PHYS 1402 Spring 2014 Stafford Center.doc

Spring, 2014
Class Number 80981
Course Level
Course Title
Course Rubric and Number
Semester with Course Reference
Number (CRN)
Course Location/Times
Course Semester Credit Hours
(SCH) (lecture, lab)
Total Course Contact Hours
Course Length (number of
Type of Instruction
Instructor contact information
(phone number and email
First Year (Freshman)
College Physic II
PHYS 1402
Spring, 2014
CRN 80981
Stafford Campus
Monday, Room S103, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Thursday, Room C 220, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
4 (3 lecture, 3 lab)
Office Location and Hours
Course Description: ACGM or
Course Description: HCC Catalog
Course Prerequisite(s)
Academic Discipline Program
Learning Outcomes
Dr. E. Daniel Akpanumoh
Office Phone: 713-718-5579
Learning Web:
12:30:PM – 12:30 PM Tuesday, immediately after class or by arrangement.
General principles, problems, fundamental laws, and theories. Course content
provides a foundation for work in advanced chemistry and related sciences.
Non-Calculus based course for medical related majors, architecture majors,
technology majors, other science majors and non-science majors, including those
trying to satisfy a lab-based science course for core-curriculum. Topics include one
and two dimensional motion, forces, work and energy, momentum and collision,
rotational motion and torque, thermal physics and laws of thermodynamics. This
course also has a laboratory component with selected experiments based on the
above listed related topics. This is a core-curriculum course.
PHYS 1401 (College Algebra, and MATH 1314 & 1316 ( Plane Trigonometry. Student
must also be in college-level writing (or take ENGL 0310/0349 as a core-quisite).
1. Students who successfully complete their chosen physics courses will be
able to transfer the credits to other colleges and universities to fulfill their
degree requirements in their chosen fields of study.
2. Students who complete their required courses will be able to pass MCAT,
DAT, etc.; and gain admission to their chosen medical related programs,
(including medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, dentistry, chiropractics,
optometry), within and outside the country,
3. Students who are pursuing their Associative Degree Programs at HCC, which
may include physics course(s), and who successfully complete the
stipulated course(s) will be able to meet their respective graduation
requirements for their Associate degrees.
4. Students who successfully complete their chosen physics course(s), can
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
Course Student Learning
Outcomes (SLO)
explain, describe and apply the various principles in physics in solving
various related and real life physics problems using the appropriate
In general those students who successfully complete physics course(s) can
use the pertinent principles learned in the course(s) to set up and perform
the various related laboratory experiments, gather and analyze required
data, answer related lab questions and write acceptable lab. reports.
1. Students who successfully complete the course can describe
oscillatory motion, waves and sound; and apply the pertinent
principles/equations in analyzing and solving related problems.
2. Students who successfully complete the course can explain the
basic principles involved in electricity, electrical force, electric
field, electrical power, direct current circuits, alternating
current and magnetism; and be able to analyze and solve
numerous related problems using these principles and the
appropriate equations.
3. Students who successfully complete the course can explain the
fundamental principles of geometrical and wave optics, and
distinguish between the two types of thin lenses; and be able
to apply the appropriate equations to solve numerous related
4. In general, student who complete the course successfully, can
apply the pertinent principles mastered in this course in setting
up and performing various related laboratory experiments
which are components of this course.
Learning Objectives
(Numbering system linked to
The above Stated Student Learning Outcomes will be achieved through
the following objectives:
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
 demonstrate their knowledge of oscillatory motion and simple
harmonic motion and identify the examples of simple harmonic
motion in our everyday life, and apply concepts in solving various
related problems
 explain the difference between longitudinal and transverse
 demonstrate their understanding of wave terminologies such as
wavelengths, period, frequency and amplitude, as well as their
graphical representations; and the use of wave formula to
perform related computations
 explain the properties and behavior of sound waves
 compare and contrast sound and electromagnetic waves in
terms of frequency, wave speed, medium, wavelength and wave
 demonstrate their understanding of the principle of Doppler
Effect and the related apparent change in frequency due to the
relative motion between sound source and listener/observer by
applying the related equations in solving problems
 demonstrate their knowledge of electric charges, their
properties, electric forces, electric field, electric forces by using
these concepts in solving related problems
 demonstrate their understanding of electrical potential energy
and potential difference, capacitors and their properties by
solving related problems using these concepts
 demonstrate their understanding of resistance to electric to the
flow of electric charges, currents, voltage and how they are
related in Ohm’s Law and electrical power by using the
appropriate equations containing these parameters in solving
related equations
 explain the principles and applications Superconductivity
 explain the fundamental concepts of DC circuits, combinations of
resistors, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage rules and apply these
concepts in analyzing various DC circuits
 demonstrate their knowledge of magnetism, its properties, its
relationship with electricity, the principles of electromagnetism,
Faraday, Lenz and Ampere’s Laws by using these knowledge in
solving related problems
 describe the working and design of generators, electric motors,
their properties and their use in everyday life
 distinguish between alternating current ( AC) and direct circuits
 demonstrate their understanding of the properties of AC, power
production in AC circuits, voltage drops across a resistor,
capacitor and inductor in AC circuits, resonance in AC circuits by
applying their concepts in solving various problems
 describe how electro-magnetic (EM) waves are generated and
 demonstrate their knowledge of the properties of EM waves
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
and EM spectrum and the wave equation by using these
principles in solving problems
explain the dual nature of light, the principles of refraction,
reflection, index of refraction, Snell’s Law and total internal
solve related problems using the appropriate equations
state the properties of image formations by flat/pain mirrors
distinguish between converging and diverging mirrors, virtual
and real images, and upright and inverted images
use mirror formula to solve numerous geometrical optics
identify converging and diverging lenses
apply the lens equations to solve related problems including
combination lenses
explain the wave nature of light and Young’s Double Slit
demonstrate their understanding of behavior of light as a wave
including interference, diffraction, polarization, etc; by applying
these properties in solving related problems
describe the various optical instruments including the camera,
the various parts of the human eye, the magnifying glass,
compound microscope and telescopes
explain the defects of the eye and correctional measures
including far-sightedness, short-sightedness, cataract,
stigmatism and glaucoma
Students who score 70% and above in examinations, assignments, lab work
are considered to have successfully completed the course.
SCANS and/or Core Curriculum
Course Calendar
Reading, Speaking/Listening, Critical Thinking, Computer/Information Literacy
Tentative Syllabus & Exam Schedule for PHYS 1402 Spring 2014.
Topics To Be Discussed
Vibrations and Waves
Lab. 1
Reference Chapters
Chapter 13
Simple Harmonic Motion
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Chapter 14
Revised 2/1/11
Lab. 2
Speed of Sound
Electric Forces & Electric Fields
Lab. 3
Chapter 15
Electric Field
Electrical Energy & Capacitance
Chapter 16
5.***EXAMINATION 1, February 10, 2014. Chapters 13-16***
Currents and Resistance
Lab. 4
Ohm’s Law
Direct Current Circuits
Lab. 5
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Kirchhoff’s Rule
Direct Current Contd.
8. Magnetic Forces
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Induced Voltages and Inductance
Chapter 20
10. ***EXAMINATION 2, March 19, 2014 CHAPTERS 17-20****
Alternating Current & EM Waves
Reflection and Refraction
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Revised 2/1/11
Last Day To drop with a Grade of “W March, 31 2014
Reflection of Light: Mirrors
Lab. 6 & 7
Law of Reflection & Geometric Optics
Lab 8, 9 & 10
Optical Labs
Geometrical Optics
Plane Mirror Image Formation
Spherical Mirror Image Formation
Thin Lenses Image Formation
Wave Optics
Chapter 24
Optical Instruments
Chapter 25
EXAMINATION 3, April 23, 2014
Chapter 23
Chapters 21 - 24
****Comprehensive FINAL EXAM. May 5, 2014****
Instructors Requirements:
Physics is not a “spectator’s game!” In order to complete the course successfully, a
student must be prepared to solve many problems on his/her own time. This
hopefully should help the student to do well in the exams. A student should spend
2-3 hours in preparation for every stipulated hour of lecture. It is worth noting that
problem solving skill cannot be acquired by simply watching the instructor work
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
the problems in class. The student must practice solving problems on his/her own.
Simple because the professor may explain the materials so well during the lecture,
do not make the big mistake of not looking over the lectures and practicing
working the problems worked by the professor in class. You should also prepare
for class by at least reading the materials of the new chapter to be covered before
coming to class. Avoid the mistake of studying from exam to exam, that is, only
looking over and preparing for the exam a day or so before the exam. You cannot
do well in physics this way, though this method may work in other subjects. IT
You have to be constantly studying right from the very first time the materials are
covered in class by the professor. No matter how good a student you may be, no
matter how many A,s you have made in all other subjects, remember you are
taking a course that requires the highest degree of learning including critical
thinking, analyzing, evaluating, reasoning, logic, problem solving, mathematics,
you name it. So what may have worked in all those other courses such as
memorizing the materials and expecting to remember them during the exam, will
never work in physics. You must roll down your sleeves and get down to working
the problems over and over again until you understand them. If you follow these
guidelines, you will certainly discover that learning physics is fun and you will
complete the course with a good grade. Remember I am here to help you. If you
are having problems solving the assigned problems or even those I do in class, do
not hesitate to come to me for help. The way to make it is by reinforcement.
NOTE! Lack of preparation, lack of commitment, lack of hard work and lack of
dedication on your own part, would not constitute an emergency situation on my
own part. You are totally in control of your destiny in this class. I am here to help
you succeed in this course but I need a lot of serious effort from you.
Some Useful Hints
Read the problem very carefully and make sure that you understand the
wording of the problem. If possible, try and have a mental picture of the
problem in your mind.
Make a list of all known/given parameters and all unknown/required
parameters from the problem. This is the starting point. Without this crucial
step, you are lost.
If possible, draw diagrams of all forces involved, label them, and assume their
Use the appropriate theories to write down the correct equation(s) that relate
the unknown(s) with the known(s) parameters. Note that in some instances
more than one equation may be needed.
Solve the equation(s) using the pertinent algebraic techniques.
Once an answer has been obtained, do not stop there, but ask yourself the
question, “given the information of the problem is my answer correct?” If
possible double- check your work to correct any possible errors made during the
process. It is a lot of fun to solve problems and arrive at the correct answers. It
makes you feel good about yourself. However if you fail to get the correct
answer after one trial, do not give up. Try and try again. If still unsuccessful then
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
1. Chapter 13: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 26, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 49
, 53.
2. Chapter 14: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 23, 24, 25, 26, 68.
3. Chapter 15: 1, 9, 10, 11, 13, 19, 23, 27, 28, 51.
4. Chapter 16: 1, 3, 26, 29, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 44, 45, 61.
5. Chapter 17: 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 45,
50, 59?
6. Chapter 18: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31, 32,
33, 35, 37, 46, 56
7. Chapter 19: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 32?, 38, 39, 40
8. Chapter 20: 1, 2, 4, 6, 26, 28, 29, 33, 34, 44, 46, 50, 55, 56, 57, 59,
9. Chapter 21: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 18, 19, 21, 23, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33,
34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 51.
10. Chapter 22: 5, 18, 34, 36 + + +
11. Chapter 23: 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 29, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44,
12. Chapter 24: 1, 2, 3, 6 9 + + +
13. Chapter 25: (Maybe or may not be any assigned problems).
++++++.. indicates that more problems may be assigned as deemed
NOTE! Students are strongly encouraged to attempt as many of these problems as
possible on their own and at their own time. Even though these assigned home
work may not be collected and graded, past experience shows that students who
do not practice these assigned problems and those who utterly fail to attempt
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
them, generally do not do well in the course. Constant practice will help students
acquire the needed skills in solving the problems. Examination problems are fairly
similar to some of these assigned homework problems.
Instructional Methods
Student Assignments
Student Assessment(s)
Instructor’s Requirements
Standard class lectures using the whiteboard with occasional use of PowerPoints.
Laboratory Policy
Please see the Lab Report Format in another section of this syllabus.
Reports are due one week after the experiment has been done. THERE ARE NO
EXCEPTIONS TO THIS REQUIREMENT. Please do not procrastinate.
On separate sheet of blank paper you should write your name, course
number, course/class title, time and days of class meeting, and lab title.
The Objective of the lab should be clearly stated and the caption,
“OBJECTIVE”, should be underlined.
The Caption, “EQUIPMENT”, should also be underlined and the equipment
A summary of the Theory should also be stated.
A summary of the Procedure/Method should also be stated. Please be precise.
Note! Items nos. 2-6 above should be type- written and it is worth 20% for
every Lab Report. If you leave the type-written (“Write-Up”) segment
mentioned above off your Lab Report, you are starting with 80%, that is, you
have lost 20% of your Lab Report grade. This applies to every Lab Report you
will do in this class. Please beware.
8. All data collected during the lab should be reported on the data table provided
on Lab Manual.
9. All questions and all required computations should be attempted on the space
provided on the before each. Please leave none blank unless otherwise stated.
10. Each lab should contain Conclusion and Observations/Remarks about the lab.
11. Please try and submit a NEAT and WELL ORGANIZED REPORT for good grade.
12. After the completion of lab report, and staple all the sheets together before
submitting your final report.
13. There is NO LAB MAKE-UP. You can only report on the lab you actually
participated in.
14. Please observe all equipment and Lab Safety Rules.
15. At the end of every lab, each group should appoint a member to clean up and
return the equipment where the instructor directs.
16. Absolutely no copying of Lab Reports is allowed. Please beware!
There is always a temptation to copy somebody else lab report. Don’t do it. If you
are caught, you and the person you copied from will be penalized.
17. Have fun during the Lab, but do not get carried away.
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
Exams and Make-up Policy
Examinations will consist of three non-cumulative regular exams plus a
comprehensive final (20%). Programmable calculators, such as the TI 83 Plus, are
not allowed during exams! The department has calculators that you can use on
test days if you do not have a “regular” calculator. Make-up exams will not
normally be given, so make every effort to take the exams on their scheduled
dates. In the event that you must miss a regular exam, I will count the grade made
on the final exam as the grade for the missed exam (for one missed exam only),
and calculate the final course grade accordingly. If you do not miss any of the
regular exams, I will replace your lowest exam score with your final exam score if
the final exam grade is higher. This is intended to provide you a "second chance" if
you do not do well on a particular exam. Remember that the final exam will be
comprehensive (meaning that it will cover all of the material from the whole
semester, not just the last part). Please note that all students are required to take
the final (no student can be exempted).
HCC Grading Scale
Instructor Grading Criteria
During the semester I will periodically give a short pop quizzes. These are intended
to help you prepare for the real exam. These will be un-announced.. These quizzes
are highly beneficial for learning the material and are intended to help you in this
regard. There is also an end of chapter quiz altogether worth 10% of course grade.
At the program level, the Physics Program strives to accomplish the Program
Learning Outcomes, Student Learning Outcomes, and Learning Objectives as in
your physics classes at HCC which will prepare you well for future described above.
We desire that you receive a challenging and rewarding experience while learning
physics and related science courses that you may take in the future.
For grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number
A=100 – 90;……………………………………4 points per semester hour
B = 89 – 80: …………………………………….3 points per semester hour
C = 79 – 70: …………………………………….2 points per semester hour
D = 69 – 60: …………………………………….1 point per semester hour
59 and below = F………………………………..0 points per semester hour
IP (In Progress) …………………………………………………….0 points per semester hour
W(Withdrawn)……………………………………………………..0 points per semester hour
I (Incomplete)……………………………………………………….0 points per semester hour
AUD (Audit) ………………………………………………………….0 points per semester hour
FX is the new grade designated for students who just stop coming and
do not formally withdraw from the course.
IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must
re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing
education courses. To compute of semester hours attempted. The grades “IP,”
“COM” and “I” do not affect GPA.
See the above descriptions of the lab, exams, quizzes, and final. The course grade
is based on these four criteria according to the Assessment section below..
There are three options that you can choose from depending on you and the
desired grade. Please study each option very carefully before choosing the one to
follow. If you opt to do a project, you need to begin on time. These options will be
very clearly explained in class. You do not understand, please ask. Basically your
decide what grade you want to earn based on how much effort you plan to put in
and your performance in the exams. If you do not test very well as may be the case
sometimes, you may want to choose an option with less weight on exams. etc.
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
Final Course Grade and Grading Scale
The final Course grade will be computed as follows:
Exam I…………………………….13.333 %
Exam II……………………………13.333 %
Exam III.……………………..……13.333 %
Research Project…………………...10 %
Research Project* ………………. 10%
Lab. & Lab. Reports……………….20%
Final Exam………………………….20 %
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPTION 2:
Exam. 1…………………………… 16.66%
Exam. 2. …………………………... 16.66 %
Exam 3………………………………16.66 %
Lab. & Lab. Reports………………..20.00 %
Quizzes………………………………. 10%
Final Exam……………………………20 %
100 %
Exam. 1………………………………... 10%
Exam. 2………………………………... 10%
Exam. 3 ………………………………... 10%
Quizzes ………………………………….10%
Project Design* …………………………20%
Lab. & Lab. Reports ……………………20%
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
Final Exam. …………………………….. 20%
A = 90 – 100 %
B = 80 – 89 %
C = 70 – 79 %
D = 60 – 69 %
F < 60 %
* Please refer to PHYS 1402 Research Projects on Learning Web for
Instructions and more information.
Instructional Materials
Required Textbook:
Physics 9th
Raymond A.
Chris Vuille;
ISBN-101111-563837, ISBN-13
Print: ISBN10 0-84006206-0,
Laboratory Manual: No Lab. Manual is required but the experiments are listed in a
separate section of this Learning Web. Students should download and print the
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
experiment and bring copy to class on lab day.
Optional Study Guide and Solutions Manual: Students may purchase this if they feel
that they need it. It is not required.
HCC Policy Statement:
Academic Honesty
Student attendance
Withdrawal deadline
Access Student Services Policies on their Web site:
Disability Support Services (DSS)
“Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision,
hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the
Disability Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester.
Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the
Disability Support Services Office.”
If you have any special needs or disabilities which may affect your ability to
succeed in college classes or participate in any college programs or activities,
please contact the DSS office for assistance. At Southwest College, contact Dr.
Becky Hauri, 713-718-7909. Contact numbers for the other HCC colleges are found
in the Annual Schedule of Classes, and more information is posted at the HCC web
site at Disability Services.
Academic Honesty
“Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in
fulfilling course requirements. Disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by the
college system against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Penalties can
include a grade of "0" or "F" on the particular assignment, failure in the course,
academic probation, or even dismissal from the college. Scholastic dishonesty
includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.” In this
class, the penalty for willful cheating on exams is a grade of F in the course. This is
the standard policy of the Physical Sciences department at Southwest College.
Attendance Policy
The HCCS attendance policy is stated as follows: “Students are expected to attend
classes regularly. Students are responsible for materials covered during their
absences, and it is the student's responsibility to consult with instructors for makeup assignments. Class attendance is checked daily by instructors. Although it is the
responsibility of the student to drop a course for non-attendance, the instructor has
full authority to drop a student for excessive absences. A student may be dropped
from a course for excessive absences after the student has accumulated absences in
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
excess of 12.5% of the hours of instruction (including lecture and laboratory time).” If
circumstances significantly prevent you from attending classes, please inform me. I
realize that sometimes outside circumstances can interfere with school, and I will try
to be as accommodating as possible, but please be aware of the attendance policy.
Policy Regarding Multiple Repeats of a Course
“NOTICE: Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face
significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and
universities. If you are considering withdrawing from the course because you are
not earning passing grades, confer with your instructor/counselor as early as
possible about your study habits, reading and writing homework, test-taking skills,
attendance, course participation, and opportunities for tutoring or other
assistance that might be available.”
Last Day for Administrative and Student Withdrawals
For Spring, 2014 classes, this date is March 31, 2014 by 4:30 PM. I urge
any student who is contemplating withdrawing from the class to meet
with me first! You may be doing better than you think. Either way, I
want to be accessible and supportive. I do not believe in "weed out"
classes, and I consider you to be much more than just a name or
number! Note my office hours above; if you need assistance, I'm here
to help.
 Policy Regarding Withdrawals 
Students desiring to withdraw from a class must do so by the above
withdrawal date by filling out a withdrawal form at the registrar’s
office. After this date, instructors can no longer enter a grade of “W” for
the course for any reason.
Distance Education and/or
Continuing Education Policies
Access DE Policies on their Web site:
Access CE Policies on their Web site:
Test Bank
Scoring Rubrics
Besides the pop quizzes which will be given periodically, there are some practice
problems on-line to help you.
Regular exams, quizzes, and the final will consist of multiple-choice and show-work
questions. These are graded in the standard manner.
The lab reports are graded on the basis of completeness, neatness, and the
correctness of the calculations tied to the experimental result. The pre- and post-lab
questions are also checked. Each report is graded on a 10 point basis.
Sample Assignments
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11
Sample Instructional
See the Power Points at my Learning Web site for an overview of the content of each
Important Dates
1 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair
2 To be customized by individual instructor
3 To be completed by Discipline/Program Chair as appropriate
Revised 2/1/11