Partners in Campus Business Operations
Business and Financial Services
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Meeting Highlights!
 Welcome – Mary Hinchman
 Mary welcomed PCBO members to the meeting and went over the icebreaker.
 Remember that the President’s Forum will be on January 28th at 2pm at the Clarke Field
 Outlook Addresses – Kathie Pendo & Candie Halstead
Telephone Services will not be providing a new phone directory for 2010 but will be
publishing one for 2011.
The web directory is your best resource for recently updated information on staff,
faculty and students.
When appearing on the webpage of CSUSM, on the upper right hand corner you see an
icon with “directory search”. This tool on the webpage helps you look up staff, faculty
and students by first or last name.
Another great tool that was shared is on Outlook. When going to the “address book”
you can do a more advanced search by clicking on the “advanced search” blue link to
help look up staff, faculty or student you are looking for.
The “advanced search” link can also bring up everyone within the department you are
looking for.
Kathie and Candie also reminded us that when composing a new email on outlook that
you can also use the address book to look for staff, faculty and students.
Contact Telephone Services x4530 if you have any questions.
 New direct deposit option for Travel & Non-Payroll reimbursements – Becky Henwood
A new direct deposit form option is being offered in AP. You can now sign up to be
reimbursed through AP via direct deposit.
The form is a completely separate form from the current Payroll form.
Once the check run has occurred, you will receive an automatic email letting you know
that you have received a payment. The email will include the amount, date and what the
payment was for.
AP has asked that these forms not be sent through intercampus mail. Please fill out the
form and deliver it directly to Accounts Payable in Craven 4600, to Becky Henwood.
These forms are highly confidential and will be stored under lock and key.
If at any time you prefer to receive a check for a certain reimbursement but have already
signed up for direct deposit, simply specify on the AP form submitted for reimbursement
that you would like to receive a check.
AP expects that your direct deposit reimbursement should happen within 2 weeks or
possibly sooner. She also wanted to mention that check runs happen on Tuesdays and
If you wish, you can cancel at anytime.
If you change your bank account number and have not notified AP, and are expecting to
receive a direct deposit, the bank will notify AP of the change.
This is a wonderful and convenient new process for everyone.
Contact Becky Henwood x4442 if you have any questions.
 Accounting Changes – Dan Zorn
Dan announced that Accounting has condensed some of the Contractual Services
Accounts 613806 and 613811 will no longer be used.
Activity previously in these accounts will be in 613001.
Accounting has processed a Journal Entry to move the balances in 613806 and 613811.
If you need assistance transferring 613806 and 613811 budgets to 613001, please
contact the Budget Office (x4461).
Contact Accounting Services x4483 if you have any questions.
 CFS (Commonly Financial System) – Chris Lambert
Chris announced that all CSU’s databases will be consolidating into one database.
All modifications are being packaged into one database.
Pre-testing is currently being done and all new modifications will be available on July 1st.
Finance 9.0 plans to go live in March 2011.
All these changes will be occurring behind the scenes and everything will look the same.
A question was raised in regards to how “speed” will be affected by this new process but
no comment was made.
Contact Chris Lambert x4451 if you have any questions.
 Split Funding and Mid-Year – Brenda Martin
All PANS (both permanent and temporary employees) requiring split funding must be
submitted to the Budget Office.
Mid Year reporting is now underway. If you ran your nVision reports yesterday, you will
need to re-run them as December’s telephone services were just added this morning.
Please feel free to contact Brenda or Liz Rojas if you need any assistance in preparing
your Mid-Year reports.
Contact Budget Office x 4461 if you have any questions.
 ProCard – Barbara Sainz
Barbara announced that ProCard will be changing from American Express to Visa/US
The ProCard will have a new 5-year contract, beginning in this March or April.
Once you receive your new card please remember to work with Office Max to change
your card information.
She will be working with card members to distribute new cards.
Traveling will continue to use American Express.
Contact Barbara Sainz x4449 if you have any questions.
 Questions and Concerns – All
o Kris Roberts announced that reimbursement mileage has decreased once again to 50
cents/mile. Please update your forms to reflect the new rate.