Proficiency Exam Coordinator: Position Description

Title: Proficiency Exam Coordinator
Department: Language Learning Center (LLC)
Supervisor: Director, Language Learning Center (LLC), Centers for Learning and Academic
Support Services (CLASS), Office of Undergraduate Studies
Submit by May 13, 2016: 1) resume; 2) cover letter; and 3) two professional or academic references to:
Ms. Hilary S. Taylor, Language Learning Center Director, at or in Kellogg 1107.
The Proficiency Exam Coordinator is responsible for arranging and proctoring the Foreign Language Proficiency
Examination that allows students to meet CSUSM’s graduation Language Other Than English Requirement
(LOTER) and/or additional language requirements of specific majors, minors and areas of study.
The Coordinator creates and publishes a testing schedule each semester that meets student and LLC needs. The
Coordinator helps students determine if the exam is an appropriate choice for them (as one of the ways to meet
the LOTER). The Coordinator schedules students for exams and collaborates with campus offices if special
testing or fee circumstances are required. The Coordinator prepares exam materials and testing spaces, verifies
payments have been made, instructs students in exam procedures, and proctors the Exam. The Coordinator
processes finished exams and sends exams and evaluation materials to Evaluators (who are both on and off
campus). The Coordinator tracks outstanding evaluations and then collects and stores completed evaluations.
The Coordinator records results, alerts any specialized programs/advisors of results, and informs students of
The Coordinator will be trained in late May/early June and begin administering Exams in June. The schedule will be
20 hours per week in: fall semester; spring semester; one week prior to each semester; and for 4-6 weeks in
summer. Anticipate working 4-8 Saturdays each semester, 2-3 Saturdays each summer, and a few evenings
 Matriculated Graduate Student at CSUSM for Fall 2016 and anticipated registration for Spring 2017.
 Four semesters or six quarters of employment at a college or university.
 The personal traits, administrative skills, and computer skills needed to proctor exams with integrity.
 Ability to maintain confidentiality, receive and process payments, and keep personal information secure.
 Ability to plan, organize, coordinate, prioritize, and perform multiple work assignments.
 Ability to communicate professionally, both orally and in writing.
 Ability to handle computer software programs, basic computer hardware and website updating.
 When computer issues arise, ability to troubleshoot creatively and in a timely and calm fashion.
 An awareness and appreciation of the cultural diversity of the University community, in order to establish and
maintain cooperative and effective relations with University employees, students and the general public.
 Experience proctoring exams.
 Proficiency in a language other than English.
hst 4/26/16