2013 - 2014 Spring Issue 2

HD Peer’s Newsletter
Month of Counseling Services
Spring 2014, Issue 2
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
-Margaret Mead
Interviewing CSUSM’s Cheryl Labelle
1. How did you decide that the Major Human Development was for you
and what concentration are you?
I am a Child Services Concentration. I decided Human Development is
the best major for me because it is the closest major that could best
prepare me for the Masters of Communication Sciences and Disorders
here at CSUSM.
2. How do you hope to use your degree?
I hope my degree gives me a unique background in understanding the
development of humans and how to best serve the individuals I work
with in the future. I hope to use this degree as a stepping stone for
getting into graduate school.
3. When are you set to graduate?
I graduate in spring 2015
4. Do you hope to continue your education?
Yes, I do hope to continue my education. I hope to pursue masters in
Speech Language Pathology and possibly a doctorate, depending on
where life takes me.
5. What steps do you need to complete before you apply for a Graduate
Program? (Such as applying for the program, taking the GRE, Interning,
Volunteering, Letters of Rec.)
The programs I am applying for require these steps before I apply:
• I need take the GRE and the CBEST.
• I need to ask at least three professors for letters recommendation.
• I need to write an essay based on a prompt
• Volunteering will always help to beef up my resume.
6. What do you see yourself doing in 5 years? (Discuss a company you
may hope to work for, education program in progress, etc)
5 years from now, I see myself fresh out of graduate school, just
starting my practice as a Speech Language Pathologist, pursuing my
passion for helping people by building on their strengths and giving
them tools to become better communicators.
7. What are your words of wisdom pertaining to students and the
Don’t let fear paralyze you from doing anything you want.
Theory of the Month
What’s going on at CSUSM?
Human Development Club:
-Next Meeting is April 10th and 17th in ACD 305
For the Social Science Research & Instructional Council
-April 10th Papers are due for Student Research Conference
-April 24th Presentations for the May 8 SSRIC Student Research
Conference at CSUF
Have you been considering Grad
CSUSM is now accepting applications for the Fall 2014
Masters in Social Work.
Information about Counseling Services:
Interested in helping others? Through Counseling Services,
you are learning the first steps of your education to a
rewarding career. To help make someone their best self is so
important because it affects all aspects of their life.
Here are some of the wonderful
careers one can be a part of:
• Teaching
• School Counseling
• Marriage & Family Therapist
• Career Counselor
• Case Manager
• Community Educator and many more.
Some Schools that offer further education are:
• CSULB- MFT and School Counseling
• SFSU- MSW, School, & Rehabilitation Counseling
• CSUSB- Counseling and Guidance M.S.
Frank Parsons and Jesse Davis
“Parsons believed that school guidance was an effective prevention
for difficulties later in life. Davis set up a guidance program in schools
that taught life skills to students. Their theory was that education and
the teaching of life skills would prevent and cure the ills of society.
Prevention is still a large factor of counseling psychology today.”
We would love to hear from you.
If you have suggestions or information pertaining to HD and
want to share it, we may be able to incorporate them into our
next newsletter. Thank you and have a great semester!
HD Peer: Matthew Thompson thomp144@cougars.csusm.edu
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