D. Peteet, Instructor N. Pederson, TA W4835X

Fall 2001, T,Th 10-11:15
506 Schermerhorn
D. Peteet, Instructor
N. Pederson, TA
Suggested Text and Readings:
Mitsch, W.J.&Gosselink, J.G.2000, Wetlands, 3rd edition, John Wiley and Sons, NY, and
weekly readings on current problems which will be announced.
Course Evaluation:
The course will include a midterm, final, 3 field trips with lab write-ups, and weekly
readings and discussion.
Course Credit: 3 points
Week 1. Sept. 4,6 Introduction
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Chaps. 1-4
A. Importance of Wetlands
B. Wetland definitions and examples
Add. References:
Gore, l983
Week 2. Sept 11,12
Hydrological cycles in wetlands
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Chap. 5
A. Overall water budgets
B. Specific Effects of Hydrology on Wetlands
Add. References
Nixon and Oviatt, l973
Gilman, l982
Junk, l982
Week 3. Sept. 18,20
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Ch. 6
Biogeochemistry of various wetland types
A. Nutrient cycles and energy flow
B. Primary productivity & decomposition
C. Ecosystem Models
Add. References:
Bubier et al. l996
Wiegert et al., l981
Week 4. Sept. 25,27
Inland Wetland Ecosystems - structure & function
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Chapter 12,14,15
A. Freshwater Swamps & Riparian Systems
B. Inland Freshwater Marshes
Everglades, Great Lakes, Playas
Add. References:
Hofstetter, l983
Caulfield, 1970
Guthery et al., l982
September 29 2001
FIELD TRIP #1 (Harriman Park Forest – Northern Swamp & Riparian Wetland)
Species identification, distribution, richness
Coring techniques
Week 5. Oct 2,4
Southern Swamps - structure & function
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Chapter 14
Add. References:
Cohen et al., l984,
Clark, l979
Brinson et al., l981
Mitsch and Ewel, l979
Week 6. Oct 9,11
Ecological Adaptations, Ecosystem Pattern and Process
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Chaps 7,8
A. Plants
B. Animals
C. Succession, continuum, & ecosystem functions
Add. References:
McLeod et al., l988
Scholander et al., 1955, l966
Vernberg and Vernberg, l972
Chapman, l960
van der Valk, l982
Week 7 Oct 16 Midterm
Oct 18 Coastal Wetland Ecosystems- structure & function
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Chapter 11
A. Mangrove Wetlands
Week 9 Oct 23,25
Coastal Wetland Ecosystems- structure & function
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Chaps 9,10
A. Tidal Salt Marshes
B. Tidal Freshwater Marshes
Add. References:
Armentano, l990
Eleuterius, L.N. l981
Fassett, N.C. 1940.
Redfield, l965, l972
Nixon and Lee, l985
Odum et al., l984
Odum & McIvor, l990
Gosselink et al., l984
October 27
FIELD TRIP #2 (Tidal Marsh, Staten Island, NY)
Species identification, plant distribution,
salinity, remediation discussions
Week 10. Oct 30, 31
Northern Peatlands - structure & function
(Emphasis on Alaska, Canada, & Siberia)
Reading: Mitsch and Gosselink, Chapter 13
A. Bogs
B. Fens
Add. References:
Heusser, l960
Johnson, l985
Moore, l974
Wright et al., l992,
Week 11. Nov 6 Holiday, Election Day
Nov. 8 Paleoecology papers on bogs
Nov. 10
FIELD TRIP #3 (Green Pond & Bog, NY)
Week 12. Nov 13,15
Paleovegetation & Paleoenvironment from Wetlands - laboratory instruction
A. Palynology
B. Diatoms
C. Macrofossils
D. Isotopes
Add. References:
Faegri and Iversen, l975
Berglund, l979
Wright et al., l992
Week 12 Nov. 20
Papers- Landscape Processes Recorded in Wetlands
-lab instruction
A. Fire - charcoal
B. Hydrological change- bryophytes
C. Earthquakes - discontinuities
D. Eutrophication, acidification - geochemical signals
E. Isostatic uplift
Add. References:
Berglund, l979
Clark, l985
November 22 – Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 13. Nov 27, 29
Past Climate change from Wetlands
List of papers to report on - regional
Carbon Cycle in Wetlands
A. Northern peatlands, source or sink?
B. Carbon exchange with climate change
Add. References:
Oeschel et al., l993
Bubier et al., l993
Week 14. Dec 4,6
Wetland Valuation & Management
Reading: Chaps. 16, 17
Add. References:
Turner et al., l981
Gosselink and Baumann, l980
Add. References:
1987 Corps of Engineers, Wetlands Deliniation
Cowardin et al., l979
Gosselink and Baumann, l980
Turner et al., l981
Frayer et al., l983
Environmental Defense Fund and World Wildlife
Fund, l992
Dahl and Johnson, l991
Meeks and Runyon, l990
Armentano, T. l990. Soils and ecology: tropical wetlands, in
Wetlands: A Threatened
Landscape, M. Williams, ed. Basil
Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 115-144.
Barnes, R.S.K. The Brackish-water Fauna of Northwestern
Europe. Cambridge Univ.
Press, 1994
Berglund, B.E. (Editor). Handbook of Holocene Paleoecology and
Paleohydrology, John
Wiley & Sons, 1986.
Brinson, M.M., Swift, B.L., Plantico, R.C., and Barclay, J.S. l981.
Riparian Ecosystems:
their Ecology and Status. US Fish &
Wildlife Svc,, Biol. Serv. Prog., FWS/OBS-81/17,
Washington, D.C. l5l p.
Bubier, J.L., Moore, T.R., and Roulet, N.R. 1993. Methane emissions from wetlands in the
mid-boreal region of northern Ontario, Canada. Ecology 74: 2240-2254.
Caulfield, P. l970. Everglades, Ballantine Books, Inc. NY 143 p.
Clark, J.E. l979. Fresh water wetlands: habitats for aquatic
invertebrates, amphibians,
reptiles, and fish. In Wetland Functions and Values: the State of our Understanding. P.E.
Greeson, J.R. Clark, and J.E. Clark, Eds., American Water
Wetlands Ecology and
Management (SPB Academic Publishing,
NY, 1992-1996) Resources Assn., Minneapolis,
Minn. 33-343.
Cohen, A.D., D.J. Casagrande, M.J. Andrejko, and G.R. Best, eds., l984, The Okefenokee Swamp,
Wetland Surveys, Los Alamos, NM,
709 pg.
Corps of Engineers, Wetlands Deliniation Manual
Cowardin et al., l979 Classification of Wetlands and
Deepwater Habitats of
the US, US Fish and Wildlife Service Publ. FWS/OBS-79/31, Washington, DC 103 p.
Crum, A. Mosses of Eastern North America, Columbia Univ.
Dahl, T. E. and C.E. Johnson, l991. Wetlands Status and Trends in the Conterminous United
States Mid-1970s to mid-l980s., US Dept.
of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Svc, Washington,
DC 28 p.
Duncan, W.H. and M.B. Duncan, The Smithsonian Guide to
Plants of the
Gulf and Atlantic Coasts, Smithsonian Inst.
Eleuterius, L.N. l981.,Tidal Marsh Plants, Ocean
Springs, Miss.
Environmental Defense Fund and World Wildlife Fund, l992, How
Wet is a Wetland? The
impact of the Proposed Revisions to the Federal Wetlands Deliniation Manual, EDF and WWF,
Washington, DC, 175 p.
Fassett, N.C. 1940. A Manual of Aquatic Plants,
Univ. Wisc.
Faegri, K., and Iversen, J. Textbook of Pollen Analysis, Hafner Press,
Frayer,W.E., Monahan, D.C., Bowden, D.C., and Graybill, F.A. l983.
Status and trends of
wetlands and deepwater habitat in the conterminous US, l950s to l970s. Dept. of Forest and
Wood Sciences, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, 32 p.
Gore, A.J.P. Mires: Swamp, Bog, Fen, and Moor. Ecosystems of the
World. l983. Elsevier
Scientific Publishing Co.
Gosselink, J.G. and Baumann, R.H. l980. Wetland inventories: wetland loss along the US coast.
Z. Geomorphol. N.F. Suppl. Bd. 34: 173187.
Gosselink, J.G., R. Hatton, and C.S. Hopkinson, l984. Relationship of organic carbon and
mineral content to bulk density in
Louisiana marsh soils. Soil Science 137: 177-180.
Guthery, F.S., Pates, J.M., and F.A. Stormer. l982. Characterization of playas of the northcentral Llano Estacado in Texas. 47th Am.
Wild. Nat. Resource Conf. Trans. 47: 516-527.
Haworth, E.Y. and Lund, J.W. l984. Lake Sediments and
Environmental History. Univ. of
Minn. Press, Minneapolis, MN.
Hofstetter, R. H. l983. Wetlands in the United States. in Ecosystems
of the World, vol. 4B,
Mires: Swamp, Bog, Fen and Moore. A.J>P> Gore, editor, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 201-244.
Heusser, C.J. l960. Late Pleistocene Environments of North Pacific
North America. Amer.
Geogr. Society Special Publ. no. 35, NY.
Isleib, M.E. and B. Kessel, Birds of the North Gulf Coast - Prince
William Sound
Region, Alaska, Univ. of Alaska Press, l973.
Johnsen, C.W. l985. Bogs of the Northeast. Univ. Press of New England.
Meeks, G. and and L.C. Runyon. l990. Wetlands Protection and the
States. National
Conference of State Legislatures., Denver, Colo.
26 pg.
Milner, A.M., and Oswood, M.W. l996. Freshwaters of Alaska,
Springer-Verlag, NY
Mitsch, W.J. and Ewel, K.C. l979. Comparative biomass and growth of cypress in Florida
wetlands. Amer. Midland Naturalist 101: 417-426.
Mitsch, W.J. and J.G. Gosselink, Wetlands, 1986, Van Nostrand
Reinhold Company,
New York
Moore, P.D. l974. Peatlands. Springer-Verlag, NY.
Nixon, S.W. and V. Lee. l985. Wetlands and water quality- a regional review of recent
research in the US on the role of fresh and
saltwater wetlands as sources, sinks, and
transformers of nitrogen, phosphorus, and various heavy metals. Report to the Waterways
Experiment Station, US Army Corps of Engineers,
Vicksburg, Miss.
Odum, W.E., T.J. Smith III, J.K. Hoover, and C.C. McIvor, l984. The Ecology of Tidal
Freshwater Marshes of the United States East Coast: a Community Profile, US Fish and
Wildlife Service,
FWS/OBS-87/17, Washington, D.C. 177 p.
Odum, W.E. and McIvor, C.C. l990, Mangroves, in Ecosystems of
Florida, R.L. Myers
and J.J. Ewel, eds., Univ. of Central Florida
Press, Orlando, pp. 517-548.
Oeschel, W.C. et al., 1993. Recent change of Arctic tundra ecosystems from a net carbon sink
to a source. Nature 361: 520-523.
Oeschel, W.C., Global Change and Arctic Terrestrial
Ecosystems,Springer-Verlag, NY
Paavilainen, E., and J. Paivanen, Peatland Forestry, 1995,
SpringerVerlag, NY
Patten, B.C. Wetlands and Shallow Continental Water Bodies, Vol 1 Natural and Human
Relationships, and Vol. 2, Case Studies,
SPB Academic Publishing.
Redfield, A.C. l965, Ontogeny of a salt marsh estuary. Science 147:
Redfield, A.C. l972.Development of a New England salt marsh. Ecological Monographs 42:
Turner, R.E., Forsythe, S.W., and Craig, N.J. l981. Bottomland hardwood forest land resources
of the southeastern US, in
Wetlands of Bottomland Hardwood Forests, J.R. Clark and J.
Benforado, eds, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 13-28.
Wetlands Ecology and Management (SPB Academic Publishing,
NY, 19921996)
Wiegert, R.G., Christian, R.R., and Wetzel, R.L. l981. A model view of the marsh, in The
Ecology of A Salt Marsh, L.R. Pomeroy and
R.G. Wiegert, Eds., Springer-Verlag, NY, p.
Wright, H.E., Coffin, B.A., and Aaseng, N.E. l992. The Patterned Peatlands of Minnesota.
Univ. of Minn. Press, Minneapolis, MN.