CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 2016 HARRY E. BRAKEBILL Distinguished Professor Award Instructional faculty and librarians (lecturer and tenure-track) who have been employed at CSUSM for at least five years may be nominated for the Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor Award. They may be nominated by colleagues, students, alumni and/or staff. The awardee is chosen on the basis of outstanding contributions to their students, to their academic disciplines, and to the campus communities through their teaching; research, scholarship, or creative activity; and service. Individuals interested in nominating a professor should contact that professor and ascertain their willingness to be nominated. The individual nominating a distinguished professor must formally submit a letter which substantiates the nomination. This letter should state how you know the nominee, her/his qualifications as an outstanding professor, and (for students) the courses you have taken from the nominee. Forward letter to: Academic Senate Office, Kellogg 5004, CSUSM, 92096-0001. Or email: Academic Senate Office. Nomination Submission Deadline: 5:00 PM, May 20, 2016 Questions? Contact the Academic Senate Office * Nominees shall acknowledge their willingness to participate by sending an acceptance letter to the Academic Senate Office upon learning of their nomination from the Senate Office. Members of the Selection Committee may not accept nominations for the award. More information is found at: