Instructor contact information Instructor: Dr. Cyril Anoka Office Phone: 713-718-5638/832-660-8142 Office: Houston Community College Spring Branch Campus Office Hours: Available upon request Website: E-mail: (or hours of availability) cyril.anoka Welcome to Course Title: University Physics 1 Semester and Year: SPRING 2015 Jan 20 – May 17 Course Prefix: PHYS. Course Number: 2325 – 6 (44366) Class Days TTh Credit Hours: 3 Lecture Location/Time: Alief – Hayes Rm: B221 12:00PM – 2:00PM Contact Hours: 64 Course Overview This is a calculus-based physics course designed specifically for chemistry, physics and engineering majors. Topics include principles of mechanics, sound, wave phenomena and fluid flow. Prerequisites. Must have completed MATH 2413 or higher Course Text: Fundamentals of physics, 10th edition, by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker GRADE DETERMINATION: Your grade will be determined by the following Quizzes/Classwork Exams Homework Final Details Percent of Final Average Pop quizzes/Working problems from end of the chapters exercise There will be three exams for the semester. All exams and the final exam will be closed book and closed notes . Homework grades will be based on a scale from 0 to 10, 10 being equivalent to 100%. Final exam is mandatory and comprehensive Total: 5% 60% 15% 20% 100% LETTER GRADE ASSIGNMENT: Final Average in Percent Letter Grade 90-100 A 80-89.9 B 70-79.9 C 60-69.9 D 0-59.9 F ASSIGNMENTS: Homework assignments are due at the beginning of the next class after each chapter is completed. Some assignments are collected and graded (to be specified by the professor). Late homework assignments are not accepted. Homework and other problems will be addressed during lecture as time permits. MAKE-UP EXAMS: No make-up exams. If an exam is missed, the final automatically counts as two exams. Should you miss more than one exam, you will be administratively dropped from the course. No make-up quiz. Last Day For Administrative & Student Withdrawal MARCH 30, 2014 (@ 4:30pm) is the last day for student to withdraw from the course and receive a grade of “W” in the course. It is the responsibility of any student contemplating on dropping the course to do so by or before that day. I recommend that any student planning to drop the course should discuss his/her performance in the course with me first before dropping. Sometimes it may not be as bad as it looks. "NOTICE: Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. If you are considering course withdrawal because you are not earning passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test-taking skills, attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other assistance that might be available." . A STUDENT CAN NO LONGER ASK THE INSTRUCTOR TO WITHDRAW HIM/HER FROM A CLASS AFTER THE LAST DAY FOR ADMINISITRATIVE & STUDENT WITHDRWAL. ANY STUDENT WISHING TO WITHDRAW FROM A CLASS MUST DO SO BEFORE OR BY THE LAST DAY FOR WITHDRWAL. THIS IS A NEW RULE FROM THE COLLEGE AND THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE. A student who fails to withdraw by due date will automatically receive the grade of F since the instructor cannot with him/her after that date. Please take note of this new requirement. Besides, there is a new law in Texas which stipulates that beginning fall 2007, an undergraduate student attending any Public College/universities in Texas is allowed to have a maximum of six (6) withdrawals in his/her records prior to getting his/her first degree. Important Dates March 16-22 March 30 April 3-5 May 10 May 11-17 exam day) Spring Break Last Day to Drop with a grade of W Spring Holiday Instructions Ends Final Examinations(check school website for specifics Attendance – Students are expected to attend all classes. Texas state guidelines and HCCS policies require that student with more than 12.5% absences be withdrawn from the class. Effectively, students are subject to withdrawal when 3 classes are missed in the summer sessions and 4 classes in the regular semester. Three late arrivals or three early leavings will count as one absence. Attending class and paying attention is the key to a good grade. Stay current in your studies – be prepared for lectures. Class participation will be monitored and often adds to the course. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are struggling with the class. Academic Responsibility: Please refer to the Student Handbook concerning grievances, complaints, discipline (including student conduct), scholastic dishonesty and student rights. . Students with Disabilities – Any student with a documented disability who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Service Office (713 -718 – 5422) at the beginning of each semester. EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. Student Discipline – “Adult behavior is expected. Disruptive behavior/activities which interfere with teaching and/or learning will not be tolerated, and may result in an administrative withdrawal without refund” Electronics in the Classroom – All cellphones and other electronic devices must be turned off . Note: The instructor reserves the right to change/modify the syllabus, should there be any conflict with the schedule or policy of the college Tentative Instructional Outline: PHYS 2325 CALENDAR University Physics 1 TTh : 12:00P.M – 2:00 P.M WK CHAPTER EXAM 1 CHAPTER 1 1 CHAPTER 2 2 CHAPTER 2,3 . 3 CHAPTER 4 4 CHAPTER 5 5 CHAPTER 6 EXAM 1 6 7 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 8 8 CHAPTER 9. 9 CHAPTER 10 10 CHAPTER 11 11 CHAPTER 12 EXAM. 2 12 CHAPTER 13 13 CHAPTER 14,15 14/15 . CHAPTER 13-17 16 EXAM 3 FINAL EXAM Comprehensive PROBLEM SOLVING IN PHYSICS Physics is a lot like driving or swimming - you have to learn by doing it. You could read a book on driving and memorize every word in it, but when you are behind the wheel the first time you are going to have hard time to coordinate what you memorize in practice. After some training you will find that driving is the easiest thing to do. Similarly, you can read your text book and/or your note book carefully, memorize every equation and formula in it but when you finish you still has not learnt physics. To learn physics you have to go beyond passive reading; you have to interact with physics and experience it by doing (solving) problems. Below we present a brief summary of problem solving in physics. The suggestions should help to develop a systematic approach in problem solving. It should be underlined that at the outset that there is no recipe for solving problems in physics --- it is a creative activity. In fact the opportunity to be creative is one of the attractions in physics. The following suggestions then are not intended as a rigid set of steps that must be followed like steps in computer programming. Rather, they provide a general guideline that experienced problem solvers find to be effective. Read the problem carefully Before you can solve a problem you need to know exactly what information it gives and what it asks you to determine. This is essential first step in problem solving. Sketch the system You may say that this is not that important. It is important and worth doing it. A sketch helps you to acquire a physical feeling for the system. It also provides an opportunity to label those quantities that are known and those that are not determined. Visualize the physical process. Plan This may be the most difficult, but at the same time the most creative, part of the problem -solving process. From your sketch and visualization, try to identify the physical process at work in the system. Then develop a strategy -a game plan - for solving the problem. Identify appropriate equations Once a plan/strategy has been developed, find the appropriate equations to carry it out. Solve the equations Use basic algebra to solve the equations identified in the previous step. Work with symbols like x and y for the most part, substituting numerical values near the end of the calculations. Check your answers Once you have an answer, check to see if it make sense: (i) Does it have the right dimension? If you determine force the dimension should not be in seconds! (ii) Is the numerical value reasonable? 10/100 should not give a 1000!!! Explore limits/special cases Finally, it is tempting to look for shortcuts when doing a problem -- to look for a formula that seems to fit and some numbers to plug into it. It may seem harder to think ahead, to be systematic as you solve the problem, and then to think back over what you have done at the end of the problem. The extra effort is worth it, however, because by doing these things you will develop powerful problem solving skills that can be applied to unexpected problems you may encounter on exams --- in life in general!! Assignments: Practice problems are assigned from the text after every chapter is covered. Students are strongly advised to attempt all these selected problems and other problems from the text. In general, student who fail to do these assigned problems do not do well in the course.