
Book Report/ Critique
Please select a novel that is of high interest to you. This novel must be:
 No less than 120 pages
 Written in chapter format
 Appropriate for your reading level (check the lexile level at
Once you have selected this novel, please bring it to me for approval. You will have four
assignments from this novel throughout the course of the semester. The assignments are listed as
Assignment # 1-Bring in novel for approval.
Assignment #2 -Explain the setting, characters, and first scenes from your novel.
Assignment #3- Identify the main and minor characters and explain the major conflict/ problem
of the novel.
Assignment #4- Summarize the novel and critique it. Your summary should include the most
important events of the novel and explain how the novel ends. Your critique should explain your
thoughts/ feelings about the novel and whether you would recommend it to a friend.
Presentation: Give a 3-5 minute presentation on the novel you read. Summarize the book,
explain the conflict in the story, identify 5 literary elements and explain them analyzing the
purpose for use, critique the novel with textual support. See attached rubric for details.
Due Dates:
Assignment # 1- Week 2
Assignment #2- Week 4
Assignment # 3- Week 8
Assignment # 4- Week 10
Presentation Day will be assigned
Your Last Name and page number
All assignments must be:
-Typed in 12 pt. font (Times New Roman)
-Double spaced
-No more than one page in length with the exception of Assignment #1
-Include a Work Cited page with each assignment.
Presentation Rubric
The summary poorly
explained the novel.
The summary
partially explained the
novel with some
The summary
explained the novel
well with good detail.
The summary
thoroughly explained
the novel with
extensive detail.
The conflict was
poorly explained.
The conflict was
partially explained
with some detail.
The conflict was
explained well with
good detail.
The conflict was
thoroughly explained
with extensive detail.
Literary elements
were identified.
Literary elements
were identified and
poorly explained.
Literary elements
were identified and
explained well.
Literary elements
were identified and
thoroughly explained.
The critique was
poorly explained with
no support.
The critique was
explained with
minimal support.
The critique was
explained well with
good support.
The critique was
thoroughly explained
with extensive
Your Last Name and page number
Your Name
Professor Wiltz
GUST 0342
1 August 2011
Assignment 2- Rhythms by Donna Hill
Rhythms is a story that begins with a setting of rural Mississippi of the 1920’s. The small
town of Rudell, Mississippi is a pleasant place where people are raising families. The town is
segregated and the people that live there get along as well as can be expected for that era of time.
The opening scenes take place in the town at a local store. It appears that the book will continue
in various places throughout the town.
One of the main characters is Cora Harvey, a pretty African American girl that is 16 years of
age. She is being raised by her parents who are rebels in the fight for equality brewing in the
1920’s. Cora is also known as the daughter of Pastor Harvey, a well respected pastor of the local
church. Many of the town people know Cora for that reason. Being that she is well known, she
is expected to behave like a pastor’s daughter should.
Cora is approaching the age where it is expected that she begin dating in a respectable
manner befitting a preacher’s daughter. Luckily, she finds interest in a young man by the name
of David Mackey. He is a young African American male with eyes the color of coal and the
mannerisms of a gentleman. David is very intelligent and well liked in the community. He has
aspirations of one day becoming a doctor.
and David.
A love story appears to be unfolding between Cora
Your Last Name and page number
Work Cited
Hill, Donna. Rhythms. New York: St. Martins Griffin, 2001. Print.