Page 1 of 3 Form IIPP-1 WRITTEN INJURY AND ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM I. Completion of this form indicates that it is the policy of CSUSM to fully comply with Labor Code Sec 6401.7 (SB 198) and General Industry Safety Order Title 8, Sec 3203, Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). Organization: CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS Address: SAN MARCOS CA 92096-0001 Telephone Number: (760) 750-4000 Type of Business: EDUCATION II. PERSON(S) WITH AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR IMPLEMENTING CSUSM'S INJURY AND ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM: Name, Title: ALEXANDER GONZALEZ, PRESIDENT Description of Authority and Responsibility: Establishes University policy Name, Title: ERNEST E. ZOMALT, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Description of Authority and Responsibility: Implements policy and allocates funds III. CSUSM'S SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFYING, EVALUATING AND PREVENTING OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH HAZARDS INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: 1. Review of applicable General Industry Safety Orders and other Safety Orders that apply to the operation. 2. Review of industry and general information (including Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals used) concerning potential occupational safety and health hazards. 3. Investigation of all accidents, injuries, illnesses, and unusual events that have occurred at this location (see IV below). 4. Periodic and scheduled inspections of general work areas and specific work stations (see IV below). 5. Evaluation of information provided by employees (see IV below). 6. Employee input to IIPP Advisory Committee. Page 2 of 3 IV. INSPECTIONS ARE CONDUCTED TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH SAFETY REQUIREMENTS, TO IDENTIFY ANY ADDITIONAL HAZARDS AND TO INVESTIGATE ACCIDENTS, INJURY AND ILLNESS CASES AND UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES. Frequency and Responsibility for Inspections EH&OS will conduct periodic inspections of worksites based upon hazard evaluation (proactive) and injury/illness frequencies (retroactive). Documentation of Inspections Periodic scheduled inspections are documented methods for correction of hazards identified. Copies of the inspections will be reviewed by the IIPP Advisory Committee with recommendations to the University President. Accident and Injury/Illness Investigation Inspections (investigations) are conducted as soon as possible after an accident or occupational injury or illness is reported. These investigations are documented on Form IIPP-5. These forms are maintained at Human Resources Management by the Benefits Manager. V. EMPLOYEE SAFETY TRAINING IS PROVIDED INITIALLY UPON HIRE AND IN THE FOLLOWING CIRCUMSTANCES: 1. Initial training for all new employees upon hiring and prior to assignment or reassignment. This training is documented on the Form IIPP-6 and maintained by EH&OS. Training includes general area safety, specific assignment or job safety training and potential occupational safety and health hazards. This training is to be provided by the supervisor. 2. Supervisors are trained regarding hazards and safe practices in their area of responsibility by personnel who can provide this special training, i.e. EH&OS for MSDS training, factory representatives for specific equipment training. VI. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS WITH EMPLOYEES HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED WHICH INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING METHODS: 1. Communication of safe working conditions, work practices, and required personal protective equipment is included in initial and all subsequent training. 2. Other forms of employer-to-employee communications on safety topics, include posters, informal on-the-job instruction, safety booklets, standardized office procedures, training provided by factory representatives, and special education received during attendance at safety training courses. Page 3 of 3 3. Employees have been advised by training received from their supervisors that safe work conditions, safe work practices, and use of required personnel protective equipment are mandatory and will be enforced by recognition of compliance and good safety records and by disciplinary actions for non-compliance. 4. CSUSM solicits safety related information from employees through suggestions on Form IIPP-8. This form may be submitted anonymously. Suggestions received during meetings and to the work supervisor are also welcome. 5. Employees have been advised that there will be no reprisals or other job discrimination for expressing any concern, comment, suggestion, or complaint about safety-related matters. 6. Additional refresher training is provided by the supervisor every time there is a violation of safe practices. Records of this training will be part of the Form IIPP-5, Accident Illness Investigation Form. VII. RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS OF 8 CCR SEC 3203 WILL BE ADHERED TO, INCLUDING: Maintenance of all written records by the area supervisor at the job site for three years. VIII. REVIEW AND APPROVAL: This Injury and Illness Prevention Program is hereby approved: (signed) 9/5/97 ____________________________________________________________ Signature: Alexander Gonzalez Date President, CSUSM Responsible Person(s): Signature indicates that a copy of the program has been provided and responsibility to implement the program is understood. (signed) 9/5/97 ____________________________________________________________ Signature: Ernest E. Zomalt Date Executive Vice President, CSUSM