CED 433.ppt

A Multi-Disciplinary Internship
Model for Assessment
CIEC 2006
San Antonio, Texas
 Daphene Koch
 Assistant Professor, Construction Technology
 Adam Siurek
 Director of Computer Graphics Technology
 Josh Killey
 Coordinator Internship and Cooperative
Education Programs
 Student enrollment increasing without the
addition of faculty to meet needs.
 Expectation for the graduation students has
been elevated.
 Challenge from chancellor to double the
number in internships by 2010.
 Develop a centralized internship program
 Match students with companies
 Document the outcomes
 Produce data for continuous improvement
 Develop curricula to include mandatory
internships and CO-OP experiences
 Match the outcomes with ABET criteria
 A comprehensive study of similar tools
must first be researched.
 Review the first tool that was used for a
 The goal of this study will be to build a
centralized tool for the campus to use.
 Taking the outcomes from ABET
accreditation and applying to the emplyer’s
Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
Student Placement Services
EmployerÕsEvaluation of Internship Work Experience
Name: ___________________________________ Major Field of Study: ___________________
Work Perio d:______________________________ Employer:_____________________________
 Original tool that
was used for a
Instructions: The immediate supervisor should evaluate the student objectively, comparing him/her with other
students of comparable academic level, with other personnel assigned to the same of simi larly classified jobs, or
with individual standards.
Re lati on swith Oth e rs
( )
Exceptionally well accepted
( )
Works well with others
( )
Gets along satisfactorily
( )
Has some difficulty working with others
( )
Works poorly with others
Attitude- Applicati onto work
( )
Outstanding enthusiasm
( )
Very interested and industrious
( )
Average in diligence and interest
( )
Somewhat indifferent
( )
Definitely not interested
Ju dgm ent
( )
Exceptionally mature
( )
Above average in making decisions
( )
Usually makes the right decision
( )
Often uses poor judgment
( )
Consistently uses bad judgment
De pe n dabil ity
( )
Completely dependable
( )
Above average in dependability
( )
Usually dependable
( )
Sometimes neglectful or careless
( )
Abil ity to Learn
( )
Learns very quickly
( )
Learns readily
( )
Average in learning
( )
Rather slow to learn
( )
Very slow learner
Quali ty of Work
( )
( )
Very good
( )
( )
Below Average
( )
Very poor
Attendan ce: ( ) Regular ( ) Irregu lar
Punctuality: ( ) Regular ( ) Irregular
Very Good
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
Note relationship of work assignment to studentÕs major field of study
What tr aits may help or hinder studentÕs advanc ement?
Remarks relevan t to studentÕsperformance.
This report has been discussed with student: Yes_____ No_____
Immediate Supervisor
Tit le
Assessment Process
 Growing number of Internships and
Co-Ops within the school
Summer 2005 - Spring 2006: 201
Summer 2003-Spring 2004
Summer 2004-Spring 2005
Summer 2005-Spring 2006
Assessment Process
 Following is the beginning of the draft
currently being developed.
 Broken into four stages.
Assessment Process
 Part I
Purdue School of Enginee ring and Technology Š IUPUI
799 We st Michigan Street, ET 215 Indianapolis, IN 46202 -5160
Phone: (317) 278 -1000 Email: etsps@iupui.edu
Student Name ______________________________ ________
Semester ___________ Year _______
============ ========= ========= ======== ============= ========= ========= =====
the end o f the studentÕs work period. Provide your candid
Part I Please complete this evaluation at
evaluation of the studentÕs performance or skill level in e ach of the foll owing areas. In th e interest o f
learning and professional development , the employer should revie w the completed fo rm with the inter n at
the end o f the internship. After providing the student with your feedback, please return this form to the
student, as it i s a required part of their internship report. This evaluation is a component of the schoolÕs
educational assessment and continuous improv ement program, therefore it is not confidential. Feel free to
attach additional pages
for any additional c
omments and/or your or ganizations standard employe e
evaluation for m.
1=Lacks this skill 2=Limited/minimal skill level 3=Adequate/average skill level 4=Above average skill le vel 5=Exceptional skill
level N/A=Not Applicable
Assessment Process
 Part I
Communication Skills
1. Demonstrates oral communication skills
Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
required for the job.
1. Produces high-quality, error-free work.
Skill Level
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
2. Adopts new strategies when current
2. Writes clearly and concisely.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
3. Is willing to speak up, communicate
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
information, and ask for clarification.
4. Listens to feedback and acts to improve.
S elfManagement
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
approach is not effective.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
3. Uses good judgment/establishes priorities
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
4. M akes efficient use of time .
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
5. Demonstrates/practices ethical behavior.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
6. Arrives on time and maintains agreed hours.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
Problem Solving/Decision Making Skills
1. Analyzes situations and takes
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
1. Seeks opportunities to learn.
appropriate action.
2. Offers creative solutions to problems.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
3. Collects and analyzes information to do
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
2. Takes initiative to get a job done
even if not specifically told to do so.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
a task and establishes a course of action
3. Acts decisively on critical issues.
in a specific period of time.
4. Completes work despite obstacles/problems.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
5. Sets and communicates goals. Follows up
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
4. Resolves problems in adequate time period. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
with results.
1. M akes a positive impact on work team by
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
establishing rapport and credibility.
Technical Skills
1. Has the technical skills required for position.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
2. Is willing to learn new skills and enhance
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
2. Shares information/resources with others.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
3. Assists/cooperates with co-workers.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
4. Is willing to put in extra time and effort.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
3. Uses appropriate technology for tasks.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
5. Assumes appropriate leadership role(s).
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
4. Uses technology to perform effectively.
1 2 3 4 5 N/A
existing technical skills.
Assessment Process
 Part II
Part II Please discuss whether this student successfully completed the learning objectives
you discussed
and whether your expectations were met or exceeded.
Overall Evaluation Š Given your expectations for this internship, this studentÕsoverall performance (in
comparison with all other students performing similar duties) was in:
• top 5%
top 25%
top 50%
lower 50% Éo f all students
Assessment Process
 Part III
Part III As an experie nced professional, we valu e your insights into what is require d to be successful on
the job. What would you recommend for this student to do following his/her internship to make h
better prepared for the w orkplace (i.e., courses, activities, skills acquis ition, programs)? Please be a s
specific as possible.
Pleas e indicate areas or topics that would ma ke the student more academically prepared for this internship
experienc e.
Assessment Process
 Part III
What suggestions do you have to improve the quality of this internship (please includ e any specific
recommendations you have that might be useful to the student and/or the colleg e.)
Assessment Process
 Part IV
Part IV Please evaluate our internship program. In your opinion, how effective was the Purdue School
of Engineering & Technolo gy, IUP UI Cooperative Ed ucation/Internship Program in meeting your needs?
Exc ellent
Internship System
Academic Preparation of the Student
Overall Satisfaction with the Exper ience
Probability of Hiring Interns in the Future
Employer Signature _________________________
Employer Printed Name______________________
Date __________________________
Company Name___________________________
Further Development
 After the initial research and collaborations
 Create an assessment tool that will bring
consistency and ease to students and industry.
 Create an assessment tool for entire campus
to use.
 Allow for accurate records of student and
industry involvement.
 Student population growing more and more
each day.
 A need for an instrument to assess in vital
to the growing demands of both students
and industry.
 By assessing the current process, we can
begin building a campus-size model
centralizing the process.
Thank you
 Questions?