Job Description EMPLOYEE’S FULL LEGAL NAME: Department: Language Learning Center Position Title: Instructional Student Assistant Job Code: 1150 (or 1151 if FWS) Time Base: Part-Time Union / Unit (if applicable): Position Reports To: Director Classification: Academic Student Employee Range Code: Exempt: ___ Non-Exempt: _X__ International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW)/Unit 11 PURPOSE OF POSITION: To tutor students in one of the languages taught at CSUSM at an upper-division level, covering both complex grammar topics and the writing process. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: Conduct one-on-one tutoring appointments Plan and lead group workshops Participate in tutor training Visit language classes & table % OF TIME: 75% 10% 10% 5% LIST OF DUTIES FOR EACH MAJOR RESPONSIBILITY: Assist students in classes ranging from 202 (the introduction of complex grammar and a gateway class to the minor/major) through upper-division 400-classes (covering complex grammar gaps in knowledge and the essay-writing process). Includes managing one’s tutoring schedule in the online appointment system. Create handouts, presentations, and develop interactive activities for group workshops to review difficult topics, reviews of the previous semester, and finals cram sessions. Workshops are usually held at U Hour. Each semester, participate in one 1-2 day group training before the semester starts; up to 4 morning meetings and 1 midday meeting during the semester; and individual meetings with the Director. The total training is 10 hours minimum. Each semester, achieve another level of international tutor certification. Table at special events and assist language instructors with interactive class activities when asked. SUPERVISION OF OTHERS: Tutors in their third semester or more of employment will be asked to mentor new tutors. REQUIREMENTS OF POSITION: 1. Certificates, licenses, or education required Rev 12/10/14 Page 1 Junior standing or higher at CSUSM (Note: Sophomores with high GPAs are also considered) 3.0 overall GPA, with a 3.3 GPA in the language(s) being tutored or fluency if no courses taken Enrollment in CSUSM courses each semester working. Ability to participate in trainings as described above. 2. Additional knowledge, skills, and abilities required for this position and tell why it is required. Relate the requirement to the major responsibilities: Ability to commit to a regular weekly schedule, to ensure that enough tutoring is being offered and so that students know when they can see a tutor. (Note: Anywhere from 4-10 hours is acceptable for a schedule.) 300-level to fluent knowledge of language being tutored, to best help students learning that material. Ability to relate well to others within the academic environment (supervisor, other staff, tutees, students asking questions), so that a positive and productive work environment is maintained. Good interpersonal and communication skills, patience, and the ability to listen well, in order to help students learn at their own pace. Good presentation skills in front of groups of up to 30 students, so that workshops go smoothly. Ability to be prompt, set a good example for others, be professional, and accept responsibility for one’s actions, in order to support the LLC’s working and learning environment. 3. Machines, tools, equipment, and motor vehicles used in the performance of the duties Basic computer use: internet, .PPT, .doc, .xls, online appointment system, and electronic timesheets. 4. Unique working conditions: None. Exceptions to the minimum eligibility qualifications may be granted at the sole discretion of the LLC. California State University San Marcos is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to compliance with all applicable laws providing equal employment opportunities. PURPOSE AND NATURE OF WORK RELATIONSHIPS: Maintain a professional, friendly, and service-oriented approach with CSUSM instructors, advisors, and other staff who request services or information. Rev 12/10/14 Page 2 PHYSICAL EFFORT: Check the appropriate box for each of the following items which most accurately describe the extent of the specific activity performed by this employee on a daily basis. Number of hours/day N/A 1-2 3-4 5-6 1. Sitting 2. Standing 3. Walking 4. Bending Over 5. Crawling 6. Climbing 7. Reaching overhead 12. Lifting or carrying A. 10 lbs or less B. 11 to 25 lbs C. 26 to 50 lbs D. 51 to 75 lbs E. 76 to 100 lbs F. Over 100 lbs 13. Repetitive use of hands/arms 14. Repetitive use of legs 15. Eye/hand coordination X X X X X X X X 8. Crouching 9. Kneeling 10. Balancing 11. Pushing or pulling Number of hours/day N/A 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+ X X X X X X X X X X X X X 16. Driving cars, trucks, forklifts and other equipment 17. Being around scientific equipment and machinery 18. Walking on uneven ground Yes No X X X MENTAL EFFORT ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Number of hours/day N/A 1-2 3-4 5-6 1. Directing others 2. Writing 3. Using math/calculations 4. Talking 5. Working at various tempos X X X X X 7+ Number of hours/day N/A 1-2 3-4 5-6 7+ 7+ 1. Inside 2. Outside 3. Humid 4. Hazards X X X X X 5. High places 6. Concentrating amid distractions 7. Remembering names 8. Remembering details 9. Making decisions 10. Working rapidly 11. Examining/ observing details 12. Discriminating colors Rev 12/10/14 X X X X X X 6. Hot 7. Cold 8. Dry 9. Wet 10. Change of temp X X 11. Dirty 12. Dusty 13. Odors 14. Noisy 15. Working w/others 16. Working around others 17. Working alone X X X X X X X X X X X Page 3 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES Employee Name: Term: Fall 2016 Supervisor: Hilary Taylor *Orientation Date/Time (if applicable): The job duties designated below are required of the employee. Please check the appropriate items and describe. _X__Attend course lectures (if asked by instructor and around tutor’s availability) ___Present lectures; Frequency/dates: ___Instruction/supervision of # sections/courses/labs per week _X_Preparation: Tutoring sessions and workshops (to be done during work hours) ___Hold ______ office hours per week _X_Supervisor/ASE(s) meetings: 10 hours of official training per semester ad hoc ___Read and evaluate student papers. Describe: ___Proctor examinations _X_Perform individual and/or group tutoring ___Maintain/submit student records (e.g. grades) ___Evaluate student assignments ___Provide research assistance _X_Perform other tasks as assigned: Represent LLC at events, tabling, international fair, etc. ___The supervisor will perform class observations. A Teaching Associate or exempt Graduate Assistant with a 50% time-base appointment shall normally be assigned a workload of no more than 320 hours per semester/220 hours per quarter/120 hours per 6 week summer session. A Teaching Associate or exempt Graduate Assistant with an appointment of 50% time-base or less shall normally be assigned a workload of no more than 8 hours in any one day and 40 hours in any one week. The number of hours worked in excess of 20 hours per week may not normally total more than 73 hours per semester/50 hours per quarter/27 hours per 6 week summer session. *Orientations are scheduled for some, but not all, Unit 11 positions. SIGNATURES SUPERVISOR: Signature Date DEPARTMENT HEAD: Signature Date FOR PRESIDENT: Signature Date My signature denotes that I understand and accept the duties, responsibilities, and functions assigned as outlined in the job description provided to me. This job description will be placed in my Unit 11 personnel file. INCUMBENT, AND/OR NEW STAFF MEMBER: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Employee Name Signature Date Rev 12/10/14 Page 4