Senate Chair Debbie Kristan's Report to Faculty

The Constitution of our Academic Senate
directs us to hold at least one, scheduled,
all-faculty meeting each academic year.
Faculty who are not senators and do not
attend senate meetings can be brought up
to date on the work of the Senate.
All faculty and staff have the chance to hear
from the President, the Provost, the Senate
Chair, and the Brakebill Award honoree.
Highlights of Senate
Fall 2015
Senate Administrative Assistant:
Karen Arvin
Senate Chair and Senate Vice Chair positions
will be independent.
Each position serves for two years, starting
year is staggered.
Spring 2016 Elections: open position for
Senate Vice Chair (1 course release per
Approved approximately 30 curricular items.
Completed catalog reconciliation for CEHHS
New electronic C form – start Fall 2016.
Updated University RTP document available
starting Fall 2015.
Department RTP documents continue to be
generated and revised.
Committees received ~20 referrals for new
Passed and implemented the policy for
Assigned Time for Exceptional Service to
Students. Initial awards were made.
Endorsed a resolution to call for open searches
for campus presidents.
Ongoing discussions for lecturer inclusion, in
consultation with the Faculty Center.
Hiring Tenure Track Faculty
Need to Hire Tenure Track Faculty
“…ACR 73 (Strom-Martin) passed by
the California State Legislature in 2001
set a minimum goal of 75%. The
Academic Senate of the CSU (ASCSU),
Chancellor’s Office, and California
Faculty Association jointly developed a
plan to achieve the minimum ratio of
75% tenured/probationary faculty by
Source: Statewide Academic Senate, 2011:
ASCSU-FAC: Statewide Academic Senate Faculty
Affairs Committee
CSU-HR: Human Resources, Office of the Chancellor
Need to Hire Tenure Track Faculty
Chancellor’s Office:
Student Success & Completion Initiatives
CSU Board of Trustees, 2014:
Tenure Track Faculty 53 (25%)
 Lecturer Faculty
162 (75%)
FTES* taught by Tenure Track 610 (35%)
 FTES* taught by Lecturers
1134 (65%)
*Source: IPA
Tenure Track Faculty
 Lecturer Faculty
124 (37%)
214 (63%)
◦ 4 lecturers with multiple appointments are counted in each
FTES taught by Tenure Track 1873 (31%)
 FTES taught by Lecturers
4213 (69%)
Tenure Track Faculty
 Lecturer Faculty
31 (48%)
33 (52%)
FTES taught by Tenure Track 577 (52%)
 FTES taught by Lecturers
535 (48%)
Tenure Track Faculty
◦ Includes 1 FERP, 2 Assoc. Deans
Lecturer Faculty
79 (61%)
◦ If faculty who teach in extended learning are counted, the total
lecturer faculty is 84
FTES taught by Tenure Track
668 (29%)
 FTES taught by Lecturers
1602 (71%)
Tenure Track Faculty
 Lecturer Faculty
12 (75%)
4 (25%)
 Tenure Track Faculty
 Lecturer Faculty
266 (34%)
518 (66%)
Source: IPA, except for library faculty
FTES taught by:
 Tenure Track Faculty
 Lecturer Faculty
Source: IPA; does not include library faculty
3848 (35%)
7276 (65%)
March 17th
MARK 125, 12p – 1p
To all the faculty
To all the staff
To all the administrators
Whose hard work and dedication
make CSUSM a vibrant campus