4 Represent false alarm rate Automatic selection Form networks 2.2.4 RF signature 3.1.5 Environmental effects 2.2.5 Acoustic signature 3.1.6 Represent sensor FOV 2.3 Support sensor models 2.4 Manage threat mobility data 2.4.1 Speed over terrain 2.4.2 Prohibited terrain 2.4.3 Barriers & obstacles EM/RF interference Traffic 2.1 Classify threats by type & attributes 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 2.5 Represent threat objectives 2.5.1 Intrusion objectives 3.1.7 Represent scan/revisit times 3.1.8 Support requirements 3.1.9 Estimate single sensor cost 3.4 Estimate Sensor Network Cost 3.4.1 Installed + infrastructure costs 3.5 Optimize ESS designs 2.5.2 Covertness posture 3.5.1 Manage designs and MOE/MOP 2.5.3 Survivability objectives 3.5.2 Manually iterate designs 2.6 Support route planning models 3.5.3 Heuristically iterate designs 3.2.2 Place / orient sensors Manual selection Semiauto selection 3.2.3 Model sensor coverage and Pd Model detection Calculate LOS Propagation loss Field of view Terrain type Environment Pd at discrete points 3.3.2 Assess coverage, performance, cost Sensor architectures Apply sensor fusion Determine point Pd Determine area Pd Determine network FAR 3.3.3 Show coverage, & performance Pd Area Pd Coverage by sensor type Area aggregate Pd Gaps and blind spots False alarm rate False alarm rate Minimum reaction time 4.1.2 Assess vulnerability Perimeter Pd & Pinterdict Worst case area Pd Worst case Pkeep-out 4.1.3 Display vulnerability Max vulnerability routes Min response time routes Cumulative Pd coverage 4.2 Estimate ESS total cost 4.2.1 Procure, install, operate cost 3 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 1.1.1 FUNCTIONS 1. Represent and assess site characteristics 1.1 Obtain, display, and use site attributes and characteristics data ALTERNATIVE FORMS 1.1.1 Obtain, display, and manipulate topographic, characteristic, and feature data Classify terrain based on physical characteristics that may affect sensor performance, and threat mobility and detectability Obtain, display, and manipulate topographic, characteristic, and feature data Obtain and represent data on discrete site features and objects that may affect sensor performance or threat mobility Obtain, display, and manipulate site elevation data from external sources Obtain, display, and utilize site imagery data 5 March 09 Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • Direct specification of individual terrain characteristics • Indexed terrain data with exemplars • Hybrid - indexed with editable characteristics Obtain • Manual data entry / editing • Software enabled maual capture of image / map data • Automated pattern/feature recognition of image data • Direct interface with GIS databases and image archives Display / manipulate: • Paper maps with overlays • Hard copy tabular data • Software generated maps and displays • Interactive GUI development environment • Patch and facet / wire frame models • Coordinate geometry models • Data base position/shape entry • • • • • Software import of DTED data from file / CD Software import of other DEM data from file / CD Direct interface with GIS systems Automated interpolation of map/image contours Manual parsing and entry of elevation data • File of hardcopy imagery • Image database with display tools 4 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 1.1.2 FUNCTIONS 1. Represent and assess site characteristics 1.1 Obtain, display, and use site attributes and characteristics data ALTERNATIVE FORMS 1.1.2 Represent environmental characteristics and assess environmental effects on ESS sensor and network performance Represent weather including temperature, precipitation, airborne particulates, and winds Represent electromagnetic and radiofrequency interference that may interfere with sensors and wireless networks Represent personnel, vehicular, and animal traffic that may trigger sensors Maintain a list/database of environmental conditions / factors 5 March 09 Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • Direct specification of environment parameters • Indexed environment data with standard environments • Hybrid - indexed with editable parameters • Direct specification of traffic density by type • Indexed traffic density with standard densities • Direct specification of traffic density by type • Indexed traffic density with standard densities • Software model environment database • Electronic environment database • Hard copy tabular environment data 5 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 1.2.1 FUNCTIONS 1. Represent and assess site characteristics 1.2 Construct, display, and manipulate site models / analytic representations ALTERNATIVE FORMS 1.2.1 Construct, display, and manipulate site terrain characteristics models Partition site into regions with homogeneous terrain characteristics 5 March 09 Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • • • • • Software models with GUI Database model with query tools Hard copy tabular data Software terrain model Terrain database Hard copy map with terrain shading • Automated partitioning of terrain map/image data • Automated partitioning of terrain database data • Software enabled manual partitioning of terrain map/image data with direct data entry • Manual partitioning of terrain map/image data with manual data entry 6 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 1.2.2 FUNCTIONS 1. Represent and assess site characteristics 5 March 09 1.2 Construct, display, and manipulate site models / analytic representations ALTERNATIVE FORMS 1.2.2 Construct, display, and manipulate site terrain elevation models Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • • • • • Terrain elevation data grid model with editor Terrain elevation data patch model with editor Terrain elevation database with query tools Hardcopy terrain elevation map Physical relief map / model 7 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 1.2.3 FUNCTIONS 1. Represent and assess site characteristics 5 March 09 1.2 Construct, display, and manipulate site models / analytic representations ALTERNATIVE FORMS 1.2.3 Construct, display, and manipulate threat dependent trafficability models Representation • Densely connected point-to-point network model • Sparsely connected point-to-point network model • Point-to-point movement database • Hard copy map with mensuration tools • Network model with edge rates/costs • Map tessellation with face movement rates/costs Estimate threat movement rates and expected dwell times • Automated calculation of point-to-point distances and rates using model data • Automated calculation of point-to-point distances and rates using database data • Direct interface with GIS system • Manual calculation and entry of distances and rates • Software enabled editing of movement rates/costs Identify feasible ingress and egress routes • Network representation with shortest path algorithms • Database look-up • Tabular data look-up Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 8 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 1.2.4 FUNCTIONS 1. Represent and assess site characteristics 5 March 09 1.2 Construct, display, and manipulate site models / analytic representations ALTERNATIVE FORMS 1.2.4 Save, recall, and manage site terrain models and data Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • Embedded model archive • Internal database • Off-line database 9 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 2.1 FUNCTIONS 2. Assess and represent projected / potential threat characteristics 5 March 09 ALTERNATIVE FORMS 2.1 Classify threats based on their type and attributes • Manual threat classification • Intel / threat database • Explicitly model threat characteristics without classification Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 10 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 2.2.1 FUNCTIONS 2. Assess and represent projected / potential threat characteristics 5 March 09 2.2 Obtain and manage threat classification and quantitative threat signature data ALTERNATIVE FORMS 2.2.1. Represent threat types (e.g. personnel, wheeled vehicles, tracked vehicles, watercraft) and numbers • Software entity models • Threat data base entries • Physical "toy soldier" models 2.2.2 Represent threat physical dimensions and visual / infra-red (IR) characteristics • Explicit modeling of signatures and characteristics • Database entry for signatures and characteristics • Implicitly represent in sensor-threat performance data 2.2.3 Represent threat radar cross section (RCS) • Explicit modeling of signatures and characteristics • Database entry for signatures and characteristics • Implicitly represent in sensor-threat performance data 2.2.4 Represent threat radio-frequency (RF) emissions • Explicit modeling of signatures and characteristics • Database entry for signatures and characteristics • Implicitly represent in sensor-threat performance data 2.2.5 Represent threat acoustic and seismic emissions including signature dependency on threat speed • Explicit modeling of signatures and characteristics • Database entry for signatures and characteristics • Implicitly represent in sensor-threat performance data Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 11 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 2.3 FUNCTIONS 2. Assess and represent projected / potential threat characteristics 5 March 09 ALTERNATIVE FORMS 2.3 Provide threat class and signature data to sensor performance models • Integrated sensor performance model interface • Sensor performance model database query tools • Manual entry and calculation of sensor performance Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 12 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 2.4 FUNCTIONS 2. Assess and represent projected / potential threat characteristics 2.4 Obtain and manage threat mobility data ALTERNATIVE FORMS 2.4.1 Represent threat speed as a function of the type of terrain being traversed • Software terrain dependent threat mobility model • Terrain dependent threat movement rate look-up tables • Manual calculation of movement rates 2.4.2 Represent prohibited terrain types which may not be traversed by specific classes / types of threat • Specify prohibitive threat / terrain dependent mobility network edge costs • Specify prohibitive threat / terrain dependent database movement costs • Maintain threat-terrain tabu list 2.4.3 Represent mobility effects of barriers and obstacles 5 March 09 Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • Direct specification of traffic density by type • Indexed traffic density with standard densities 13 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 2.5 FUNCTIONS 2. Assess and represent projected / potential threat characteristics 5 March 09 2.5 Represent threat objectives, behaviors and operating constraints ALTERNATIVE FORMS 2.5.1 Represent threat intrusion objectives • Manually specify threat movement paths • Specify objectives as sink nodes for network flow / shortest path algorithms 2.5.2 Represent threat covertness posture • Include behaviors as part of threat characterization • Dynamically modify signatures and characteristics based on behavior 2.5.3 Represent threat survivability / escape objectives • Manually specify threat movement paths • Specify both objectives and egress points as sink nodes for two part network flow / shortest path algorithms • Specify tabu points / regions based on actual or perceived detection probabilities • Maintain threat-terrain tabu list Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 14 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 2.6 FUNCTIONS 2. Assess and represent projected / potential threat characteristics 5 March 09 ALTERNATIVE FORMS 2.6 Provide mobility and behavior data to threat route planning, and performance assessment functions • Integrated design environment with direct interfaces • Manual data import / export • Perform via database query Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 15 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 3.1 FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 3.1 Obtain, display, and manage attribute and performance data on for individual sensor system elements ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.1.1 Maintain a list/data base of available sensors • Manual entry and database management of sensor specifications and performance • Software supported import of sensor specifications and performance data • Web based query of vendor sensor specs & performance 3.1.2 Model/represent sensor nominal Pd as a function of threat type/signature and terrain type • Physics / engineering based sensor performance model • Sensor performance database • Hardcopy sensor performance tabular data 3.1.3 Model/represent sensor nominal effective range as a function of threat type/signature and terrain type • Physics / engineering based sensor performance model • Sensor performance database • Hardcopy sensor performance tabular data 3.1.4 Model/represent sensor nominal false alarm rate • Physics / engineering based sensor performance model • Sensor performance database • Hardcopy sensor performance tabular data 3.1.5 Model/represent sensor susceptibility to environmental effects and the effect of environment on Pd, effective range and FAR 3.1.6 Model/represent sensor field-of-view (azimuth and elevation limits) 5 March 09 Continued on next slide Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • Incorporate directly into physics / engineering based sensor performance model • Incorporate directly into sensor performance database values / tabular data • Apply environment dependent correction factor to performance determined by model / database lookup • Represent explicitly • Incorporate into Pd performance data 16 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 3.1 (cont) FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.1 Obtain, display, and manage attribute and performance data on for individual sensor system elements ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.1.7 Model/represent sensor scan / revisit times • Represent explicitly • Incorporate into Pd models / performance data 3.1.8 Represent sensor support requirements including electrical power, communications / connectivity mechanisms, and interfaces • Electronic sensor support requirement database • Hardcopy sensor support requirement tabular data 3.1.9 Represent sensor cost data including procurement, installation, and life-cycle operations and support costs • Electronic sensor cost database • Hardcopy sensor cost tabular data Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 17 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 3.2.1 FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.2 Select, place, assess, and display the performance of individual sensors ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.2.1 Select sensors from list of available sensors Manually select sensors • Manually select from pull down menu in development environment • Manually select by drag-and-drop in development environment • Manually select via database query Recommend sensors for manual selection • Same as above, but with manual acceptance and editing Automatically select sensors • • • • • Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez Rule based expert system Greedy set covering algorithms Network flow / spanning tree algorithms Dynamic programming algorithm Stochastic design using genetic algorithms or simulated annealing 18 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 3.2.2 FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.2 Select, place, assess, and display the performance of individual sensors ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.2.2 Position and orient sensors Manually position and orient sensors • Manually edit sensor position / orientation in development environment • Drag sensor position / orientation in development environment • Manually edit sensor position / orientation in database Recommend sensors for manual selection • Integrated into functionality Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 19 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.2 Select, place, assess, and display the performance of individual sensors Continued on next slide ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.2.3 Assess and display sensor coverage and detection performance Model emplaced sensor detection performance • Physics / engineering based sensor performance model • Sensor performance database • Hardcopy sensor performance tabular data Calculate sensor-to-target LOS • Automatic LOS calculation based on terrain elevation grid & feature data • Automatic LOS calculation based on terrain facet & feature data • Database LOS Determine target-to-sensor propagation path losses • Automatic propagation path / path loss calculation based on terrain model / database • Database path/path loss look-up (source of database path/path loss data unclear) • Manual calculation and entry of path losses Determine sensor azimuth and elevation coverage • Incorporate azimuth and elevation and field-of-view limits directly into physics / engineering based sensor performance model • Incorporate azimuth and elevation and field-of-view limits into sensor Calculate terrain type effects on sensor performance • Incorporate terrain type directly into physics / engineering based sensor performance model • Incorporate terrain type into sensor performance database values / tabular data • Apply terrain dependent correction factor to performance determined by model / database lookup Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 20 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives (cont) FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 3.2 Select, place, assess, and display the performance of individual sensors ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.2.3 Assess and display sensor coverage and detection performance Model emplaced sensor detection performance 5 March 09 Adjust sensor performance for environmental effects • Incorporate environmental factors directly into physics / engineering based sensor performance model • Incorporate environment into sensor performance database values / tabular data • Apply environment dependent correction factor to performance determined by model / database lookup Calculate Pd at discrete points as a function of sensor, threat, terrain, and environmental conditions • Perform on-demand physics / engineering based Pd modeling • Pre-calculate point-to-point Pd values and populate database (ultimate data source / methodology unclear) • Manually calculate Pd performance Calculate aggregate Pd for designated areas as a function of sensor, threat, terrain, and environmental conditions • Pre-calculate area aggregate Pd values and populate database (data source unclear) • Manually calculate aggregate area Pd performance • Sample Pd data over a grid and aggregate results • Stochastically sample Pd data at random points and compute expected values Calculate sensor internally and externally generated false alarm rates • Physics / engineering based sensor false alarm model • Sensor false alarm database • Hardcopy sensor false alarm tabular data Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 21 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 3.3.1 FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.3 Construct, assess, and display the performance and cost of sensor suites ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.3.1 Construct sensor networks from individual sensors Manually select and position sets of sensors • Direct manual selection and placement • Manual selection and placement by rule • Manually select sensor type, with auto placement Heuristically select and position sets of sensors • Heuristic fill-in of manually seeded sensors • Spanning tree / network flow algorithms • Dynamic programming algorithms Form sensor networks • • • • Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez Manually connect Shortest path / spanning tree algorithms Bayesnet algorithms Colored Petri Net algorithms 22 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 3.3.2 FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.3 Construct, assess, and display the performance and cost of sensor suites ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.3.2 , Assess sensor suite coverage, detection performance and cost Represent the integration of the outputs of multiple sensors in various architectures • Signal flow diagram Apply alternative sensor fusion rules • • • • Determine sensor suite fused Pd for discrete points as a function of sensor, threat, terrain, and environment • Done via application of algorithms in to specific sensor-target geometries Determine sensor suite aggregate fused Pd for designated areas as a function of sensor, threat, terrain, and environment • Represent area Pd by centroid point-to-point Pd • Aggregate point-to-point results over regular grid • Use expected value of Monte Carlo point-to-point results Determine fused false alarm rate for the sensor suite for alternative sensor fusion rules • Incorporate into algorithms Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez Voting algorithms Primary sensor with confirmation Bayesian classification algorithms Colored petri-net 23 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 3.3.3 FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.3 Construct, assess, and display the performance and cost of sensor suites ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.3.3 Display sensor suite coverage and detection performance Display sensor suite Pd for specific points • Interactive multi-sensor Pd display in development environment • Multi-sensor Pd database query tools • Manual calculation and display of multi-sensor Pd Display sensor suite Pd for designated areas • Color coded Pd map overlays in development environment • Database query Pd numeric data • Database query Pd plot data • Multi-layer manual map overlays Display sensor coverage by sensor and type • Color coded sensor coverage map overlays in development environment • Database query sensor coverage numeric data • Database query sensor coverage plot data • Multi-layer manual map overlays Display sensor coverage gaps and blind spots • Same as Display sensor suite false alarm rate • Sensor false alarm numeric data • Sensor false alarm frequency plots / histograms Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 24 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES SSES Function - Form Alternatives 3.3.1 FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.4 Construct, assess, and display the performance and cost of sensor suites ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.4.1 Estimate cost Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • Integrated cost estimation tool in development environment • Integrated cost estimation tool in database • Automatically populated cost estimation spreadsheet • Manually populated cost estimation spreadsheet • Manual cost estimation from tabular / catalogue data 25 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES Preliminary SSES Functional Decomposition FUNCTIONS 3 Develop ESS designs and assess technical performance 5 March 09 3.5 Optimize ESS designs ALTERNATIVE FORMS 3.5.1 Store, recall, and manage ESS designs and associated performance metrics • Embedded database • Off-line database • Manual tabulation and management of data 3.5.2 Manually perform, ESS design iterations, and compare results • Manual design and assessment with integrated comparison tools in development environment • Manual design and assessment with integrated comparison tools in database • Manual design and assessment with off-line comparison of designs 3.5.3 Heuristically ally perform, ESS design iterations, and compare results • Automatic implementation of manually developed heuristics • Dynamic programming algorithms • Greedy set covering • Simulated annealing • Genetic algorithms Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 26 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES Preliminary SSES Functional Decomposition FUNCTIONS 4 Assess ESS operational performance 5 March 09 4.1 Assess and display ESS operational performance against customer site protection requirements using analytic methods ALTERNATIVE FORMS 4.1.1 Calculate measures of effectiveness for threat ingress/egress routes Identify intruder ingress / egress route(s) that minimize the time required to reach defended areas • Solve movement rate weighted shortest path / network flow problem all or designated nodes Identify intruder ingress / egress route(s) that minimize the probability of being detected • Solve Pd weighted shortest path / network flow problem for all or designated nodes Identify intruder ingress / egress route(s) that minimize Pd weighted security force reaction times • Solve interdiction probability weighted shortest path / network flow problem all or designated nodes Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 27 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES Preliminary SSES Functional Decomposition FUNCTIONS 4 Assess ESS operational performance 5 March 09 4.1 Assess and display ESS operational performance against customer site protection requirements using analytic methods ALTERNATIVE FORMS 4.1.2 Calculate measures of effectiveness for maximum vulnerability threat routes Calculate mean and minimum site perimeter detection and interdiction probabilities • Find minimum Pd and interdiction probabilities around perimeter network cycles Calculate worst case cumulative Pd for designated areas • Find minimum path values from Calculate worst case cumulative interdiction keep-out probabilities for designated areas • Find minimum path values from Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 28 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES Preliminary SSES Functional Decomposition FUNCTIONS 4 Assess ESS operational performance 5 March 09 4.1 Assess and display ESS operational performance against customer site protection requirements using analytic methods ALTERNATIVE FORMS 4.1.3 Display site protection measures of effectiveness Display minimum Pd threat ingress / egress routes • Find minimum Pd and interdiction probabilities around perimeter network cycles Display minimum response time threat ingress / egress routes • Minimum path value from Display site sensor cumulative detection probability coverage maps • Minimum path value from Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez 29 Sensor Suite Evaluation System SSES Preliminary SSES Functional Decomposition FUNCTIONS 4 Assess ESS operational performance 5 March 09 4.2 Assess ESS total cost ALTERNATIVE FORMS 4.2.1 Estimate ESS total ownership costs taking into account all procurement, installation, facilities and operating costs Anderson, Beres, Shaw, Valadez • Integrated total cost estimation tool in development environment • Integrated total cost estimation tool in database • Automatically populated total cost estimation spreadsheet • Manually populated total cost estimation spreadsheet • Manual total cost estimation from tabular / catalogue data 30