Teacher: Chris Jackson Grade and School: Richland Elementary Discipline Area(s): math science social science language arts arts Project Title: Spring Mural Project Goal(s): Chinese New Year - Beginning knowledge of their culture and festivities Process and Steps: 1. Trace and cut out circle approximately 10" around on construction paper 1. Using a model of Chinese numbers or symbols, students draw the symbols on bottom of cut out circle, 1. Look at page with symbols 1. Find center of circle and overlap to form a cone shape and staple 1. Put sentence strip under cone and put tape to hold together top and bottom - fitting the band to child’s head 1. Wear it Materials Needed: Colored construction paper (18x24) 1 for each, pencils, scissors, ink and brushes to paint, sentence strips, masking tape, sheet of paper with symbols or numbers Essential Questions: 1 What skills, elements, vocabulary were taught? Lettering, Chinese hats, all about Chinese New Year’s 2. How did you assess the children’s understanding? Finished product 3. Where could you go from here? Make a red scroll using same lettering or any other 4. Other comments: