Houston Community College System Associate Degree Nursing Program RNSG 2130 Professional Nursing Review and Licensure Preparation Spring, 2012 (83309 & 83362) Revised -1/2012 RNSG 2130: Professional Nursing Review and Licensure Preparation Course Description: Nursing curriculum review course applicable to requirements for knowledge, synthesis, and application of concepts required of the entry level nurse. Includes application of knowledge, judgment, skills and professional values from all nursing and applicable academic courses. Learning Outcomes: The learner will review and apply content provided in the entire curriculum, utilizing the nursing process, critical thinking, and problem-solving, to simulated client situations. The student will explore materials relevant to and preparatory weakness, and content requiring further study. Co-requisites: All previous nursing courses are required prior to RNSG 2130. Instructor Information: Dinez Esmail, RN, MS 1900 Pressler, Suite 324 Houston, Texas 77030 dinez.esmail@hccs.edu Telephone: TBA Course Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this course, the student will have been provided learning activities to: 1. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and concepts applicable to entry level nursing competencies. 2. Determine individual competency level applicable to nursing content areas. 3. Know expected level of performance on the NCLEX-RN. 4. Identify content areas requiring remediation in preparation for the NCLEX-RN. 5. Demonstrate testing skills at the level of the NCLEX-RN. Methods of Accomplishing Learning Outcomes: 1. Self-study NCLEX-RN book and/or mandated practice exams 2. Lecture/discussion of significant nursing concepts 3. Computer assisted instruction 4. Exit Exam Benchmark Required Texts: Silverstri, Linda. Comprehensive Review NCLEX-RN Examination. Saunders—latest edition. ISBN: 9781437708257 RN Hesi Practice Exams. Elsevier. ISBN: 9781455727384 Evaluation: There will be several methods of evaluating satisfactory performance in this course. Grading Scale: A = 90-100 B = 89-80 C = 79-75 D = 74-70 F = 69 or les A maximum of three attempts are allowed to achieve a passing score of 90% on the comprehensive exit exam. Each attempt to test is restricted to no more than four (4) hours. Exit exams will be offered on pre-set dates as determined by the ADN program. If you achieve the 90% on first attempt then full 10% will be awarded, if by second attempt 90% is achieved then only 8% will awarded, if by third attempt 90% is achieved then only 6% will be awarded. Grading Criteria: Practice Exam Management---------------15% Practice Exam Pharmacology-------------15% Practice Exam Med-Surg------------------15% Practice Exam Pediatrics------------------15% Practice Exam OB-------------------------15% Practice Exam Dosages and Calculations 15% Comprehensive Exit Exam----------------10% For each of the practice exam you will be given three (3) attempts to score 85% or higher. You must make an 85% within the three attempts to get the full percentage. IF you are unable to reach the 85% the highest grade of the three attempts will be counted. ALL PRACTICE EXAMS MUST BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 7, 2012. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THEM ALL COMPLETED BY THAT DATE A GRADE OF ZERO WILL BE RECORDED FOR THE UNATTEMPTED PRACTICE EXAMS. The last day to withdraw from the course with a “W” is March 29, 2012. Policies: All students are required to adhere to HCCS policies as delineated in the HCCS and A.D.N. Student Handbooks. Compliance with American with Disabilities Act: Students with a documented disability or need for instructional accommodation due to disability are required to meet with the department chair and present said documentation at the commencement of the course. SCANS-Area of Competency: None assigned to this course. Notice: Students who repeat a course three or more times may face significant tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. RNSG 2130: Professional Nursing Review and Licensure Preparation Acknowledgment Form Houston Community College System Associate Degree Nursing Program **Please read, sign and return this form to your instructor I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Syllabus for RNSG 2130. I know that I am required to read this syllabus in its entirety within two days of receipt. I am aware that, after two days, the Associate Degree Nursing Program will presume that I have read the syllabus. If this is not the case, I will notify the Department Chair of the program in writing. I am aware that entry in the course establishes a contract governed by the policies and procedures discussed in this syllabus. _________________________ Student Signature __________________________ Printed Name ____________________________________ Date of Receipt