Partners in Campus Business Operations
Business and Financial Services
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Meeting Highlights!
Defensive Driving – Bruce Bradley
o Defensive Driving Presentation
 Bruce presented on Defensive Driving and the requirements that are needed to
complete the program.
 Defensive Driving PowerPoint presentation available on the PCBO website.
Contact Bruce x4451 or Sue x4502 if you have any questions.
PeopleSoft Finance 9.0 – Chris Lambert
o PeopleSoft Finance 9.0 Project Time Line Presentation
 Chris presented on the project timeline and stated that this project is
planning to go live in March of 2009.
 Notifications will be sent out in the future in regards to training.
 It is anticipated with the upgrade that N-vision reports will run a lot faster.
Contact Chris x4451 if you have any questions.
PeopleSoft Info – Tina Griffith
o PeopleSoft Info
 Tina reminded everyone to change the “tree effective date” to the first day of the
fiscal year July 1, 2008.
 Explained that accruals from 6/30/08 will reverse on 7/1/08 and show up on the
July DFA as a negative expense.
 Chargebacks are for charging other campus departments for services whereas
Reimbursed Activities is for charging entities outside the University (including
Foundation, University Corporation, University Village, and ASI).
Contact Tina x4485 if you have any questions.
Budget Office Info – Brenda Martin
o Budget Office Info
 All Purchase Order rollover budget uploads will be completed in the next couple
of days.
 Allocations for the 48105 campus fund lottery will be uploaded by July close.
Nondiscretionary Revenue and Reimbursed Activities budgets are due to the
budget office August 1st.
Contact the Budget Office x4461 if you have any questions.
Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase Effective 7/1/2008– Becky Henwood
o Mileage Reimbursement Rate Increase!
 Effective July 1, 2008 the CSU standard business mileage reimbursement
rate will be 58.5 cents per mile. This rate will be in effect until Dec 31, 2008.
 The Travel Expense Claim Form CSUSM 262 has been updated on the website.
When submitting new claims for travel taken after July 1, 2008, please be sure
your form 262 reflects the new mileage rate of 58.5 cents per mile. If you are
submitting a claim for an earlier time period please use the appropriate mileage
rate for that time period (Jan. 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008 .505 cents per mile).
 All forms submitted requiring signatures should be signed in blue ink.
Contact Becky Henwood x4442 if you have any questions.
Questions and Concerns – All
o None
Next PCBO Meeting will be on Wednesday, August 29th in
Markstein 125!